i have yahoo messanger, and AIM
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“If every obstacle in life is an impregnable wall, then what would symbolize death?”
my view of this quote:
-it states that death is the only "impregnable" or unsurpassable obstacle. death is the time when the wall is finally too tall, too time consuming to climb(our time has run out to scale it), or strong to overcome.
-with that being said, EVERY OTHER wall face in life is fellable and we can overcome it.
to answer your question, chillen, my father loves me very much; but he has had many experiances with doctors in which they have not helped him whatsoever, so using his logic, he thinks i will not gain anything from doctors as well.
unlike you and your children, my parents do not know hardly any of what i feel, why i feel it and really who i really am.
they dont know that i am actually a child of God who thinks for himself below the surface every day.
i believe they think i am simple minded and very ignorant.
and this is not because i shut them out; but because they never talk or ask.
my little brother offers absolutely no mental or physical comfort either.
he is too young and too uncaring to understand me and provide comfort(14)
simply put, our family is not close.
in fact, my mother makes me feel worse about myself. she attacks my guilt at times where i cannot help her. like when there were heavy boxes to move, furniture to move, groceries to be carried in, patios to be brushed, pool to be scrubbed.
she comments that its pathetic that i can let her, an aging 5 foot tall woman do all the work while i sit and do nothing.
she doesnt know how many times i cried because i feel so uselessly worthless and there is nothing i can do about it.
yet every time i feel self pity, i soon realize that i am taking everything i still have for granted yet again. is that not what i am being punished for? i then grasp the understanding that i could have it MUCH worse. i remember when i could hardly bend without pain.
whenever this happens, i get angry at myself for being so ungrateful.
the rage i have yet the privilage to release, is still bottled up.
i love my family so much. but they shouldnt have to comfort me; thats just selfish; so i dont expect them to. i just talk to God and sometimes with friends.