The ChillOut Log

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I posted a comment in the "Brains" thread. I have had too many carbs and too much water today......LOL........

I am praying for you and thinking of you PB!
thanks, beth. your reply made me smile. its good to know theres others who believe too even on this forum.
God bless

You are more than welcome! ;)
long story short:
4 months ago: ripped lat doing deadlifts
waited 2 days
lifted again(BAD MOVE)
relized i am screwed.
waited 2 weeks
started lifting lightly for 1 week (probably tore left lower trap here)
realized it was too heavy even though it was very light stuff
saw the doctor
he said wait 6-8 weeks no lifting whatsoever
from then until now i have been doing some unilateral leg work(which i stopped 1.5 weeks ago), swimming, dancing, running...waiting. somewhere along the lines i ripped my left lower trapezius. thats all that is wrong now. lat is healed

yes it is all my fault. i didnt even know i was ruining myself whenever i would try to do something(like lift light or swim a little harder)

...i read the posts about pain 1 page ago. thanks...made me realize more than i already discovered myself

but contrary to my past mental history, i am very successful and very secure with my self image and confidance despite my lessened state of being.
i thank you and God for that.
this summer COMPLETELY changed who i am; like a metamorphasis

and thankyou for the post on hope.
i know that it is going to heal and that all will be well....soon

as for the poison ivy; long sleeve shirts and jeans provide a hiding place for my insecurity. honestly, i would not like to go to school with all this on me for all to see. i have 2 days to get rid of it.

Im getting caught up here, PB. I didnt see this post. Your lat is healed I got this now, and its the trap muscle now bothering you. Geesh, PB. You cant catch a break. These two issues with your body (lat and now trap) can make you mentally stronger. When this hurdle is over, and when you dont feel like training or are down in the dumps or worse possibly, remember the feelings you are having now to open the gate to inspiration and motivation of the present (there is a log post on this). Sometimes there are hurdles in our path that is placed there for a reason, and only God knows why they exist.

I re read your post. You think that you hurt your trap during a light workout? Deads I assume?

I can understand being conscious about the rash and wanting to wear long sleeves and jeans.

You have a hurt trap, poison ivy, you are losing size (and the kids at school are making comments), and before this you healed from a lat injury. Yes, this is alot for a 16 year old with the ambitions you have.

Hey, do you have yahoo? Is it possible to chat in real time? Sometimes forum talk.....suc......oops, better not say that.....stinks.

My name is Chillpill_cis.

Let me know and we can discuss this.........I would like to provide some assistance if I can. This way you can get your feelings off of your chest, and maybe their will be some benefit.

Godbless to you PB.
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September 02, 2007: Thoughts for the day

We all encounter them:


Norman Vincent Peale:

Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven't half the strength you think they have.

Obstacles in one's path. They can impede and they can hurt. They can dampen the pain but can deepen resolve--Chillen

How you handle your thoughts in relation to the obstacle stimulants around you and happening to you can determine whether you regress into inward and outward acts of additional pain and suffering stimulated by the obstacle.

Think DEEP with this one Forum brotha and Sista's:

“If every obstacle in life is an impregnable wall, then what would symbolize death?”

What does this mean PB? We all know death is the final physical death, and the author is equating this sort of death in how we can cause a like death to certain things in our lives--by how we think toward obstacles and other things in our lives.

This is one way to look at this quote. It is a most powerful quote to think about.

When to obey doubt with obstacles present:

“The greatest obstacle to being heroic, is to doubt whether one may not be going this prove's one's self a fool; the truest heroism is, to resist the doubt; and the profoundest wisdom, to know when it ought to be resisted, and when to be obeyed.”

Nathaniel Hawthorne

“The block of granite which was an obstacle in the pathway of the weak becomes a stepping-stone in the pathway of the strong”​

Thomas Carlyle


“Obstacles cannot crush me. Every obstacle yields to stern resolve. He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind.”
Leonardo da Vinci

“Defeat may test you; it need not stop you. If at first you don't succeed, try another way. For every obstacle there is a solution. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. The greatest mistake is giving up.”


“The things you want are always possible; it is just that the way to get them is not always apparent. The only real obstacle in your path to a fulfilling life is you, and that can be a considerable obstacle because you carry the baggage of insecurities and past experience.”

Les Brown


Honorable values should be protected, personally and appropriately voiced, and obstacles should not be allowed to stomp it out:

“Nothing is given to man on earth - struggle is built into the nature of life, and conflict is possible - the hero is the man who lets no obstacle prevent him from pursuing the values he has chosen.”

Andrew Bernstein


Stengthen your achievement Muscle:

“Nothing stops the man who desires to achieve. Every obstacle is simply a course to develop his achievement muscle. It's a strengthening of his powers of accomplishment.”

Eric Butterworth


GHOST: The outward and visible sign of an inward fear.



There are more than one way to skin a problem, and sometimes to skin a problem, one has to unearth something else:

“When man meets an obstacle he can't destroy, he destroys himself.”

Ryszard Kapuscinski


Marsha Sinetar:

Life's up and downs provide windows of opportunity to determine your values and goals. Think of using all obstacles as stepping stones to build the life you want.


B. C. Forbes:

History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumphed. They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats.

Robert H. Schuller:

For every mountain there is a miracle.


Claude M. Bristol:

It's the constant and determined effort that breaks down all resistance, sweeps away all obstacles.

John Quincy Adams:

Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.


I dont know if you read this post I made PB, so I am going to copy and paste this post I made as I think its applicable to your situation, and maybe you can obtain some value in it:

I posted this for a variety of reasons. I also posted it at the time, because Deschain was going through a rough period:

I felt alot of depression today. I asked myself what love is. Its loving a woman unconditionally for 25 years. I debated whether to share this personal side of me for quite a few months, but I have decided to do so.

People can adapt and overcome anything if its in them: I see this everyday in my wife:

About 5 years ago, my wife was diagnosed with Lupos, and also has a bone condition called: Fiber Dysplacia of the front left facial bone (has had this all her life). She can carry nearly 10lbs worth of water in her legs and hips after work, has nagging muscle pains, and sometimes intense headache and other bodily aches and pains (to make this short). She has had several operations on her face where they litterally shaved her front cheek bone and sinus area that continually gets blocked from the bone growth. She had one about 4 months ago, and this one was rather serious and needed to be done or she faced certain death due to the placement of the bone growth. (brief synopsis)

She never complains, and is not ashamed of her self, always puts herself last and her family first. She is always persistant: She is my idol.

Doctors say she wont live past the age of 60. I say she will because of her heart.

If you ever wondered what drives me, its my wife. I keep myself conditioned to be able one day to: cloth her, bath her, feed her, and put her to bed. I love her: She is my idol.

I must be prepared so I must keep my aging body fit for the task and not let her down or myself down.

What she lacks in beauty she makes up with her heart and soul: I love her.

Today was not a good day as she suffered back pain and pain from the water gain, and never complained, but was drawn and tired, but she never gives up.

There is nothing I cant bare when I look at her, that she hasnt felt.

She is the one that boils in my heart of desire. I would do anything for her.

This one of the reasons I am who I am and act the way I do. I know I can make her life as happy with her medical condition, and want to set out to do simuliar things for other people.

I hope this makes sense. And, I hope one can understand me more for what its worth.

I see everyday what having a determined heart and soul can do to a person

(so I Chill mentally in this respect)


ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Throughout my life I have overcome things with heart, and goes something like this:

I may be small and you may be bigger, but with my heart, you gonna feal as if your beaten, though you may think you have won, you wont be back.

I have a bad case of "small guy" Syndrome. ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!

Best wishes,

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what a beautiful way to wake up this blessed sunday morning.
you are the father i never had chillen.
very insightful posting; uplifts me spiritually every time.

i am touched by your wife's story. her heart must be very unrelenting even in the midst of everything she faces.
even i can respect here with much regard and i havent met her.
i am going to be praying for the two of you along with other loved ones
power in prayer.
i realize i am leaving a lot undealt with; but i promised to meet a friend for a bikeride at 9:00 sharp. then its church.
i will most definetly get back to you and talk about the situation i have later.
thankyou so much for being the only one who has understood what i am dealing with. you have much insight.
until a bit later, your greatful and humbled friend
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back. :)
i have yahoo messanger, and AIM
my name for both is

“If every obstacle in life is an impregnable wall, then what would symbolize death?”

my view of this quote:
-it states that death is the only "impregnable" or unsurpassable obstacle. death is the time when the wall is finally too tall, too time consuming to climb(our time has run out to scale it), or strong to overcome.
-with that being said, EVERY OTHER wall face in life is fellable and we can overcome it.

to answer your question, chillen, my father loves me very much; but he has had many experiances with doctors in which they have not helped him whatsoever, so using his logic, he thinks i will not gain anything from doctors as well.
unlike you and your children, my parents do not know hardly any of what i feel, why i feel it and really who i really am.
they dont know that i am actually a child of God who thinks for himself below the surface every day.
i believe they think i am simple minded and very ignorant.
and this is not because i shut them out; but because they never talk or ask.
my little brother offers absolutely no mental or physical comfort either.
he is too young and too uncaring to understand me and provide comfort(14)

simply put, our family is not close.
in fact, my mother makes me feel worse about myself. she attacks my guilt at times where i cannot help her. like when there were heavy boxes to move, furniture to move, groceries to be carried in, patios to be brushed, pool to be scrubbed.
she comments that its pathetic that i can let her, an aging 5 foot tall woman do all the work while i sit and do nothing.
she doesnt know how many times i cried because i feel so uselessly worthless and there is nothing i can do about it.
yet every time i feel self pity, i soon realize that i am taking everything i still have for granted yet again. is that not what i am being punished for? i then grasp the understanding that i could have it MUCH worse. i remember when i could hardly bend without pain.
whenever this happens, i get angry at myself for being so ungrateful.
the rage i have yet the privilage to release, is still bottled up.

i love my family so much. but they shouldnt have to comfort me; thats just selfish; so i dont expect them to. i just talk to God and sometimes with friends.
September 3rd, thoughts for the day:
Chillen is out so i am going to write whats on my mind(uh oh! here we go again!) lol

I spent a while thinking of what to write about.
I finally decided that today's lesson should focus on IMPROVING our current
Self Satisfaction
for every privilage and possession we own by the end of this post.
Taking anything for granted is a terrible mistake.

If you are living without enough of these two emotions/traits, life is going to be less rewarding, and tough.

However, if you live with these traits, in mental harmony, life is very rewarding and happiness comes easy.

We all know self satisfaction and our potential hapiness in our current state of being, is chosen only by the body that wishes to house it.

Lets look at an example, shall we?
My buddy Mark was writing a book on his computer.
He was working on it for around a year and he really had hopes for it being published. He was almost finished with his novel this summer; yet when he came back from his Carribian cruise vacation his worst nightmare had come true.
The laptop in which he had the book he was writing and all his personal stuff had been stolen along with variuos other valuables in his house.
His enthusiasm was smashed by this huge loss(he had many other poems and documents on there too)
He said to me a while later
"Boy...I never EVER got robbed before and I thought it would never happen to have no idea how extremely happy I would be if I could just get my stuff back, Jon"

What we can learn from Mark...
Mark took the security of his valuables for granted.
He failed to realize all he had to be happy about until it was GONE(which is usually the case)
Mark said he would be exstatically happy, if only he had his belongings back.
This would be the same situation as if mark came home, and nothing had been stolen.
The question is, would mark have been exstatically happy if he came home to find nothing stolen?
Because he would not have the experiance of loss to bring him to realize how much he has to be thankful for.

Do you see how HUGE an influence gratefulness has on whether or not we are happy with what we have in our current state of being?

Why are we only extra-ordinarily happy to have our possesions or privilages when they have been taken away from us?
Because most of us are living with a lack of thankfullness/gratefullness.
We are not gratefull to have them until they are taken away, which is when we truly realize what a blessing it was to have them.

At this moment, please relax with me. get comfy and get your imagination warmed up. Ready?
I want you to imagine EVERYTHING ... I mean everything you own.
Now imagine all of it taken away from you; like it all dissapeared.
You would be naked, alone and homeless.
And during all the grueling hardships which you would endure trying to adapt to the new life, you would remember EVERYTHING you used to have.
Would you not be happy if everything was suddenly "given back"? well it is. everything is given back.
Your emptiness is filled and you percieve everything you own as a luxury, seeing it as a blessing.

Back to reality.
Now what is the differance between that imaginary you, and you?
"Imaginary you" has suffered the experiance of loss and you HAVE NOT.
The "imaginary you" is crying for joy now and you are not. Why arent you?
Answer: imaginary you is more grateful than you are to have everything you have right now.
Even though both of you have the exact same possesions, the imaginary you has the "gratefulness factor", and you do not.
But we all should have the "gratefulness factor".
Do you see how it will change your life?

Do we all need to be tortured by the experiance of loss to truly be grateful?!
We ALL have the ability to be grateful for EVERYTHING we have!
Im getting myself excited just thinking of all the blessings I have! THANKYOU JESUS!

The same principle can be used when seeking to improve self satisfaction!
We are all gifted with the ability to walk, talk, see, taste, hear, love, learn, grow, improve, adapt...IT KEEPS GOING!
Believe it or not, you can go blind TOMORROW! your eyes are a gift, a delicate gift!
Enjoy the world and its beauty. Rejoice in not being blind!
Rejoice in your current state of body! Be grateful for everything you have, including

The ablility to march on the road towards your dreams.

Because that privalage can be taken away; any day, any way, without warning.

THE OCCURANCE OF LOSS SHOULD NOT HAVE TO HAPPEN IN ORDER FOR US TO BE GRATEFUL FOR WHAT WE HAVE(or dont have: ie cancer, in which case we would have to gain it).

Count your blessings, and embrace them with much gratitude.
Accept your losses, for they are part of life.

And rock on
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back. :)
i have yahoo messanger, and AIM
my name for both is

“If every obstacle in life is an impregnable wall, then what would symbolize death?”

my view of this quote:
-it states that death is the only "impregnable" or unsurpassable obstacle. death is the time when the wall is finally too tall, too time consuming to climb(our time has run out to scale it), or strong to overcome.
-with that being said, EVERY OTHER wall face in life is fellable and we can overcome it.

to answer your question, chillen, my father loves me very much; but he has had many experiances with doctors in which they have not helped him whatsoever, so using his logic, he thinks i will not gain anything from doctors as well.
unlike you and your children, my parents do not know hardly any of what i feel, why i feel it and really who i really am.
they dont know that i am actually a child of God who thinks for himself below the surface every day.
i believe they think i am simple minded and very ignorant.
and this is not because i shut them out; but because they never talk or ask.
my little brother offers absolutely no mental or physical comfort either.
he is too young and too uncaring to understand me and provide comfort(14)

simply put, our family is not close.
in fact, my mother makes me feel worse about myself. she attacks my guilt at times where i cannot help her. like when there were heavy boxes to move, furniture to move, groceries to be carried in, patios to be brushed, pool to be scrubbed.
she comments that its pathetic that i can let her, an aging 5 foot tall woman do all the work while i sit and do nothing.
she doesnt know how many times i cried because i feel so uselessly worthless and there is nothing i can do about it.
yet every time i feel self pity, i soon realize that i am taking everything i still have for granted yet again. is that not what i am being punished for? i then grasp the understanding that i could have it MUCH worse. i remember when i could hardly bend without pain.
whenever this happens, i get angry at myself for being so ungrateful.
the rage i have yet the privilage to release, is still bottled up.

i love my family so much. but they shouldnt have to comfort me; thats just selfish; so i dont expect them to. i just talk to God and sometimes with friends.

duuuuuude almost dropped a tear on that post i feel for you man
Thanks for dropping in the ChillOut Log! I didnt know you viewed it.

Yes, PB is going through some tough times. He has poison ivy too, and an injured trap, and before that an injured lat.

I plan to do another post for the log.......I feel his pain, and he is my friend. He stood in for me today. I couldnt respect him more.

I am sure he appreciates your kind words.

Best regards,

Remember chillen your the one who has found your soulmate, many people never find there's and should be blessed to the fact you have her to wake up to, no matter how short or how long that it may be...many people would do anything for that.
Remember chillen your the one who has found your soulmate, many people never find there's and should be blessed to the fact you have her to wake up to, no matter how short or how long that it may be...many people would do anything for that.

That is very true, Matt. :) This is something to think about this morning, thank you. There is alot to learn from my wife as well: she has more reasons to be self-conscious, have self-pity, and hang her head low in public, (to name only a few) but she doesnt, and it makes my battle in the gym and diet sort of petty and small in comparison.

Also see CCR's post on: Jane Tomlinson (Worlds greatest person dies thread): This shows what determination and heart can do. It can postpone and delay even death...........ROCK ON!...........

This is WHY I PUSH MOTIVATION and DESIRE FOLKS!..............IT CAN BE UNSTOPPABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am very thankful.

Off to train then to work.

Everyone have a nice day to day........and

ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!

I will be posting later this afternoon, after work.........

If anyone has a suggestion on a topic--taylored---to them let me know. I will ROCK YA WITH IT!.........LOL............
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Heya chillen dunno if this is the right place to ask but could you tell me the importance of protein in your view please, and could you also recommend a good protein powder for a women looking to tone up a bit please

Thanks, Jackie

PS: ROCK ON xxxxxxxxxxxxx
September 4th, 2007: Thoughts for the day

Do YOU realize============>SELF?

Life is short.
Time is fleeting.
Realize the self.
Be good; do good.
Be kind; be compassionate.
Inquire, know thyself

Swami Sivanada.


It is POSSIBLE!!!!!

Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, the not-quite, the not-yet, the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish, in lonely frustration for the life you deserved, but have never been able to reach. Check your road and the nature of your battle. The world you desired can be won. It exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours.

Ayn Rand (1905 - 1982)


Your master is he who controls that on which you have set your heart or wish to avoid.

Epictetus (c. 50 - 120)

Your heart has no LIMIT CAPACITY!!!!!!

Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold.

Zelda Fitzgerald


But words are words; I never did hear That the bruised heart was pierced through the ear.

William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616)

Open the POWER of your individual HEART!

An open mind will let you learn from every sorrow and every smile
An open heart will let you feel every joy and every cry
And together they will let the power of your spirit enter into your soul.


Switch off the mind and let the heart decide
who you were meant to be

Flick to remote and let the body glide
There is no enemy!

Etch out a future of your own design
Well tailored to your needs
Then fan the flame and keep the dream alive ...

The heart has its reasons that reason does not know.


The heart has reasons that reason does not understand.

-Jacques Bénigne Bossuel.

To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, service.
To all, charity.
To every child, a good example.
To yourself, respect.


PB this is for you:

I have also found that by making four simple assumptions in our lives we can immediately begin leading a more balanced, integrated, powerful life. They are simple–one for each part of our nature–but I promise you that if you do them consistently, you will find a new wellspring of strength and integrity to draw on when you need it most.

1) For the body–assume you've had a heart attack; now live accordingly.

2) For the mind–assume the half-life of your profession is two years; now prepare accordingly.

3) For the heart–assume everything you say about another, they can overhear; now speak accordingly.

4) For the spirit–assume you have a one-on-one visit with your Creator every quarter; now live accordingly.

You can CAGE your own SELF if you are not careful:

There is no limitation whatsoever, except those who mentally put themselves in a cage. To realize that you are not confined is to understand who you really are, because there is plenty you can do and be.


A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination.

Nelson Mandela (1918 - )


"Goodbye," said the fox.
"And now here is my secret, a very simple secret:
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
what is essential is invisible to the eye."

"What is essential is invisible to the eye,"
the little prince repeated,
so that he would be sure to remember.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

When your heart becomes the grave of your secrets, that desire of yours will be gained more quickly. The prophet said that anyone who keeps secret his inmost thought will soon attain the object of his desire. When seeds are buried in the earth, their inward secrets become the flourishing garden.

Mevlana Rumi (1207 - 1273)

The vision that you glorify in your mind, the Ideal that you enthrone in your heart - this you will build your life by, this you will become.

James Allen (1864 - 1912)
Cherish your visions. Cherish your ideals. Cherish the music that stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind, the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts, for out of them will grow all delightful conditions, all heavenly environment; of these, if you but remain true to them, your world will at last be built.

James Allen (1864 - 1912)


There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth not going all
the way, and not starting.


What the eye does not admire the heart does not desire....Proverb.


It is not the size of a man but the size of
his heart that matters....Evander Holyfield.


For it was not into my ear you whispered
but into my heart, it was not my lips
you kissed, but my soul....Judy Garland.

Let your heart be your compass, your
mind your map, your soul your guide...
and you will never get lost....Unknown.

Be careful what you set your heart on,
for it will surely be yours....Ralph Waldo Emerson.

He who knoweth the precepts by heart, but faileth
to practice them, is like unto one who lighteth a
lamp and then shutteth his eyes.

Siddha Nagarjuna


A good exercise for the heart is to bend
down and help another up....John Andrew Holmes.
Find the seed at the bottom of your heart
and bring forth a flower....Shigenori Kameoka.


Nothing is less in our power than the
heart, and far from commanding we are
forced to obey it....Jean Jacques Rousseau.

I'm stuck like a dope
With a thing called hope,
And I can't get it out of my heart.

Oscar Hammerstein.

You can make your own story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lessons of wisdom have the most power over us when
they capture the heart through the groundwork of a
story, which engages the passions.

Laurence Sterne.

All that is in the heart is written on the face....Proverb.


The FLUTTER of the HEART!!!!!!!

Our heart is the voice of the soul.
Listen carefully and in its beating you
will hear the fluttering of angel wings....Unknown.



Any man's finest hour is when he has worked
his heart out in a good cause and lies
exhausted on the battlefield....Vince Lombardi.

Your heart is full of fertile seeds,
waiting to sprout....Morihei Ueshiba.


I wish all of you THIS:

May the blessing of light be on you, light without
and light within. May the blessed sunshine shine on
you and warm your heart till it glows like a great
peat fire, so that the stranger may come and warm himself
at it, and also a friend....Traditional Irish Blessing.


And, I leave you all with this:

Laughter is harder...
Friendship is stronger...
Trust is deeper...
When it comes from the heart....Unknown.


Reach in yourself and grab a hold of your HEART and become the Navagational CHART of your work of ART and this will prevent you from falling APART and fill your mental Laundry CART with an athletes HEART!


Cheer, Cheer, Cheer to get through the year! When you're flying high look to the sky, and hear your rallying Cry, and stir-Fry your never say Die!


ROCK ON TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From my heart to yours...........I am most be working on this forum with you all and to have you all as my friends...........

ROCK ON!!!!!!!!

I wish you the best each day. NEVER GIVE UP! I have something special coming for you Jon (PB)...stay friend.

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read today's post. :D once i started reading i couldnt stop :]

i went to the doc today and after some arguing with my mom, got some weak "steroids" to help with the poison ivy, recommended by my doc. i start taking them tomorrow.

i have been praying for you and your wife chillen. God Bless both of you
read today's post. :D once i started reading i couldnt stop :]

i went to the doc today and after some arguing with my mom, got some weak "steroids" to help with the poison ivy, recommended by my doc. i start taking them tomorrow.

i have been praying for you and your wife chillen. God Bless both of you

Jesus Christ PB, when I read the weak steroids bit for a second there I thought you meant something else.

Chillen this log is awsome, I shall be sure to read through the last few pages. In you words dude, ROCK ON!!!
Heya chillen dunno if this is the right place to ask but..

... could you tell me the importance of protein in your view please,

..... and could you also recommend a good protein powder for a women looking to tone up a bit please

chillen - what are your thoughts on protein ?
Heya chillen dunno if this is the right place to ask but could you tell me the importance of protein in your view please, and could you also recommend a good protein powder for a women looking to tone up a bit please

Thanks, Jackie

PS: ROCK ON xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Protein in one's diet is VERY important, and can play into crucial decisions within the body dependent upon other nutients given in the diet. Always ensure you get enough, but also ensure your get enough carbs, and good fats. I believe between .08 to 1.2 grams per body weight should do you well (somewhere within), and you should be okay.

Jackie, I prefer my protein from solid food items. And, currently do not take any whey protein powder supplements; however, there is absolutely no problem in taking Whey protein powder (consider it a liquid food item). Adding this to your diet should be no problem (if your watching calories be sure to figure this in and whether you use milk or water or some other liquid).

So I can't suggest any good powders, but someone else may offer a brand or type. ROCK ON! GIRL!!!!!!!!
Protein in one's diet is VERY important, and can play into crucial decisions within the body dependent upon other nutients given in the diet. Always ensure you get enough, but also ensure your get enough carbs, and good fats. I believe between .08 to 1.2 grams per body weight should do you well (somewhere within), and you should be okay.

Jackie, I prefer my protein from solid food items. And, currently do not take any whey protein powder supplements; however, there is absolutely no problem in taking Whey protein powder (consider it a liquid food item). Adding this to your diet should be no problem (if your watching calories be sure to figure this in and whether you use milk or water or some other liquid).

So I can't suggest any good powders, but someone else may offer a brand or type. ROCK ON! GIRL!!!!!!!!

Curious ...I know where .8 comes from but .......where did you get 1.2 from ?

It seems a rather ' precise ' upper limit - how'd you arrive at that upper limit ?
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