hey Chillen- can I get your nutritional thoughts please?
In Juicing or in my case it may just be blending. But here's my questions.
Apples- I throw the whole thing in there, seeds skin, stem and all. My thought is the vitamins and minerals are in all of it.
STOP right now!
A tree is going to grow in your stomach and the branches out ya @ss!
…………..Just kidding….
Apples are "one of" the best fruits to consume, and a
large portion of the nutrition (including both insoluble and soluble fiber)
are at or near the thin skin of the apple.
The "peel" of the apple can have
well over 50% of the fiber the entire apple contains.
The peel (or the skin) of the apple is great and
I recommend consuming it.
Other fruit I support eating the outer thin skin or peel are: pears, nectarines, and peaches.
Apples derive almost all of their natural sweetness from fructose, a simple sugar, but one which is broken down slowly, especially when combined with apples' hefty dose of fiber, thus helping to keep blood sugar levels stable.
Remove the seeds and stems from your drink, IMO.
The seeds and stems of an apple (small whole quantities or small crushed quantities) will pass through your body and generally will cause no harm (providing you have no intestinal "pocket" problems); however,
I recommend avoid eating them And, here is why.
First it’s the nutritional value of the seeds and stems: There basically isn't any. "Most" Apple seeds (especially whole) will not get digested and will just pass through the body without any nutritional value.
IMO, why consume something that serves you no nutritional and/or personal goal purpose?
When studying certain aspects of my goal nutrition, I have kept a rather large journal of information concerning fruits and its associated nutrition. I also have come across some mainstay opinions on
"some" fruit seeds and its internal structure.
In apples, like many fruit seeds, contain compounds called cyanogenic glycosides.
These compounds are part of the plant's natural defense. They include both
cyanide and sugar groups in their structure, and when the sugar group is removed, they can release small amounts of cyanide. The amount IS so small, however, the body can effectively deal with it without any health complications--in "most" adults.
IMO, shuck the seeds and stems.
Grapefruits - I throw some of the skin in, and all of the seeds and everything.
This is by far my personal favorite fruit. I go through 2 bags a week
The seed of the grapefruit has different natural characteristics (as compared to the apple), and is seen in a slightly different perspective.
True, if you happen to eat a whole Grapefruit seed when consuming a grapefruit, it will "more than likely" pass through you (providing one has no intestinal problems) and one will just pass it through ones bowl movement (because of its hardness). Thus not having any nutritional/ health benefit. Again, a rather "worthless" bodily trip, IMO.
However, grinding the seed (of course) softens the overall texture, which is what we are talking about here.
Some nutritionists and some in the medical field claim that Grapefruit Seed extract (grounded or in an extract form as in over the counter supplement) has been demonstrated to be effective against certain types of viruses, bacteria, yeast, and fungi.
The peel of a grapefruit has some entirely different set of opinions and there are some nutritionists in the opinion that it may have heart health benefits in terms of lowering cholesterol, and some include tangerine and orange peels. (If you want I will locate the information for you).
To make this short, and not a traditional, Chillen "wind bag" post, I see absolutely no problem with eating (grounded) Grapefruit seeds or peels, and it just may have some benefits.
Ever wonder what that white stuff is on the grapefruit?
Well, lol, something has to hold the peel on the fruit!
So its "glued on" by what they call Albedo. And, is fibrous and very nutritious shiiiiiiiiiit.
If you want, I can provide some additional reading material on Grapefruit seed extract, and some "claimed" benefits to the grapefruit peel.
Remember, when reading "claims" you have to consider the overall claim, and the base for which the claims comes from in addition to the types of study being conducted and its associated quality.
bananas- I throw the strings in there
I have two words: KEEP THEM!
The strings are "fibrous" and very good for you.
Strawberries - I throw the green parts in there too.
FF you are just a friggen animal. LOL.
I have read a few articles on some making "a tea" out of the Strawberry leaves (a type of herbal tea).
Yep, you read that correctly. Interested? I have it! FORK OUT THE BUCKS!-----NO JUST KIDDING! LOL……..insert smiley here--->
From what I have read in the past, Strawberry leaves could possibly have these benefits: (and is one reason why some drink it as a tea)
-->Relieves diarrhea
-->Soothes the stomach
-->Helps ease arthritis and rheumatism
In other words, keep the leaves of the strawberry
1. Pitch the apple seeds and stems and KEEP the Apple Skin
2. Keep the grounded Grapefruit seeds and peels
3. Keep the "string" of the Banana
4. Keep the Strawberry leaves.
Tell your family (once you remove the apple seeds/stems) you drinking healthy!
Best regards,