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May 26th, 2008: Thoughts for the Day

Loving Yourself = True Freedom

(By Vered (Tanmayo) Neta)

I have to give this article by tomorrow and I still did not manage to write one single sentence that I like. Each time I write a sentence, I immediately hit the 'delete' key, as it does not sound 'right'.

I've been postponing this article for a whole week under the excuse that I still have to do more research. Each time I find a new text relating to the issue I say to myself, "Wahoo, I wish I could write this way, why didn't I think about it?" and of course my drive to write goes down the drain.

I was just reading what my partner wrote and sure enough, "I can't write that well, bla bla bla..."
The next moment I am watching a dumb video, trying to avoid my inability to write the one article, which is about MY truth.

Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation?
Most of us did!
How did we get there?

Very simple - we were conditioned to believe that we are not good enough.
We concluded that we are not loveable until we are good enough. We were taught the 'right' standards and 'right' values and we were expected to live up to them so 'they' will love us.

Till today those societal values and standards are our limited reality, a kind of virtual prison we complied to live in.

Since we learn to focus on others' values, we continuously compare ourselves to 'them'. We either end up feeling inferior to 'them' or superior to 'them'.

In any case, our focus is on THEM and we tend to forget who we are and what are our qualities.

One of our prison walls is the need to be 'successful' (in our society's eyes of course). In order to become successful we try to imitate those we believe are good at what they are doing. We work hard to change and 'fix' ourselves. We set for ourselves standards that do not belong to us and often are unattainable for us.

This 'fixing' process takes away our creativity and lowers our energy, leaving us feeling even less capable and loveable.
The vicious circle is closed... The prison gates are locked.

Even if we do manage to achieve (after hard work) those impossible standards, or we become these people we think are the 'right' ones to be, we feel limited and encaged.

We have lost our ability to move freely and express who we really are.
We end up, again, not loving ourselves.

Loving yourself means that you are willing to stop comparing yourself to others.
It means willing to appreciate who you are in any circumstances.
It is all about learning to acknowledge everything that you are.

If you are a morning person - Terrific!
You have more chances to see a sunrise, a new day, a new beginning.
If you are a night person - Wonderful!
You get to see the other side of the day; you learn to think unorthodoxly.

If you are a good communicator - Fantastic!
You have the capacity to reach people and make contact.
If you're not such a good communicator - Great!
You can listen to people and people love to be heard.

No matter what you are, there is greatness in it - as it is who you are.
The only way to be able to see it, is to stop comparing yourself to another.

Realize that there is only one person exactly like you in this whole world, which makes you unique and whole, and in other words - Perfect!

Perfect means that it has everything in it. The good and the bad; the beauty and the ugly; success and failure.

When you are willing to accept that you are perfect the way you are, you realize that there is no need to change anything.

The only thing that is left to do is fall in love with that person that you are already.

When you really love yourself, you are free to choose at any moment how to express yourself...

And isn't that what freedom is all about...?

I read this article once more... It sure ain't perfect.

But, hey... I'm perfect!
Perfect the way I am, and that's more than enough...

(Article ENDS)

Never lower head nor believe your beneath anyone on this earth. None who criticize you are without fault of their own.

The Judgment of others and/or being overly judgmental of others can cause internal and external poison, and hamper true circumference of clear vision. Does one look at another and truly see? Maybe, if they were able to remove the spec from their own eye, but this isn't possible, because we all have specs in our eye; therefore, their vision of you are flawed as it comes from a flawed base to begin with.

Everyone STINKS, and sometimes persons need to take a GOOD WIFF of their own @ss, and just maybe this could make their vision just a tad clearer, once they get passed the self stink.


Best wishes to all!

Love and respect one another, and try to give as much "constructive assistance" to those that seek it!

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May 26th, 2008: Thoughts for the Day (2)

Your Most Powerful Resource Is: Your Thoughts

(by Auriella O'Neill)

Your thoughts are your most powerful resource and for most people on a conscious level the least used. You have been given the ability to form your life through the thoughts that you think. And if you look at your life, you will find your life to be a reflection of your thoughts and therefore proving this to be true.

There are many thoughts that we can have. There are thoughts of abundance, of lack, of poverty, of wealth, of health, of sickness, of being fat, of being slender, of being safe, of being unsafe, of being a victim, of being in charge, of being afraid, of being brave, of lack of self worth, of having self worth, of being happy, of being sad, and it goes on.

These thoughts then form into a feeling and that feeling is then expressed in your life as what you experience. Then when you experience it, you find it to be true because after all you had the experience of it and so form a belief around it. You have more thoughts about what you have experienced, strengthen the feeling about it, believe it even more, and therefore experience it even more. So the cycle continues.

A belief is just a thought that you repeatedly think. If you change the thought, you change the feelings and the experience. You break the cycle by changing your thoughts. You set into motion another experience.

We can hold a thought firmly in our minds to attract to us what we desire to have or experience. This is the gift that we have been given. To use our minds to form the thoughts that will form our life as we choose. In doing so, we create in our lives the experiences we choose to have and in our selves the attributes that we wish to possess.

It is by holding the thought so steadfastly and with unwavering certainty that we may create anything that we may choose to have, be, do, or experience. This is the key to using your thoughts in a most powerful way.

To lock your mind on a thought as intensely as a directed laser beam and to repeatedly think that thought. This is the power behind your thoughts. If you keep changing your mind which is really changing your thoughts then you lose and dilute the power of the thought.

But if you passionately hold your focus on a thought, you will feel it become stronger and as it becomes stronger, you are causing that experience to happen in your life.

Thoughts are held on two levels: conscious and subconscious with the unconscious being a sublevel of the conscious. The conscious and unconscious levels are the ones we should pay the most attention to.

The unconscious thoughts are the ones generated many times from outside influences. We take this informationinto our minds, form a belief around it, and then it becomes part of our thought process. This unconscious thought will then be reflected in our life through experiences or expressed as a conscious belief or thought. If we are not in more awareness of the material that is coming into our minds then we are allowing our thoughts and beliefs to be formed by someone else.

We look at a situation in our life and think it to be true when the only real truth about it is that we allowed ourselves to be influenced by the thoughts of others. Unconscious thoughts are also the thoughts running through your mind that you are unconscious of because you have not taken the time to be aware of what is going through your mind.

Consciousness thoughts are ones that we form, of course, consciously. We decide for ourselves what thought or belief we choose to hold about something. But on an even deeper level, it is listening to all the thoughts that go through your mind.

Have you ever just listened to what your mind is saying? It would probably amaze you and you may even think where did that thought come from? Well, we may or may not know where it came from, but the decision to be made is whether you want to keep it or do you choose to change it into something that enhances your life in a positive way?

As you become more conscious of the thoughts you have, you will then become more aware of the other thoughts and beliefs all around you and therefore choose in a conscious way what you will allow to enter your mind and become your beliefs. It is these conscious thoughts that you focus on that will become that which you see and experience in your life.

Both the conscious and unconscious thoughts are impressed on the subconscious. The subconscious is where the real power comes to create in your life. What is impressed on the subconscious is what is expressed in your life.

The subconscious does not make decisions and is impartial to what is imprinted on it. This is where your responsibility comes in. What do you want your subconscious to receive and act upon.

An analogy is that the subconscious is like the earth and will grow whatever is planted in it. Do you want to plant seeds of corn or do you want to plant seeds of a poisonous plant like poison oak?

Either one will grow in the soil of the subconscious, but the fruit of the plant brought forth will vastly differ. It is up to you to responsibly and consciously plant the seeds for the harvest you wish to enjoy and experience.

Our thoughts are ours to shape and hold. Our mind is the powerful generator of our thoughts. You have been given these wonderful resources to create for your self the life you choose.

You are the pianist. Your mind is the piano. The piano keys are your thoughts. How beautiful and creative will the composition of your life be?


Give yourself the EXTRA OOMPH.......RISE ABOVE YOURSELF......and ROCK yourself..........!....Yes, be your own ROCKET and take the heck OFF! :)



Best wishes

May 26th, 2008: Thoughts for the Day (3)

The Effects of Limiting Beliefs

(by O'Niell)

We all have beliefs and some of them serve us very well, but there are other beliefs that we have that limit us in our lives. Sometimes they are recognized as actually a belief, but many times these limiting beliefs come masked as a fear or disabling emotion.

They can be very evident on the surface or they can be reflected in unconscious thoughts and actions. They will generally keep a person from doing something they desire to do or they may just make the person feel too weak and disempowered to try to move ahead. When a belief is limiting or disempowering, it will actually feel like a heavy weight.

Almost 99 percent of the time these limiting beliefs are formed up until the age of four years old. Typically an incident happens during that age that is perceived by the child in a certain way or something is said that the child takes seriously in their understanding.

Then the pattern is set and this limiting belief will manifest through the person's life in a variety of ways.

Limiting beliefs can hinder you from receiving what you desire to have or do in your life. An example would be - Suppose you wanted to be a successful salesperson. You work hard, take all the motivational and sales seminars, yet success seems to elude you. It could be that when you were a child someone made a remark that sales people are dishonest.

You want to be successful and honest at the same time but now you have a belief instilled in you that is limiting you from enjoying the success you desire. You may consciouslybe aware of this belief or you may not.

Limiting beliefs can also be the cause of feelings of low self worth, self love, and other disempowering emotions or they may be manifested as fears such as fear of flying, heights, riding horses, water, crowds, etc. Limiting beliefs, fears, and emotions may later manifest in the body as a physical health issue.

So what can you do about these limiting beliefs? Do you have to live with them the rest of your life? The answer is no. You have several options.

Limiting beliefs are like a big boulder sitting in your path. You can push against and maybe eventually after much hard work it may move out of the way. You may find a way through it which also entails a lot of effort and time.

In either of these methods you may have not located where the belief originated. If that origination point is not found, the belief has the ability to regenerate itself.

Or you can energetically release it and replace it with an empowering belief. By going to the origin of the limiting belief and releasing the original belief which may or may not be the same as the present day belief, you remove the energetic pattern that has been influencing and affecting your life.

Once this original belief has been released, it leaves open a space for an empowering belief to be inserted. This new belief will then create a different energetic pattern for your life to be formed around and influenced by.

This is a very quick, effective, and powerful way to change a limiting belief and takes a lot less time and effort to do so. Changes in your life are felt immediately and are permanent.


ROCK the heck on!..........Hold the head say bye bye.... to the weight loss deny!..........................

Relentless Talk

Relentless, repetitive self talk is what changes our self-image.

The ''self-image'' is the key to human personality and human behavior.

Change the self image and you change the personality and the behavior.

Your self image is your pattern!. Every thought has an activity visualized.
Every activity belongs to a pattern. You identify with your pattern or thought. Your patterns leads your life.

Self-image sets the boundaries of individual accomplishment

The past is not simply the past, but a prism through which the subject filters his own changing self-image.

A strong, positive self-image is the best possible preparation for success.

(by Dr. Joyce Brothers and Waltz)

Be happy and love one another!

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Once again Chillen a good read. I really like the paragraph that touches on judging others. Theres way too much of that going on in all walks of life.

Only joking haha hows it going chillen?

Chillen gives a mean mind Grillin' hahaha - like my rhyme- i thought of it in like 2 seconds

Jackie xxx
May 28th, 2008: Thoughts for the Day (Stevia)

The Battle of The Sweeteners

Sure, Stevia is More Natural

But Is It Actually Better For You?

by Ryan Andrews

Every day, here at PN HQ we receive a ton of questions about sweeteners in general, artificial sweeteners in particular.

This is in part related to the natural relationship between sweeteners and food - nowadays we find sweeteners in almost everything.

However, beyond this simple relationship, many folks have noticed that in our Gourmet Nutrition v1 and Gourmet Nutrition v2 products, we've actually discussed the use of sweeteners like Stevia, Splenda, and Aspartame.

Because of this, people want to know whether Splenda is as bad as some folks say it is. They want to know if Aspartame can cause cancer? And they want to know if the "all natural" sweetener, Stevia, is a safe alternative to these "artificial" sweeteners.

So, in this week's newsletter, we're going to explore this last question in particular. Is Stevia a safe alternative to Splenda or Equal?

Of Course It Is - It's Natural

Now, before coming up with a knee jerk response - believing that Stevia MUST be better because it's natural - take a second to think this through.

Just because Splenda and Equal are laboratory produced while Stevia is a green, harmless looking plant, doesn't mean that Stevia is great while the other two are pure dietary evil.

After all, hallucinogenic mushrooms, ephedra sinica and poison hemlock all grow in the ground and are completely natural too. And I don't think too many of you would argue that somehow these organic materials, part of nature's bounty, are healthy to eat.

So, instead of making up your mind based on the natural vs. artificial debate, let's actually look into this plant, Stevia, and see what the research has to say.

Meet - Stevia

Stevia's real name is stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) and it is an herb native to Paraguay and Brazil.

It can grow to be the same height as your 3 year old nephew (about 3 feet tall). Well, unless that nephew has acromegaly and is abnormally large, like Andre the Giant.


Stevia has actually been used as a sweetener since the year 1600 and has been gaining popularity in recent years.

Here's a little list of stevia facts:

--Stevia is about 250-300 times sweeter than sugar
--Stevia is stable to heat, making it safe for cooking
--Stevosides produced in stevia leaves = sweetness
--Specifically, the sweetness comes from the isosteviols
--Stevia is non-caloric
--Stevia doesn't promote dental caries, as does sugar

So far, so good.

Once harvested, stevia leaves are processed using water and alcohol. Next, they're subjected to enzymatic catalysis. Finally, we get stevia extracts. These extracts are then sold as commercial sweetening agents. Indeed, this process has been used for more than 30 years in Japan and Brazil.

Stevia as a Supplement
The USDA was introduced to stevia between 1918 and 1921. And ever since, they continue to greet it with CLOSED arms.

Since stevia grows naturally, it requires no patent to produce it. This has led some to believe that the reason it hasn’t been approved for use as a food additive in the U.S. and Canada is based on financial motivations.

As a result, in the U.S. and Canada, stevia is currently considered a dietary supplement. This shouldn’t be taken lightly. Food manufacturers need to check themselves if they start using it in foods (see here).

Unlike the US and Canada, Japan approved stevia extract as a sweetener around 1970. They have used it in gums, cereals, toothpastes, mouthwash, sodas, etc.

Back in 1941, during World War II, the British seriously studied the possibility of commercially extracting stevia as an alternative to their threatened sugar supplies. For individuals looking to sweeten tea, coffee, etc – and wanted to avoid artificial compounds - stevia seemed to be the next best option.

Yet they never adopted it...


Are You Using?

The term “eight ball” is slang for 1/8 of an ounce or 3.5 grams of methamphetamine or cocaine.

Just in case you’re wondering, “eight ball” is not a term used when dealing stevia.

Rather, much of the stevia in North America is measured out in packets, tinctures or tablets.
-1 packet usually contains about 85 mg of stevia extract
-4 drops of tincture will usually contain about 40 mg of stevia
-1 tablet usually has about 50 mg of stevia

Brands tend to vary, so keep that in mind. These numbers will be useful as we get into some of the research.


Is It Safe?

When a chemical is being studied for safety, scientists first do what's called a LD50 test.

If you need a quick refresher on pharmacology, LD50 is the dose of a substance required to kill 50% of the tested population. For obvious reasons, these studies are done in animal populations - and not in humans.

When it comes to stevia, a study back in 1975 reported an LD50 of 15 grams of stevia per kilogram of body weight. For example, if you're 220lbs, or 100kg, it would take 1500grams to kill you. And if you're 110lbs, or 50kg, it would take 750g to kill you.

Uh, that's a lot! Indeed, that's about 15,000 to 30,000 tablets.

Interestingly, however, another study found that the LD50 min mice was only 2 grams per kilogram. Again, at 220lbs, that's only 200grams (or 4,000 tablets). And at110lbs, that's only 100g (or 2,000 tablets).

2g vs. 15g - that's a pretty wide range of results - something kinda scary when we're talking about death and all. However, let's get real here, no healthy person free of some sort of stevia allergy is dying of a stevia overdose.

The table below summarizes the LD50 study results.

Species_____Gender_____LD50 (g/kg body weight)_____Reference
Mouse________M & F _______>15 grams per kilogram____ Toskulkao 1997
Mouse________M___________>2 grams per kilogram______Medon 1995
Rat___________M & F _______>15 grams per kilogram____ Toskulkao 1995
Hamster_______M & F _______>15 grams per kilogram____ Toskulkao 1995

*To provide a little perspective, the LD50 of caffeine in rats is 192mg/kg. So, for a 60kg human, that would be about 11,500mg or 11.5grams of caffeine. Therefore, relatively speaking, caffeine is much more lethal relative to stevia.

So, in the end, it doesn't look like any of us will be ODing on stevia anytime soon.

However, it's important to look at the stevia safety data in another way. For this, researchers look at the "no adverse effect" level studied in rats.

The "no-effect" level for stevia is about 794 mg/kg. That means about 7.94 mg/kg/day would be safe for humans. This 7.94 mg/kg/day value is based on a very conservative safety factor of 100X. And, technically speaking, this is typically called the ADI (or acceptable daily intake).

You could probably get away with quite a bit more. However, I'm not sure I'd be the one signing up to test that theory out.
Note: in terms of numbers, for a 110lb adult, that would be about 400mg per day (or about 5 packets) and for a 220lb adult, that would be about 800mg per day (or about 10 packets).

Also note: it's interesting to consider that in studies with Splenda/sucralose, the ADI is actually 15mg/kg/day. Relative to the ADI of about 8mg/kg/day for stevia, this means double the Splenda/sucralose could be consumed without adverse events.

Steviol and DNA

Interestingly although most of that data we've reviewed so far doesn't raise any red flags for stevia use, there have some negative data published. Indeed, these data suggest excessive use of stevia might lead to health issues, starting with DNA damage.

These data are mixed, however, and have been collected in rats and mice. In total, there are about 10 studies showing that stevia doesn't cause DNA damage. However, there are a handful more that show that a natural breakdown product of stevia metabolism - steviol - can damage our DNA.

Not so good. And definitely something to consider.


Be happy today.

I wish you all well.

Hope you have a great and enjoyable day.

Bet wishes and happiness to all of you.

You are the best. Never look down on yourself.

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May 28th, 2008: Thoughts for the Day (2) Stevia


Reviewing The Research

At this point, let's review the most accessible research looking at stevia.

One study (more recent) gave either 500, 1000, or 2000 mg/kg/day of rebaudioside A (a glycoside found in the stevia leaf) to rats for 90 days.

No toxic effects were noticed.

Nikiforov AI & Eapen AK. A 90-day oral (dietary) toxicity study of rebaudioside A in Sprague-Dawley rats. Int J Toxicol 2008;27:65-80.


Stevia use up to 15 mg/kg/day for 6 weeks appears to be safe in humans. These researchers actually set out to study the effect of stevia on blood pressure. It didn’t have any additional impact over placebo alone.

Ferri LA, et al. Investigation of the antihypertensive effect of oral crude stevioside in patients with mild essential hypertension. Phytother Res 2006;20:732-736.


This study concurs – no impact on blood pressure, but the stevia was well tolerated.

Barriocanal LA, et al. Apparent lack of pharmacological effect of steviol glycosides used as sweeteners in humans. A pilot study of repeated exposures in some normotensive and hypotensive individuals in Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 2008;Mar 5 Epub.


This study says that stevia does help to control blood pressure. 500 mg of stevioside powder 3 x/day for 2 years significantly lowered blood pressure. No adverse effects were noted.

Hsieh MH, et al. Efficacy and tolerability of oral stevioside in patients with mild essential hypertension: a two-year, randomized, placebo-controlled study. Clin Ther 2003;25;2797-2808.


Similar results from this study.
Chan P, et al. A double-blind placebo-controlled study of the effectiveness and tolerability of oral stevioside in human hypertension. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2000;50:215-220.


This study shows us that stevia may decrease inflammatory mediators.

Boonkaewwan C, et al. Anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activities of stevioside and its metabolite steviol on THP-1 cells. J Agric Food Chem 2006;54:785-789.


This small study revealed how stevia may be useful for controlling blood sugar in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Gregersen S, et al. Antihyperglycemic effects of stevioside in type 2 diabetic subjects. Metabolism 2004;53:73-76.


This review from Phytochemistry states:
“Acute and subacute toxicity studies revealed a very low toxicity of Stevia and stevioside. Fertility and teratogenicity studies are discussed as well as the effects on the bio-availability of other nutrients in the diet.

The conclusion is that Stevia and stevioside are safe when used as a sweetener. It is suited for both diabetics, and PKU patients, as well as for obese persons intending to lose weight by avoiding sugar supplements in the diet. No allergic reactions to it seem to exist.”

Geuns JM. Stevioside. Phytochemistry 2003;64:913-921.


This study found that stevia doesn’t appear to damage DNA.

Suttajit M, et al. Mutagenicity and human chromosomal effect of stevioside, a sweetener from Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni. Environ Health Perspect 1993;101 Suppl 3:53-56.


This study would disagree. The researchers found developing lesions in rats after administering stevia. The authors conclude that stevia may have DNA damaging properties.

Nunes AP, et al. Analysis of genotoxic potentiality of stevioside by comet assay. Food Chem Toxicol 2007;45:662-666.


Stevia doesn’t appear to damage DNA in mice.

Sekihashi K, et al. Genotoxicity studies of stevia extract and steviol by the comet assay. J Toxicol Sci 2002;27 Suppl 1:1-8.


This study concluded: “Stevioside at a dose as high as 2.5 g/kg body wt/day affects neither growth nor reproduction in hamsters.”

Yodyingyuad V, et al. Effect of stevioside on growth and reproduction. Hum Reprod 1991;6:158-165.


The study says that humans and rats metabolize stevia similarly.

Koyama E, et al. Absorption and metabolism of glycosidic sweeteners of stevia mixture and their aglycone, steviol, in rats and humans. Food Chem Toxicol 2003;41:875-883.


Stevia may decrease fertility in male rats.

Melis MS. Effects of chronic administration of Stevia rebaudiana on fertility in rats. J Ethnopharmacol 1999;67:157-161.


This study says maybe not.

Oliveira-Filho RM, et al. Chronic administration of aqueous extract of Stevia rebaudiana (Bert.) Bertoni in rats: endocrine effects. Gen Pharmacol 1989;20:187-191.

The Verdict
In preparing this article, we read through quite a bit of stevia information. And the balance of it suggests that in low-moderate doses, stevia probably won't cause any health problems.

Although, we should mention that some of the toxicity data is odd. And some of the DNA damage info is enough to give one pause. So, our advice to you is this:
Apply for grant money so you can do more stevia research.

Ok, ok. If you don’t get around to doing that, then consider your overall stevia use. If it's moderate, you're probably fine. However, just like with other sweeteners, problems can probably develop at higher doses.

For what it's worth, we here at PN aren't moved by stevia either way.

Just like with Splenda, the research doesn't convince us that there's any need for fear or paranoia. Nor does the research convince us that stevia (or Splenda) is friendly, helpful, or necessary.

A little bit of it each day in some tea, coffee, oatmeal, or a protein shake is probably fine. But we wouldn’t break out the stevia cookbook just yet.

What About My Cookies?
But what if you want some cookies - and you want them sweet? We say, make some real cookies. And eat them infrequently.

Use a whole grain flour, unrefined sweetener (like date sugar or evaporated cane), and other healthy organic ingredients. And then eat them after exercise, with a PW meal.

That way, you get something sweet, get some quality nutrition and don’t have to second guess your use of “alternative” sweeteners.

Gourmet Nutrition and the Gourmet Nutrition Desserts books have quite a few ideas on this front.

However, just like with stevia, Splenda, etc, you've got to be careful with ALL sweeteners.

Even with the "natural" ones - date sugar, cane, etc. - overindulgence can lead to fat gain, blood sugar swings, and problems with insulin sensitivity.

So your best bet is to get control of that sweet tooth.

No, you don't have to eliminate sweet things altogether. Yet keeping your sugar and sweetener use in check is one sure-fire way to improve your health and body composition.

Posted By:
John Berardi, PhD, CSCS
President, Precision Nutrition
Interesting facts Chillen.

I can see someone with a condition like diabetes benefiting from any of the above mentioned sweeteners. If you really can't handle real sugar for some reason, then artificial sweeteners may be the only option. But really there are drawbacks to both as the second article seems to suggest. Everything in moderation I guess. Those articles were pretty enlightening though.
May 28th, 2008: Thoughts for the Day (3)

You are the person who has to decide. Whether you'll do it or toss it aside; you are the person who makes up your mind. Whether you'll lead or will linger behind. Whether you'll try for the goal that's afar. Or just be contented to stay where you are.

Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday.



And, I feel the need to repost this:

This article was partially written by someone else, and heavily modified by me. I cannot remember who it was written by though, just let you know.


Lets say you have a given a great deal of mental and emotional tim to creating a passion. A passion for something like:

>building a leaner, energized, unstoppable body

>Following your life's dream

The passion you have developed is now aligned with the goals. At the very least, you are moving in that direction, more and more.

You can talk the talk all you want, but can you walk the walk?

Time to STOP TALKen' and START WALKen.......

The tough ACTen start REACTen

Time for ACTION....................>JUST DO IT!


I will do it later. Putting things off. In other words, Procrastination. The dont- go-after-(the BIG ONE/that Body)-but-kid-yourself-into-thinking-that-someday-you will-----way of thinking. BUH!.....STOP IT!

Think about this for a moment: Saying I will do it later/2morrow/next month/this year/etc, is that it can never----be proven FALSE. You can never be reproached for not doing something. If someone does get on your case, you can say.......I will do it later, its not later yet.........

Se the vicious cycle? You can put it off indefinitely. The only time we run out of "laters" is when we are "DEAD"........We know how many laters we have accumulated from the past. WE also know that we were probably never going to end up doing them.........DONT DO THIS!


If something CANT be done NOW, decide:

---If it really is going to GET DONE

If something doesnt get done, and you decide to still do it, SCHEDULE A SPECIFIC DATE AND TIME TO DO IT! Put it on a daily planner. LOOK, if its not worth putting it in your planner NOW, it most likely will never get done "Later"

When you put off until LATER your DRAGGIN THE PAST INTO THE FUTURE!---WTF?!

Disapointment, anger, frustration, guilt for not doing something. Thats a heavy burdon and load......DONT WASTE YOUR TIME, ENERGY, and HEALTH WITH IT!.......ROCK THE HECK ON!

BE IN THE PRESENT.....Do what needs to be done NOW. Even just scheduling a task in your planner for an activity a month from now. Being in the present gives you an INNER FREEDOM for the next moment and next activity......>

------>>>Such as Building that FANTASTIC BODY.......


Remember the School of life....THis is how we learn.....Life is a difficult teacher; she gives us the test first AND THEN teaches us the lesson.......Then the next test will not be so hard......and it can get easier....

The trouble lies in the perfect syndrome. Most people run their lives this way---doing new things perfect the first time. While we strive to do out best, this can be irrational, impractical, and unworkable.......

Who the HELL ever said we had to do it PERFECTLY!

Sometimes we are NOT taught to set our OWN GOALS and to achieve them. We had to achieve someone ELSES goal the "Right WAY" Reaching the goal wasnt --enough....the goal had to be attained the way someone else thought was the BEST WAY.....that is THEIR WAY.........


Dont worry about the right way. Dont worry about MY WAY.........JUST DO IT!

Dont misunderstand me: RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RSEARCH.......doesnt get anything DONE.......So many little time.

Never got anthing I wanted to get done.

Reading and research as its PLACE of course! It can make you smarter about HOW TO DO IT, BUT IT DOES NOTHING.....TO SHAPE YOUR BODY!....UNLESS YOU JUST..................DO IT!

"Nothing would be done at all if a man waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault in it!"-----Cardinal Newman

Experience can be a good teacher, and is the way to approach things. Some call experience MISTAKES; Mistakes are AN EXCELLENT TEACHER!!

You are going to make mistakes----especially when trying something NEW. MAKE EM' EARLY AND OFTEN!

Did your last workout make you feel like something was missing? You didnt lose weight this week.....I have been there...........


"When in doubt....dont make a fool of yourself....There is a thin LINE between being brilliantly creative and acting like a gigantic idiot on earth.....SO........what the HELL.....LEAP!"......

(Cynthia Heimel)



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hey chillen...

just finished reading up to page 51 of your log... all really good info... bit tiring though and a strain on the eyes, with it being 00:10 London time now...

anyway, you said somewhere, dont ask me to quote, that your colleagues said you look really skinny in clothes, and you agree bout that... so its kinda weird my asking, but since im über skinny and trying to get bigger, would you mind sending/ posting some pics of you w/ clothes, so i can see how someone like you really looks in everday life...

its just in all your pics, they are concentrated on one part of your body, and so i cant get an overall picture of how lean/ skinny/ not u are...

also, even though its a really weird request, i am, as i have previously said, not gay.... and ye.........

gone on 4 2 long

Keep posting,

im not so good at making rhyming poetry, so i nicked on of Spencer's.... but isnt it just fantastic?

Ye tradefull Merchants that with weary toyle,
do seeke most pretious things to make your gain:
and both the Indias of their treasures spoile,
what needeth you to seeke so farre in vaine?
For loe my loue doth in her selfe containe
all this worlds riches that may farre be found,
if Saphyres, loe her eies be Saphyres plaine,
if Rubies, loe hir lips be Rubies sound;
If Pearles, hir teeth be pearles both pure and round;
if Yuorie, her forhead yuory weene;
if Gold, her locks are finest gold on ground;
if siluer, her faire hands are siluer sheene,
But that which fairest is, but few behold,
her mind adornd with vertues manifold.

Kindest regards (4 a change)

Josh as long as your not gay........LOL......:yelrotflmao:

Most of the comments were pointed to my Core/Torso (or waist if you wish, and its 29/30, with an inch of room with regular fit 30" wranglers), not my upper body and/or legs.

I wear Large shirts with 16 1/2" neck (and the neck is tight fitting almost too snug)

Wish you the absolute best Josh!

Best wishes

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Hey Chill how u doin??

just thought i`d pop in and say hello.

i`ve been really busy with work lately but just to let you know im still cutting .

i dont think i`ll reach my goal this time around. My deadline is only 9 days away but its only a minor setback.

Most importantly i`m learning and i`ve set my date back 6 weeks..................... gotta keep plugging.

Hey Chill how u doin??

just thought i`d pop in and say hello.

i`ve been really busy with work lately but just to let you know im still cutting .

i dont think i`ll reach my goal this time around. My deadline is only 9 days away but its only a minor setback.

Most importantly i`m learning and i`ve set my date back 6 weeks..................... gotta keep plugging.


Great to hear from you, Marko.

I am doing extremely well. All goals attained. I am Chill-axing and enjoying the feeling this gives. I am continually amazed what diet and fitness training can do to an aging body. I am under 8% BF (7.8 DEXA), and at 160-161 pounds. It took a while to accomplish, because I was extremely concerned about the muscle loss to fat loss ratio, and wanted to maintain 160 to 161 pounds, while dropping the undesired fat tissue. If I wasn't so concerned about this ratio, I could accomplished the BF goal long ago.

I am in maintaining mode at the present, and deciding what to do next--if anything. I am currently in personal debate on a few goal structures.

What has inhibited you from reaching your goals? As far as I was concerned, your goals were attainable within the time table you had set forth.

Where are you currently within your goal guidelines? How far off are you?


Hope to hear from you soon, my friend

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I`ve been working away man(16 hour days) for the last week and a half and its seriously limited my cardio and diet oppertunities(sp).

It`s all good though ...i`ve not given up it`s just gonna take a little longer than planned...the weight is creeping off slowly

I`ll post a couple of pics up in the next few days for your harsh opinion lol


I will respond to your post when I get back fishing with my sons this morning.


And Mrs. Chillen is even going!

I MUST behave around the BOSS......LOL.........> :)

Best regards,

I`ve been working away man(16 hour days) for the last week and a half and its seriously limited my cardio and diet oppertunities(sp).

It`s all good though ...i`ve not given up it`s just gonna take a little longer than planned...the weight is creeping off slowly

I`ll post a couple of pics up in the next few days for your harsh opinion lol



Like have mentioned many times, with one in your position.
When faced with certain obstacles of life, where work (or other life responsibilities) "absolutely" prevent one from training (physically), then opt for the part of your goal you can keep, and will not allow a "total" disengagement from the goal path.

And, in your situation, it was your diet. Working more hours, means more activity, and therefore more food consumption, and with an "appropriate" adjustment approximation for this slight increase, you can keep your caloric deficits while attempting to maintain certain energy levels.

Since diet was the most essential item in your goal path, keeping "atleast" this major component would have proved a priceless commodity.

IMO, one must always "think on the fly" with one's goal in mind all the time.

This "can" be done through knowing your own "personal science".

Best regards,


I wanted to thank you for the helpful advice in my log. I've been trying out different foods to see what stimulates my appetite the most. So far, the noodles are at the top of the list. Potstickers, even though they are filled with meat and/or vegetables, also do the trick. Within minutes of eating either one, I feel like I'm starving. Rice seems to take longer, same with Italian style pasta.

I've also been taking some B complex vitamins and drinking pure cranberry juice. They're supposed to help the appetite. I'm not sure if it's working or if I'm just hungry because of the types of foods I've been eating. Nevertheless, It feels healthy. What are your thoughts on this?

Anyway, I wanted to thank you again. According to the scale this morning, I've gained some weight!

I wanted to thank you for the helpful advice in my log. I've been trying out different foods to see what stimulates my appetite the most. So far, the noodles are at the top of the list. Potstickers, even though they are filled with meat and/or vegetables, also do the trick. Within minutes of eating either one, I feel like I'm starving. Rice seems to take longer, same with Italian style pasta.

I've also been taking some B complex vitamins and drinking pure cranberry juice. They're supposed to help the appetite. I'm not sure if it's working or if I'm just hungry because of the types of foods I've been eating. Nevertheless, It feels healthy. What are your thoughts on this?

Anyway, I wanted to thank you again. According to the scale this morning, I've gained some weight!

I plan to post additional comments in your log.

I just firmly believe (at the moment) that the key to stimuating your appetite, is "stimulating your vital organs" that improve critical homone production to produce a more anabolic state.

Like I said before, making your glucose stores FULL is your friend.

Likewise Carbs and other forms of sugar are your absolute best friends, when wanting to increase fat stores. I left out calories, because I am assuming you alread know this, with the many talks we have had in the past.

You are welcome, but I am not done yet, young lady........

Have a great day.

May your day be filled with internal peace and joy.

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