The ChillOut Log

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FF did you get my Pm's?

Sup, Jackie? im good thanks you?

How are things with you these days? ok i guess

Is Jackie Okay? yeah

Jackie potrays her mental bouquet for forum display
We all convey all the way that this will never fall away.
Because Jackie will keep her diet everyday in an elaborate way
And when Jackie reaches her goal it will be Independence day!

aww what a great poem, keep up the good work chillen

ROCK ON !!!!!!!!
Good morning everyone! Im hoping we all are maxing out our kindness and keeping our integrity every day of our lives.
My last post in the chillog was about kindness and self esteem. But today i feel like discussing the esteem of this FORUM.

My friends, we have a very special community here. I didnt realize it until i started browsing other forums. I went over to T-nation forums and their behavior was less than acceptable.
There was a thread created with a guy stating that he could finally do 8 one leg squats. The First reply said something like this(very vulgar):
"man, your **** is weak. come back when your legs are actually strong."

I could not imagine that being said here. is a specail place for us.
We have friends here and that only makes us stronger when we have the knowledge to improve ourselves.

Together, we rise above the pedistol of lone achievement.

This is why it is so important to be kind and keep the integrity of this site.

"Upright citizens are good for a city and make it prosper, but the talk of the wicked tears it apart."
Proverbs 11:11

We must embrace the bonds we have.
Chillen has given me a lot of inspiration to achieve my goals and hes given me the attitude to thrash any obastacle.
I dont have anyone in real who has the same attitude: HE WANTS ME TO SUCCEED!
This always makes me stronger...we work together. Because the feeling is mutual. We both want eachother to press on and achieve.

This is for you chillen:
"The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed"
Proverbs 11:25

Rock on! And prepare to be refreshed!!!

And if there is a time where we are angry with our friends(or anyone on the forum):
"It is foolish to belittle one's neighbor; a sensible person keeps quiet."
Proverbs 11:12

Most of you know this already but it is very important to:
Keep anything negative to yourself, please.

I truly care about many people on this forum and i want nothing more than to build bonds and be a mental partner towards physical and spiritual saturation.

I would love to close with this passage
"Work brings profit,
but mere talk leads to poverty!"
Proverbs 14:23

Whether it be at your job, with your diet, in your mind, in the gym....lets work hard knowing it brings profit. I have some single leg training to be done! :D
God bless you all!
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I am humbled by the best post ever in the ChillLog by Protein Boy. I am also humbled by your nice words. Your mental resourcefullness is to be commended.

I have one thought for you PB:

“If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again.”

Nothing is impossible if you look at the broken pieces correctly. If you look at the broken pieces as failure you already have. If you look at those broken pieces as an opportunity to create something from a puzzle, you have already won. This can be applied to life, applied between friends, and to training and diet.----Chillen

Best wishes

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A different "TWIST" to the "Food Lock"

Are you able to Mentally lock out foods you shouldn't eat or does Chillen need to get you one of theeeeeeeese:

Temptation Resistance Device
A lock to fend off the dieter lurking 'round the ice box for the wrong thing:


Dont tempt me.....

Become the Mental Lock, or Chillen may have to resort to drastic measures.


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a food lock! thats so retarded! why even keep the food if its going to be sitting in the fridge locked up!?
haha the ice cream is my slave in the cold dungeon i call a fridge*wips*

iv seen people on TV who use a bicycle chain on their refrigerator for dieting purposes!
like chillen said:
We must make a mental restraint on OURSELVES rather than a physical restraint on our FOOD.
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Correct, grasshopper, and the point of the post. LOL.

It shows just how much its a mental game and then application.
Correct, grasshopper, and the point of the post. LOL.

It shows just how much its a mental game and then application.

Okay, I know you had hidden the food lock......or did you? Dont one carry the food lock with them every day.......uh........
Correct, grasshopper, and the point of the post. LOL.

It shows just how much its a mental game and then application.

Okay, I know you had hidden the food lock......or did you? Dont one carry the food lock with them every day.......uh........

When I saw the pic, I got kick out of it.....LOL.
a food lock! thats so retarded! why even keep the food if its going to be sitting in the fridge locked up!?
haha the ice cream is my slave in the cold dungeon i call a fridge*wips*

iv seen people on TV who use a bicycle chain on their refrigerator for dieting purposes!
like chillen said:
We must make a mental restraint on OURSELVES rather than a physical restraint on our FOOD.

Absolutely CORRECT!!!!!!!!!!!
Mentally strong!! Blocks out the Hostess Ding Dongs! Precisely the point I am trying to make.
Thanks proteinboy, that was nice to read. And thanks again chillen for all the great posts, ur words inspire me to be better.

Jackie xx
A type of pants..............actually what men tend to where......rather than women.......but I had to make it rhyme, LOL.
"what the...."

hahahaha is this techno-gismo giving you problems? lol

and your welcome, jackie. this thread is SO FUNNY!
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