The Greenetuckian Files

5/15 Morning

It was Leg day again, since my quads were still a bit sore but I wanted to keep my metabolism up I decided to do a light workout. Hopefully the rain will let up this evening and I can get an hour or so of skating to burn a few more calories. Lord knows I am gulping the cals right now. Quiting tobacco gives me an appitite.

Weider Machine

Leg Press
202x10, 265x10

Back Extention
108x10, 137x10

Loose weights
Hamstring Curl
5/15 evening

The soreness in my quads is darn near gone. Ash and I skated for a good hour this evening without stopping. I had a good time. Sheri would not go with us but said she would go tomorrow if it is not raining. I wish I could get her to work out at least with the Weider machine also. She's just not into the whole fitness scene.

I took my body fat % again this evening and used the calculators at -

Here is what I got

3 site caliper method

BF% - 16.21


Tape measurement method

BF% - 16.3
5/16 Morning

I did get Sheri to finally try resistance training. I also started her a diary here - The Tattooed Lady. If I can get her to stay with it I believe she can do well.

Ab Crunch

Bent Row

Front Lat Pull Downs (wide grip, pulled to waist)

Upright Row
5/16 Evening

Had a good skate this evening. Went a way we had never been before. The pavement was not as smooth as we normally skate on and we climed a couple of pretty good hills. We were out about an hour all together and got in a good workout.

It was an off day for strength training. I spent this morning helping Sheri (She47441) start lifting. This evening we tried Richard Simmon's "Disco" tape. I gave it a shot but just have no rythm. Perhaps if he had actually showed the moves before so I could learn them. I was not any good at imatating them. We then switched to something I am a bit better at, DDR. Now I am not great by any means but I can get a good cardio workout. It also hits my calves hard.

I like to do different things for my legs. I discovered yesterday that I need to walk more. Just a brisk walk about a mile to the shop gave me mild shin splints.

Tomorrow it's back to increasing my bench press and curl. I will probably end the curl part with tomorrow's workout. We'll just have to see. Sunday I will try a max curl and see how much I have improved if any.
Okay it was time for Increase your bench by 50 pounds in 50 days workout #4. I know this was not the plan but it is quite obvious that this is not for me. If I am making gains they are few. Perhaps it is my age or that I have made such gains in the last four months that I really don't have much gain to make for right now. Due to this I am suspending further work on the IYBP workout until a later date. I am going to take what gains I have made and work on increasing the reps. This morning I decided to see if my Standing Curl had increased at all. I put 112 on the bar and did not even get it half way. That told me there I needed to suspend the curling part. I had also checked yesterday on my arm measure and had not increased at all.

During the bench presses I only achieved 1 rep at 204 instead of the planned 2 reps and skipped the 220lbs neg. rep. I knew there was no point to even trying and may hurt myself. I am also still not crazy about progressive sets for strength building. I like a warm up then decending sets for real gains. Perhaps I will try to prove my theory.

Now I don't feel too bad since on 1/1 my max BP was 165, on 3/20 my max was 193 and on 4/2 I failed to get 1 rep at 204lbs. I can now get 2 reps at 204 after doing 2 sets of 3 reps at 187.5 and got 5/7 209.5 that is an increase of 44.5lbs or 27%. I am still going to try for a max on Sunday at 215.

Bench Press (warm up on Weider - 138x5, 180x5)

Standing Curl (warm op Weider - 79x5, 93x2)
Fail 112x1
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Greenetuckian said:
This evening we tried Richard Simmon's "Disco" tape.

No grown man should be doing this. LOL

Im glad to see your dedication and drive, keep it up bro. A 16% reading is pretty damn good too.
5/18 evening

Originally Posted by Greenetuckian
This evening we tried Richard Simmon's "Disco" tape.

:D It was a trade to get Sheri to lift weights.

Ash, Kegan and I skated for a bit over an hour. We took Park Rd. to 200N then back in 4th St. We had a bit more time to kill so we went back to the park for a lap.
5/19 Morning

I tried to add some to my squat this morning. I did stretch good but I am going to have to lower the starting weight to about 100lbs. The very fist squat at 138 I felt the right side of my pelvis pull. I can feel some pain there now so I will probably hurt bad by evening. I also started with only squats and no other exercises until I was finished. I thought maybe the hmstrg curls were tireing me out but I am not sure.

I hit it hard and my legs are really tired but compared to my BP numbers my squating weight really sucks, I think it has more to do with this damn lower back. If you are following this thread you will remember that my quads were so sore I did a light leg workout on 5/15. I won't do legs again until Mon., hopefully I won't be too sore or have my back hurt too bad to skate. :(


Hmstrg Curl.........5/12

back ext. (stiff legged)

Leg Ext (weider)
For your stretching, are you doing regular ole static stretching for warmup? If so you may wanna switch it up and do some dynamic stretching, ex: skipping, side walking, high knees. Static stretching prepares the muscles for rest, dynamic prepares for movement.
Thanks Tony I'll see if I can find some resources to read up on dyn. stretching. I also have been foolish for not starting with lower weights to warm up better. It is not hurting bad yet so maybe it was just warning me. ;)

I am going to have to try something. I am sick of this happening. I thought I should also do some twisting before squating heavy. I think it is more a stabalizing muscle or tissue that over reacts to the stress. I simply have to find a way to work my legs heavy or they I will be doomed to "bird legs".
5/19 Evening

My lower back turned out to not hurt at all today like I thought but instead it hurts about half way up but lower than where it normaly does between my shoulder blades. I am definatly going to do some dynamic stretching or cardio like warm up before lifting heavy again. Because of where it hurts I think it may be left over from Wed. back workout. I felt it a bit then from the bent rows.

Ash, Sheri and I went skating this evening and got in a good hour. Sheri has really improved and did not whine at all. She even made it the whole hour without sitting down once. :D Tomorrow is a rest day for strength training so perhaps I can get in a fast skate.
I can sure feel yesterday's leg workout. It must have been somewhat effective.

Since this is a rest day I sat here this morning finally developing me a plan. It is a progressive plan that hopefully will maximize muscle gain. I will try to use and alternating schedule of 2 on 1 off rotation. Ex. - Sun-UH, Mon-LH, Tue off, Wed-UL, Thu-LL, Fri-off. If I need an extra day off I can take it.

Here is my beginning point, reps and weights. Each time I hit the upper rep goal I will increase the weight.

Upper Heavy
BP.............................182x 3-5 ...........193x 2-4............204x 1-3
Curl...........................80x 6-8..............85x 5-7..............90x 4-6
Upright Row.............93x 7-10............93x 6-9..............108x 4-7
Lat Pull Down...........87x 10-12.........102x 7-9..........115x 2-5

Lower Heavy
Squat.......................99x 10-13..........138x 7-10..........160x 6-9..........182x 3-5
Hmstrg Curl.............66x 12-15..........88x 10-13..........99x 5-10
Good Morning.........60 x 10-15.........70x 8-12............80 x 5-10
Ab Crunch................95x 10-15..........95x 10-15.........110x 5-10

Upper Light
BP............................138x 12-15.........138x 12-15........143.5x 10-15..........149x 8-10
Curl..........................60x 13-15...........65x 12-14..........70x 10-12................75x 8-10
Upright Row............79x 13-15..........79x 13-15...........79x 13-15................93x 5-8
Lat Pull Down.........74x 12-15..........74x 12-15...........74x 12-15................87x 10-13

Lower Light
Squat......................94x 12-15..........99.5x 10-15........110.5x 7-10............138x 7-10
Hmstrg Curl............66x 12-15..........66x 12-15............77x 10-15...............88x 10-13
Good Morning........60 x 10-15.........60 x 10-15..........70x 8-12..................70x 8-12
Ab Crunch...............82x 15-20..........95x 10-15...........95x 10-15...............110x 5-10

I tried to use realistic numbers that I am already lifting but I am sure I will have to do some weight /rep tweaking right at the beginning. I may be too conservative with some and too ambitious with others. I am going to try a max BP tomorrow to see if I did gain any while I was on the IYBP program. I will then kick off with the Upper Light workout.
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Looks like I may get several rest days. Yesterday I cut up a few limbs with a chain saw and threw my back out. It hurt really bad yesterday but does not hurt as bad today. This is something I have been afraid of happening with the squats. I felt it pull Fri. morning but believed I was okay since it went away quickly. Boy it hit me out of the blue. I wish I knew what is wrong and how to fix it. Oh well I'll live I guess. :mad:
5/22 AM

My seemed a lot better this morning so I started on my new program. I do feel a bit sick at my stomach so I don't think I was doing my best. I also found out that I just don't have time for 4 sets because with the high reps I have to rest longer in between sets so I have dropped it back to 3. You can see what happened witht he first upright row when I went straight to it from curling.

Upper Light 05/22/06
BP.....................138x 14..........138x 13...........143.5x 12
Curl.....................60x 13............65x 10................70x 10
Upright Row.......79x 10............79x 13.................93x 8
Lat Pull Down.....74x 15............74x 15.................87x 10

5/22 Last evening I got in another good hour of skating. Not a fast pace but good exercise.

I tried this morning to do a lower body light workout but it is still too soon. I may have to do several of these to get my back "back" into shape. I began with some dynamic stretching and did two sets of body weight squats of 15reps . After the first full set with weights I felt that pain in my right buttocks so I stopped. I will shoot for Fri. to do it again.


Hamstrg Curl

Good Morning

Ab Crunch

Last evening we skated at the park for about 40 - 45 min. Sheri fell and skinned her arm, and back a little and bruised her knee.

Sheri and I's breakup is taking it's toll. I am stuck somewhere between barganing and depression. I need to get to acceptance but with her still here in the house it is hard. I slept on the couch and did not sleep well last night. I woke up around 2am, I finally got up and played on the the computer about 2:40 and took some Nitequil and used one of the 10mg nicotine inhalers. It was sometime after 3am when I got back to sleep and Sheri woke me up by 6:30.

This morning I am still so tired. I did make it though my workout and did not have any back pain. I am trying to use the dynamic stretching Tony advised. I am not eating all that healthy but at this point I couldn't care less. Too much all at once.

Upper Heavy 05/25/06 BW-160
BP.....................182x 3, 193x 3, 204x 1
Curl.....................80x 6, 85x 5, 90x 5
Upright Row........93x 7 , 93x 7, 93x 4
Lat Pull Down....87x 10 , 102x 7 , 115x 4
Thanks for the support Tony, we have done a lot of talking today. Nothing is resolved but at least we are moving forward after a pretty huge fall. Time will tell perhaps things will be a bit more certain after the weekend.

Ash, Kegan and I skated for about an hour this evening, Sheri had one of her migrane headaches so she stayed home. After the fall yesterday I don't blame her. :D Tomorrow is supposed to be lower heavy day but I am going to try a very light lower workout to see how my back does.
No strength training but we did go out and chase some tennis balls then we skated for about 50 min. Sheri road her bike because we don't think she has quite the skill level for night skating yet. In the dark you cannot see rocks or sticks well so you have to be able to recover from hitting them very quickly or fall hard.

Things are much better between Sheri and I and perhaps will work out after all.