Weight-Loss The May Weight Loss Challenge

Hey everyone
Great job to all of you. I know I' am late but I was wondering since it's May..
If I could maybe join, or is it too late?

so far...
May 9th-164

Well, 'tis not my forum, but I say . . . the more the merrier! :D
*tilts head and thinks to self* Ya know, this thread has become quite popular . . . we're attracting more people . . . I wonder if we should charge admission when Fish and 'Bro start the June WL Challenge . . .
I wonder if we should charge admission when Fish and 'Bro start the June WL Challenge

Not a bad idea.....

So what are your guys goals for June 1st? Where do you see yourselves being at at the end of the challenge?
Not a bad idea.....

So what are your guys goals for June 1st? Where do you see yourselves being at at the end of the challenge?

Good job trying to get us all back on track, Mr. Mod! :D

We'll keep this realistic. I'd like to be at least 10 pounds lighter and have my arms be a lot more toned than they were at the beginning of the month. I also want going to the gym on a regular basis to be a habit by then.
I am also aiming for 10 pounds and a little bit of bulk off of my waist. Those are my goals... now I'm just working my buns off to get there... literally ;)
So what are your guys goals for June 1st? Where do you see yourselves being at at the end of the challenge?

Even though this is a weight loss challenge, my goal is to be able to run 10k. Not just a one time shot, either. I'm not giving myself a time limit, but just to be able to complete it with confidence.

If I happen to lose 10 lbs in the process, then all the better.
Oh, I know how to deal with Ali, alright.

I am not even pretending to know how to deal with Ali......
Unfortunately the Ali I met over a month ago is not the Ali I know now.
*sigh* For the good old days of March with a not so confident Ali.....
Instead now I have 2 women on this forum telling me- not asking nicely mind you- what to do.
If Jessie ever joins them in this I am toast and powerless. mmmmmmmm Powerless toast.....

Angela on the other hand is nothing that a whip and some cuffs won't handle.:D
Uhhhhhhh... what in the hell happened in here? I'm pretty sure last time I came by we were on page 3. And I missed the Animaniacs banter! WTF. Of all the days for me to pick to not slack off... I knew I'd regret getting shit done today.

You really should know better than to work on a Friaday anyway- even if there was nothing going on here...
Clearly your own fault.:D
Powerless toast sounds pretty good... but sadly I have not proven myself yet.

Therefore, I feel that I cannot be too pushy just yet.

Now, if I prove that I can kick butt, then you may be in trouble...

So you just better hope that I don't kick butt!
Powerless toast sounds pretty good... but sadly I have not proven myself yet.

Therefore, I feel that I cannot be too pushy just yet.

Now, if I prove that I can kick butt, then you may be in trouble...

So you just better hope that I don't kick butt!

Pretty sure you will be pushy soon enough:D
I am actually hoping you kick butt.:D
Angela on the other hand is nothing that a whip and some cuffs won't handle.:D

Think so do ye? Ha! Good luck with that . . . Just don't be surprised when the tables are turned . . . Mr. Toast. :D

... but sadly I have not proven myself yet . . . Therefore, I feel that I cannot be too pushy just yet

You don't have to prove yourself to anyone to be pushy (actually, confident is a better word!!) The stronger you are the stronger your reserve to complete this journey will be. ;)
Not a bad idea.....

So what are your guys goals for June 1st? Where do you see yourselves being at at the end of the challenge?

I think that if you are going to be charging admission that the entertainment should get a cut...I charge very reasonable rates and accept all manner of payment... ;)

As for goals, I am not sure, I have said time and again that I have learning impaired fat, it doesn't quite understand that it isn't welcome on my body anymore so I don't want to put a number on my goal, not make it, get pissed at myself, then I will have to throw the scale out the window where it may hit someone on the head and then I will get sued, and I can't represent myself since I only do matrimonial law, i'll go to jail...blah blah blah...you get the point :D

Any downward trend is acceptable, I will be happy to be out of the 180s.

Ok and kicking the boys butts (cute as they are)...that would be pretty sweet also!

I am not even pretending to know how to deal with Ali......
Unfortunately the Ali I met over a month ago is not the Ali I know now.
*sigh* For the good old days of March with a not so confident Ali.....

Where is the fun in that??? I think I am much more, um, interesting this way...just ask around :D God forbid I ever get to my goal weight, I will be dangerous!

Instead now I have 2 women on this forum telling me- not asking nicely mind you- what to do.

I'm just bossy that way...admit it Brian, you love it :)

Angela on the other hand is nothing that a whip and some cuffs won't handle.:D

Hey, how come I don't get whips and handcuffs???? Was it something I said??? :D

*walks off scratching my head in search of my own whip and handcuffs*