The ChillOut Log

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Curious ...I know where .8 comes from but .......where did you get 1.2 from ?

It seems a rather ' precise ' upper limit - how'd you arrive at that upper limit ?

No specific reason, as protein needs can vary. Maybe I should have gave the base of .8, and left it open ended, and asked what her activity and training was like, and between myself and the others (like yourself) we can come to a recommendation protein point more applicable to her situation. Good point though, Wrangell.
back. :)
i have yahoo messanger, and AIM
my name for both is

“If every obstacle in life is an impregnable wall, then what would symbolize death?”

my view of this quote:
-it states that death is the only "impregnable" or unsurpassable obstacle. death is the time when the wall is finally too tall, too time consuming to climb(our time has run out to scale it), or strong to overcome.
-with that being said, EVERY OTHER wall face in life is fellable and we can overcome it.

to answer your question, chillen, my father loves me very much; but he has had many experiances with doctors in which they have not helped him whatsoever, so using his logic, he thinks i will not gain anything from doctors as well.
unlike you and your children, my parents do not know hardly any of what i feel, why i feel it and really who i really am.
they dont know that i am actually a child of God who thinks for himself below the surface every day.
i believe they think i am simple minded and very ignorant.
and this is not because i shut them out; but because they never talk or ask.
my little brother offers absolutely no mental or physical comfort either.
he is too young and too uncaring to understand me and provide comfort(14)

simply put, our family is not close.
in fact, my mother makes me feel worse about myself. she attacks my guilt at times where i cannot help her. like when there were heavy boxes to move, furniture to move, groceries to be carried in, patios to be brushed, pool to be scrubbed.
she comments that its pathetic that i can let her, an aging 5 foot tall woman do all the work while i sit and do nothing.
she doesnt know how many times i cried because i feel so uselessly worthless and there is nothing i can do about it.
yet every time i feel self pity, i soon realize that i am taking everything i still have for granted yet again. is that not what i am being punished for? i then grasp the understanding that i could have it MUCH worse. i remember when i could hardly bend without pain.
whenever this happens, i get angry at myself for being so ungrateful.
the rage i have yet the privilage to release, is still bottled up.

i love my family so much. but they shouldnt have to comfort me; thats just selfish; so i dont expect them to. i just talk to God and sometimes with friends.

After careful thought, I decided to make this come from my heart without any quotes and personal remarks behind quotes, and be as real as possible.

When I was much younger, and in my twenties, and had my first born, I gave alot of thought on how I wanted to raise my children: First, I came from a family that had divorced parents (my father ran off with some woman when I was 9), and this emotionally tore my mother apart and changed her completely---in the wrong direction: She became an alcoholic (and still is to this day), and she set a path on destroying her kids self-esteem, and litterally pulled the heart of life right out of all her kids, but one:

To make a very complicated and in-depth story short, she would say things like: You will never amount to anything, and hit us nearly everyday, and "You look like your father you make me F----en sick" "I cant stand you because of this", "You make me puke when I look at you", and on, and on with like statements. When I was about 10, and my grandmother died, this was a closed family funeral, she made me hold my grandmothers hands (and they were ice cold), and kept telling me she was going to hide under my bed and haunt me, because I was a "Crews" (my dad's last name). On the way home she kept taunting me. At home, she put some of the grave flowers under my bed, and refused to allow the light on in my bed room. I was frightened beyond description.

As I got older, and simular and different things kept continuing from her, I realized (in my heart--the one she was trying to destroy), how wrong this was, and mentally separated myself from it, while the other kids (my brothers and sisters) could not (to this very day). When I was 18 I moved out. Long story short, I found my father, we made peace (and of course my mother to this day, is livid) to make this short. To this day she cant understand the relationship---"difference" nor why I needed this "Male-bond" connection when I was young. But this is okay, she doesnt have to.

With this very brief true story in mind. I wanted to give everything to my kids that my mother tried to take away from me. You see, PB, I can relate to how you feel, and I wasnt going to allow this sort of feeling nor destruction to occur in my children, and I was the stearing mechanism. I set a path from their birth, to prepare them for life.

My mother tried to break my spirit as a child, and a child with a complicated broken spirit carries to more complicated things in youth and in adulthood, and can litterally ruin ones path. I was able to step aside and look at things Intelligently, but I became obsessed and sometimes far too passionate in life to prove these feelings I had (in bread in me from her) the opposite. I have succeeded, but I have had some side effects (is what I am saying).

All the tools in my upbringing from my mother could have led me to a road of destruction--this is all I knew--I was no good, wouldnt amount to anything, etc...

But it didnt, and only 1 of 5 made it. The others fell off the path.

Im going to end this short of what I had intended. To ask you a question.

"What am I trying to get across to you, young man?"

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chillen-you always challenge me to think instead of having the answer directly given to me :]

and the way i see it, is that you overcame domestic abuse as a child on a very traumatic level; therefore you have personal experiance and i can take advice and seek wisdom from you knowing you have felt what i am experiancing.
and no matter what the circumstances, theres always hope.

that is a very sad story, chillen. what a successful man you have become despite an abusive mother and a divorced family.
chillen-you always challenge me to think instead of having the answer directly given to me :]

and the way i see it, is that you overcame domestic abuse as a child on a very traumatic level; therefore you have personal experiance and i can take advice and seek wisdom from you knowing you have felt what i am experiancing.
and no matter what the circumstances, theres always hope.

that is a very sad story, chillen. what a successful man you have become despite an abusive mother and a divorced family.

This story, though it was about my childhood, really didnt have anything to do with me. Its not about hope........try again........
i will have to sleep on it. i will re-read it tomorrow as well and take it to heart.
goodnight chillen and thankyou for everything!
Admittingly, Im saddened that you mistook that statement I wrote as about me, it wasnt. I want to drive HOME that this was written........for a PURPOSE, and the purpose was about YOU and having you see something VERY IMPORTANT.
Admittingly, Im saddened that you mistook that statement I wrote as about me, it wasnt. I want to drive HOME that this was written........for a PURPOSE, and the purpose was about YOU and having you see something VERY IMPORTANT.

PB: My circumstances as a youngen and teenager were different than yours, but, Take YOUR situation and what your experiencing with your parents coupled with what you are feeling, read my post, and try to get my point.

You will learn more by working to get the answer, than by it given you.
I hadn't visited this thread in a while.

I have so much to catch up on. I now realize that this is a thread I need to visit more often.

I don't know what exactly lead to PB posting while Chillen is unavailable (or if PB volunteered).. but I am greatful for that. Great posts PB! I hope your trap and poison ivy get better very soon. will keep you in my prayers.
I hadn't visited this thread in a while.

I have so much to catch up on. I now realize that this is a thread I need to visit more often.

I don't know what exactly lead to PB posting while Chillen is unavailable (or if PB volunteered).. but I am greatful for that. Great posts PB! I hope your trap and poison ivy get better very soon. will keep you in my prayers.

Just got home from work, glad to see your post Nae. "I am grateful too....but for TWO reasons.....WINK, WINK.......HINT< HINT.........Uh, and all of that" :)

Uplifting the young ones and keeping a SPIRIT in a young one ALIVE is what its about! And, he is my friend. So, I must try to stimulate good perceptive thinking--its HEALTHY!..................ROCK ON!.........

Did the ChillOut log......s@ck...........before? :) Just messen'........

Best wishes,

haha.. in no way did it ..umm.. was it not good before! It's always been a great thread!

Just hearing such wonderful words from the younger generation is touching.
haha.. in no way did it ..umm.. was it not good before! It's always been a great thread!

Just hearing such wonderful words from the younger generation is touching.

YEP! In deed, he (PB) has the make a self system of rules to make his mental jewels!................:)
A hint...

By the way, PB. Look over the posts between me and Nae. I put a "Hint" in what I am wanting you to grasp and bring home to yourself.
hmm...perhaps MY post misguided
i feel my parents arent the reason why i am depressed whatsoever. their tendancies never bothered me until this injury.
it is just the circumstance i brought upon myself: tearing back muscles

but sometimes i just feel neglected because i believe even my friends online care more and are more concerned about my injury and mental health than my mother&father.

...the story you told me....i cant really relate it to my life.
because my mother and father love me as their child. all i can say is that im grateful to have 2 parents.
hmm...perhaps MY post misguided
i feel my parents arent the reason why i am depressed whatsoever. their tendancies never bothered me until this injury.
it is just the circumstance i brought upon myself: tearing back muscles

but sometimes i just feel neglected because i believe even my friends online care more and are more concerned about my injury and mental health than my mother&father.

...the story you told me....i cant really relate it to my life.
because my mother and father love me as their child. all i can say is that im grateful to have 2 parents.

Yes, you can. Im letting this fester for awhile. Maybe it will hit when the time is right. Im in no way telling you. When it hits wont forget.
the turmoil brought to us in our youth was provided by the circumstances that life had to bring.
only because of those circumstances, both of our mothers made us feel pretty bloody miserable at some points in our lives

thats the only thing that came to mind...
the turmoil brought to us in our youth was provided by the circumstances that life had to bring.
only because of those circumstances, both of our mothers made us feel pretty bloody miserable at some points in our lives

thats the only thing that came to mind...

Im acting this way for a reason, and its a beneficial reason, please understand my intentions are good....Okay? With this in mind, Im trying to make you work at it, and seeing from---a certain perspective of thoughts. I do this sort of thing with my own kids once in a while.

And, to answer, no this isnt it either. KEEP BUSTEN IT UP.....THE TRICK....IS DONT GIVE UP ON THE ANSWER.........KEEP PLUGGEN.....with respect to my friend, PB, I expect no less.........ROCK ON!!!!!!!

I will be watching for the right answer.........:)
ROCK ON!!!!!!! With thinking about this......Vision Division Precision brings Envision Decision----Chillen

By the way, you are getting close to 2,000 posts.......PB.....Rock and Roll a thread.......:)
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i am still trying to look at the story in a way and relate it to my life...i am perplexed.

"I was able to step aside and look at things Intelligently, but I became obsessed and sometimes far too passionate in life to prove these feelings I had"

this is another similarity i saw; it is in many ways how i feel.
...if i cannot find the answer on the surface, i'l continue to search beneath

yea i realized i was close to 2000; but im not going to make a thread about it. i dont even care
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