The ChillOut Log

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Tribute Poem for SpicyPumkin: October 17th, 2007

Never Surrender

By: W.A. Simmons

I'll not let you beat me;
there's nothing you can do.
No force could be imposed on me
that would see me succumb to you.

No obstacle you throw at me
will block my path for long.
I'll simply find another way;
my desire's far too strong.

No winds could blow me hard enough,
to drive me off my course.
Yours could never hope to match,
that of my driving force.

No waves or raging torrents,
you might muster, will ever sweep.
Me from this path I've chosen,
or all it is I seek.

So to you, I welcome your challenges,
each one that you may throw.
They only serve to strengthen me
and with everyone, I'll grow.


Best wishes

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Chillen - great posts! I so needed that tonight! Look forward to the tribute you have for me! ;)

BTW - hot damn....lookin good! :drooling1: :eek2:

Yeah chillen, I know I already told you, but those pictures are incredible. Very impressive!
chillen...that poem was beautiful and it really spoke to me
it really went hand in hand with something i am trying to teach myself: that i have to seek God's approval, and not man's.
thanks, chillen...sincerely!
chillen...that poem was beautiful and it really spoke to me
it really went hand in hand with something i am trying to teach myself: that i have to seek God's approval, and not man's.
thanks, chillen...sincerely!

Read these links: (some good reading)

Best wishes to you my friend,

Bump this forward:

I plan to make several more posts in tribute to:

1. Proteinboy (Jon)-Partially Done
2. SpicyPumkin--Done
3. Beth
4. AMP
5. The FFer
6. Jackie
7. Sparrow
9.Derwydonn (Sarah) :)) )
11. Stingo
12. Phate
13. Dallen
14. PriSm
15. Dav1d
16. Lei
17. Phil
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October 20, 2007

Hope everyone's day goes well today..........

Think positive and work hard........

Best wishes to all of you.

I will be making several tribute posts in the log today

Best regards,

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cool, yeah im good thanks

Love the spider!!!

Jackie xx

HEY!......Jackie.......What's up Girl!..........

Spider comes from the fact SP and I saw a : Yahoo Slurp spider viewing the Log yesterday......LOL.....and she posted it as a joke......HE HE, very funny.

Sometimes I dream, and wake up kicking large and ornery spider off of me...Its sort of weird.....LOL........not often but once in a while. LOL

I now will have nightmares for weeks......with that ugly thing chillling out in the ChillOut Log......HEHEHEHHE :)) )

How does drinking tea make you eat less? This is interesting. If I read that correctly. (in your log)
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Hello, Jon.

Hows my favorite young man doing this fine day? Hope you are well.

By the way, have you been training yet? How is this area coming along. We havent discussed this lately. I plan to make several posts in the log today, but maybe later this evening.......we can talk yahoo or something if you have the time, and just after my training.....yep I train this old fart this afternoon...

Its sort of yelling at me today....LOL. The deads kicked my butt I think my form was a bit off.....I feel a little stress (more than normal) in my lower back. Its just a tad stiff and sore when I get up from a sitting position (like getting up from the kitchen table) and standing up.....sort of kicks in then.

Im gonna take a warm bath I think and do some stretching to see if this helps. Its not that bad...but I think I need to check my form to take a bit more stress off the lower back (I think I am applying more than normal, by not keeping my head up and back straight)

EDIT: (See I can use this thing, lol--> :) ) Maybe I ought to consider a lifting belt. I normally dont like them because I want the full effects of the lift, after all im 46 and have to realize there are limits to my age---though I dont think that sometimes, LOL.

HEY..................> You keep cooken it BABY!

Best wishes young man

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Bump this forward:

I plan to make several more poem posts in tribute to:

1. Proteinboy (Jon)-Partially Done (more coming)
2. SpicyPumkin--Done
3. Beth--Done
4. AMP-Done
5. The FFer-Done
6. Jackie
7. Sparrow
9.Derwydonn (Sara) :)) )
11. Stingo
12. Phate
13. Dallen
14. PriSm
15. Dav1d
16. Lei
17. Phil

Im going to bump this forward as I progress------

HEY!......ROCK THE HECK ON........ALL DAY EVERY DAY.........never say NAY......go all the WAY!
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October 20th, 2007: Thoughts for the day (1)

For Beth:

Just a Simple Tree:

When fall strokes it's brush upon them, the leaves begin to die,
to make sure the tree can stay alive, each must say goodbye.
This coat of colors comfort the tree to ease what lies ahead,
when cold winds try to fell it after all the leaves are dead.

Standing tall it holds each branch upwards toward the sky
to brave those winter storms, sent from clouds on high.
Having deep faith in nature, knows it soon will send the spring
and those sunny days for the birth of leaves it brings.



Open your mind and be filled with great awe and have more faith than a simple tree.

Our lives are made of seasons and some will make us grieve,
but if we just have faith, we will never be without our leaves


Best wishes to you young lady.

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October 20, 2007: Thoughts for th day (2)

For BETH (2)

Self-Esteem by (MyOwnDarkDisaster-a friend of mine)

I try and I try and I try
To see the reason why
Everyday people change
Their hair, attitude, their being
Underneath is not what other's are seeing
To be honest I find it all quite strange

People mock me, the way I act
My clothes, hair, and all the things I lacked
I don't mind, It's how I feel
To be viewed as whatever they want is their choice
But to be perfectly honest there is more than one voice
Salted wounds will eventually heal

But I can't take the fact
That people are afraid of what THEY lacked
All that matters is who they see
I can't hate them for betraying themself
For using me and putting me on a shelf
When they realize how at peace we can truly be



Best wishes my friend,

October 20, 2007; Thoughts for the day (3)


Life's Challenges (by Cez)

Have you ever wondered what life is all about and your role for its fulfillment?
Have you ever looked back and thought of the 'what might have beens', had you taken a different path from what you are treading right now?

Have you ever succumb to your weaknesses and wished that you never have given in?

Have you appreciated your blessings and the gift of life in its totality?

Life is complex, and it's quite challenging to understand its diversity
But come to think of it, we don't really have to understand everything in one sitting.

Experience teaches us to take things in stride, to appreciate the present and not to worry about the future.

Everyday accomplishments and failures are what life is all about
Recognizing one's strength and weaknesses in performing and assessing one's responsibilities is what really matters.

Knowing these characteristics leads to awareness and recognizing one's role and place in this lifetime.

Looking back and wishing for the 'what might have beens' is one way of saying you are not grateful of what you have in the present.

It may be fair enough to look back, but never wish of the things that were not meant to happen.

There is no such thing as coincidence; things happen in one's lifetime for a purpose.

Weaknesses are what make us human.

Succumbing to it sometimes brings out he best in us in a way that we could never have imagined.

Most often than not we realized our potentials and frailties through it.

But there are dangers if we are not careful

Our vulnerabilities could likewise lead us to our downfall.

Justifying one's weakness by saying, "I have no choice or there's no other option" is not an excuse at all.

The choices we make are borne out of our essence as a human being
Saying otherwise reduces us to the level of primates.

It is best to know what makes us happy, what makes us fulfilled, and what are our motivations and priorities.

It is a matter of knowing our wants and needs in life.

Everything boils down to one thing - appreciating our blessings and giftedness as a person.

It is when we become conscious of our inner strength and appreciative of who we are shall we achieve peace and tranquility.

Nobody can profess to have mastered this.

As we continue to journey and explore life, we also keep on discovering, learning, and faltering in the process.

We do not have to stay defeated, every slip up leads to new wisdom
And new wisdom gives us new insights and fresh outlook in life.


Best wishes,


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October 20, 2007: Thoughts for the day (4)

For FlyinFree (the FF'er)

Yearning for Life

Flying, falling, tripping, stalling

Fighting, laughing, standing up for your beliefs

No holding back-we're breaking free

Taking the risks, yeah we're proud of our scars

They're here to prove who we really are

It can't be said
It can't always be done

It's a feeling of becoming your own one
Your very own person

Mind, body, and soul
Your heart can feel everything as you allow the emotions to roam

Becoming independant, learning you can stand alone
Pride and dignity unify

Building up specific walls between them and I
Protecting you when you can not fight your heart

Only as you begin a new start
Tough, kind, smart as can be
Inside is a yearning for life,
love given carefully
Now take a look at the morals, this inside scene
Observe to yourself these people are you and thee


Keep FLYING HIGH..........FF'er!!!

Truely flat ROCK!

Best wishes to you my friend

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