The ChillOut Log

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you can also add crushed almonds to the mixture to make it
almond parmesean encrusted. I do this with walleye filets as well.
Hey chillen, you've stopped posting your daily motivational stuff. Something wrong, or you just busy?

I was out of town for a couple days on a marketing proposal (I posted this a few days ago to let everyone know), and just got back the other day. I have a few days off now, and getting settled in, and getting back to normal.

I felt badly that I havent been able to post the thoughts of the day (as I mentioned yesterday in the log). I wish had a stand in person for the times I have to go on business trips (not that I am asking you, Phate) to prevent lapses, but I dont, and with responsibilities of work this is going to happen sometimes, though I do not like it.

Thanks for asking Phate. I appreciate the thought, young man.

How are you? You still busten it.......or do I have to bust d@T @SS?!

Just kidding, I have read your log (like I do nearly everyday), and saw that you posted your most recent run and fitness activity---SO KEEP IT UP....

Remember you are the master of creating or curing personal disasters.


Again, thank you.

you can also add crushed almonds to the mixture to make it
almond parmesean encrusted. I do this with walleye filets as well.

That sounds great! I will try that today. I always have the almighty almond around the house and other assorted nuts. I am definately a nut lover! (Dont you dare, Kraken!...I will hunt you down if you post that :) ).

Thanks for the tip! :)

Best wishes


Good to hear from you! Its been a few days, how are you "really" doing?im good thanks, happy that the weathers been good here, n ive been seein my m8s more often now which is good

How is your job? er its okDid you find a new one? no not yet, i need to get driving first really, then i should ffind a better 1 straight awayHow is your training?well ive been doing loads of biking lately as the weather is perfect for it here, but i havent been working out as such How is your diet? fairly good actully- ive kept a lil log on what im eating and drinking this past coupld of weeks

Did you work in a plan for your 2 day weekend problem? yes i think so, i just need to control it more which im doing so its goodIf not when you get some time, lets work on----finalizing some type of ballpark program.......

Sincerely hope you are doing well. I will be thinking about you.

Best wishes


Thanks Chillen again hope u r well, yeah i would love a chat with ya, that would b kool

anyway i hope u r well

Jackie xxxx
May 7th, 2008: Thoughts for the Day

The 1st year anniversary of the ChillOut Log is coming up. :)

Outstanding people have one thing in common: An absolute sense of mission.


Destiny is not a matter of chance, but of choice.
Not something to wish for, but to attain.

With vision there is no room to be frightened. No reason for intimidation.
It's time to march forward! Let's be confident and positive!

A person who is control of their diet and fitness create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion.

(What we plant in the soil of contemplation, we shall reap in the harvest of action)

Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others:

Vision looks inward and becomes Duty.

Vision looks outward and becomes Aspiration.

Vision looks upward and becomes Faith.


We think too small, like the frog at the bottom of the well.

He thinks the sky is only as big as the top of the well.

If he surfaced, he would have an entirely different view.

(Mao Tse-Tung)


Most people are not really free.

They are confined by the niche in the world that they carve out for themselves.

They limit themselves to fewer possibilities by the narrowness of their vision.

(V. S. Naipaul)


Vision without a task is only a dream.

A task without a vision is but drudgery.

But vision with a task is a dream fulfilled.



All human situations have their inconveniences. We feel those of the present but neither see nor feel those of the future; and hence we often make troublesome changes without amendment, and frequently for the worse.

(Benjamin Franklin)


No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see the possibilities (always see them), for they're always there.

(Norman Vincent Peale)

Cherish your visions.

Cherish your ideals.

Cherish the music that stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind; the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts, for out of them will grow all delightful conditions, and if you remain true to them, your vision of your fitness dreams will become a reality.

(Modified by Chillen)


The vision that you glorify in your mind, the Ideal that you enthrone in your heart - this you will build your life by, this you will become.

(James Allen)


What is Genius?

To aspire to a lofty aim and to will the means to that aim.


You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.

(Jim Rohn)


Brotha and Sista's you have to apply "enough of you" to earn the goal you seek. There is no way around it. Cry in your pillow. Get mad. Get frustrated. Bang your head on the table. Scream. Get depresssed.

When your done, the truth on "what it takes" is the same and remains unchanged.

Set your own "Desire-O-Meter" and "Doing-What-it-Takes-O-Meter" at your own personal level to get the job completed.

Happiness and joy to all of you!

Move on and be tough with yourselves.

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Another good read Chillen.

One can take your thoughts and apply them to all areas of your life, be it career, education, fitness, raising a child etc.

How was the Almond encrusted crappie?
Thanks Chillen again hope u r well, yeah i would love a chat with ya, that would b kool

anyway i hope u r well

Jackie xxxx

Name the time (on yahoo), given our time differences, and we rock with all kinds of diet and fitness talk. :)

Wish you the best Jackie, as always. :)

Best regards,

Another good read Chillen.

One can take your thoughts and apply them to all areas of your life, be it career, education, fitness, raising a child etc.

How was the Almond encrusted crappie?

I havent made it yet. I plan to make some tonight.

Its good to have a freezer full of fresh fish! This ROCKS!

Crappie are so "clean" tasting. They dont have an after taste (at least to me). Especially when there caught in the winter.

Love Crappie!

Crappie keeps my Rock-Ons very Happy, and keeps my diet Snappy!

He, he,


GG how are your girl?! What's flat going down, man?!

How are things with you? Really? Everything okay?

I'm doing pretty well in areas of diet and fitness--progressing toward my goals sometimes slower than i want, but progress, nonetheless. I have some hard stuff going on for me lately, personally. I continue to press on and work for the best outcome!

And how are YOU??

Thanks for the cod recipe--the only parmesan that I have is the powdery spaghetti-stuff, and I'll pick up some fres from the grocery store this weekend and try it next week. The almond parmesan coating sounds like it would also be good on chicken!
Its good to have a freezer full of fresh fish! This ROCKS!

It does doesn't it?
I have a freezer in my garage full of different types of fish like tilapia, and tons of frozen fillets. Along with dozens of bags of chicken and beef.

All together, there must be atleast 100lbs worth of meat in the freezer. Mmmm

Hows your day going chillen?

I'm feelin sick. Feeling a bit worse, running nose with irritation in my throat, feeling tired. Didn't go to school today. Everyone in my family is pretty much sick, all my dad's fault really lol.

I hate getting sick just because it happens rarely.
It does doesn't it?
I have a freezer in my garage full of different types of fish like tilapia, and tons of frozen fillets. Along with dozens of bags of chicken and beef.

All together, there must be atleast 100lbs worth of meat in the freezer. Mmmm

Hows your day going chillen?

I'm feelin sick. Feeling a bit worse, running nose with irritation in my throat, feeling tired. Didn't go to school today. Everyone in my family is pretty much sick, all my dad's fault really lol.

I hate getting sick just because it happens rarely.

Sounds like you are getting a cold. :(
Concerning the running nose:

Its just your body getting rid of the oneryness, the extra Rock On-idis, and personal motivation so you do not overdose and pass out from too much inspiration and self determination! :)


How is this your dad's fault youn man? LOL.

My sons and I went fishing a few weeks ago, and we cought probably 100 or so crappie, so the freezer is sort of full right now, lol.

I also have alot of chicken, and other varieties of fish in it: Flat Head Cat Fish, Bass, Perch, Trout, and some Walleye.

I am more of a Chicken and Fish eater than I am beef. I do have some KC Strips, 98% lean hand pressed hamburger, and what not, too, but I generally eat Chicken and Fish most of the time. Just a personal preference.

I also have bags of frozen Blue Berries and Stawberries in the freezer that I use for my low-calorie, sugar-free yogurt concoctions (absolutely phenominal!)

Best wishes to you, young man

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I'm doing pretty well in areas of diet and fitness--progressing toward my goals sometimes slower than i want, but progress, nonetheless. I have some hard stuff going on for me lately, personally. I continue to press on and work for the best outcome!

And how are YOU??

Thanks for the cod recipe--the only parmesan that I have is the powdery spaghetti-stuff, and I'll pick up some fres from the grocery store this weekend and try it next week. The almond parmesan coating sounds like it would also be good on chicken!

Just get some traditional grated KRAFT Parmsen. They just come out with a 16 oz version.

If you dont mind me asking what are the "hard stuff" in your life recently? :(

You "had better tell me"! :)

You are welcome on the Cod recipe! Its a rather simple recipe, but it is tasty and can be made quickly.

Yes, the almonds that Kraken suggested with the fish will work with the Chicken.

Best regards,

hey Chillen- can I get your nutritional thoughts please?

In Juicing or in my case it may just be blending. But here's my questions.

Apples- I throw the whole thing in there, seeds skin, stem and all. My thought is the vitamins and minerals are in all of it.

Grapefruits - I throw some of the skin in, and all of the seeds and everything.

bananas- I throw the strings in there

Strawberries - I throw the green parts in there too.

MY FAMILY is saying that it is not healthy for me o be ingesting all the "trash" (seeds stems and skins) as they call it.

here is my secret recipe smoothie- One large yellow grapefruit (inclduing half of the peel) 4-5 strawberries, one complete green apple, a banana, one tomatoe, and a large squirt of honey, add water until blends well. You can actually feel this bad boy running thru yer veins. Especially with a 1/2 cup of black coffee in the morning.

What are your thoughts?
hey Chillen- can I get your nutritional thoughts please?

In Juicing or in my case it may just be blending. But here's my questions.

Apples- I throw the whole thing in there, seeds skin, stem and all. My thought is the vitamins and minerals are in all of it.

STOP right now!

A tree is going to grow in your stomach and the branches out ya @ss!

…………..Just kidding….:) ;)

Apples are "one of" the best fruits to consume, and a large portion of the nutrition (including both insoluble and soluble fiber) are at or near the thin skin of the apple.

The "peel" of the apple can have well over 50% of the fiber the entire apple contains.

The peel (or the skin) of the apple is great and I recommend consuming it.

Other fruit I support eating the outer thin skin or peel are: pears, nectarines, and peaches.

Apples derive almost all of their natural sweetness from fructose, a simple sugar, but one which is broken down slowly, especially when combined with apples' hefty dose of fiber, thus helping to keep blood sugar levels stable.

Remove the seeds and stems from your drink, IMO.

The seeds and stems of an apple (small whole quantities or small crushed quantities) will pass through your body and generally will cause no harm (providing you have no intestinal "pocket" problems); however, I recommend avoid eating them And, here is why.

First it’s the nutritional value of the seeds and stems: There basically isn't any. "Most" Apple seeds (especially whole) will not get digested and will just pass through the body without any nutritional value. IMO, why consume something that serves you no nutritional and/or personal goal purpose?

When studying certain aspects of my goal nutrition, I have kept a rather large journal of information concerning fruits and its associated nutrition. I also have come across some mainstay opinions on "some" fruit seeds and its internal structure.

In apples, like many fruit seeds, contain compounds called cyanogenic glycosides.

These compounds are part of the plant's natural defense. They include both cyanide and sugar groups in their structure, and when the sugar group is removed, they can release small amounts of cyanide. The amount IS so small, however, the body can effectively deal with it without any health complications--in "most" adults.

IMO, shuck the seeds and stems.

Grapefruits - I throw some of the skin in, and all of the seeds and everything.

This is by far my personal favorite fruit. I go through 2 bags a week :)

The seed of the grapefruit has different natural characteristics (as compared to the apple), and is seen in a slightly different perspective.

True, if you happen to eat a whole Grapefruit seed when consuming a grapefruit, it will "more than likely" pass through you (providing one has no intestinal problems) and one will just pass it through ones bowl movement (because of its hardness). Thus not having any nutritional/ health benefit. Again, a rather "worthless" bodily trip, IMO. :)

However, grinding the seed (of course) softens the overall texture, which is what we are talking about here.

Some nutritionists and some in the medical field claim that Grapefruit Seed extract (grounded or in an extract form as in over the counter supplement) has been demonstrated to be effective against certain types of viruses, bacteria, yeast, and fungi.

The peel of a grapefruit has some entirely different set of opinions and there are some nutritionists in the opinion that it may have heart health benefits in terms of lowering cholesterol, and some include tangerine and orange peels. (If you want I will locate the information for you).

To make this short, and not a traditional, Chillen "wind bag" post, I see absolutely no problem with eating (grounded) Grapefruit seeds or peels, and it just may have some benefits.

Ever wonder what that white stuff is on the grapefruit?

Well, lol, something has to hold the peel on the fruit! :)

So its "glued on" by what they call Albedo. And, is fibrous and very nutritious shiiiiiiiiiit. :) ;)

If you want, I can provide some additional reading material on Grapefruit seed extract, and some "claimed" benefits to the grapefruit peel.

Remember, when reading "claims" you have to consider the overall claim, and the base for which the claims comes from in addition to the types of study being conducted and its associated quality.

bananas- I throw the strings in there

I have two words: KEEP THEM! :)

The strings are "fibrous" and very good for you.

Strawberries - I throw the green parts in there too.

FF you are just a friggen animal. LOL.

I have read a few articles on some making "a tea" out of the Strawberry leaves (a type of herbal tea).

Yep, you read that correctly. Interested? I have it! FORK OUT THE BUCKS!-----NO JUST KIDDING! LOL……..insert smiley here--->:)

From what I have read in the past, Strawberry leaves could possibly have these benefits: (and is one reason why some drink it as a tea)

-->Relieves diarrhea
-->Soothes the stomach
-->Helps ease arthritis and rheumatism

In other words, keep the leaves of the strawberry

What are your thoughts?

1. Pitch the apple seeds and stems and KEEP the Apple Skin

2. Keep the grounded Grapefruit seeds and peels

3. Keep the "string" of the Banana

4. Keep the Strawberry leaves.

Tell your family (once you remove the apple seeds/stems) you drinking healthy! :)

Best regards,

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FF, you should eat these with everything on it. You'd enjoy it coming out the other end!

FF, you should eat these with everything on it. You'd enjoy it coming out the other end!

Actually the only way I eat Pineapple is purchasing the real thing. I have gutted so many whole pineapple's I have it down to a science. After having one of these babies, there is no going back to the can (even if no DREADED white sugar is added to the canning process).

Next to the fabulous grapefruit, its my second favorite fruit.

NO, FF........this one needs to "pruned" before juicing it, lol.

Or you just may have one of those large "evergreen-like" green pineapple tops coming out of your butt......;)

Best wishes

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Chillen...What kind of info do you have on prunes? They're a "snack" that I always keep on hand. I'm curious to hear your take on their nutritional value.
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Hey Chillen,

I see you mentioning grapefruit a lot and I have heard they are one of the better fruits for weight loss. I never cared for them, but I have not had one in a long time. So I gave them another try today and wow, so bitter, it took a banana, apple and orange to get the flavor out of my mouth.

So, my question is, do you just eat these straight up, or do you add anything to them? I peeled mine like an orange and ate it that way. I have seen people cut them in half and then pour on the sugar, but I know that isn't an option. So, do I just pass on the grapefruit, or are there ways to make it taste a little better while still keeping it healthy?
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