The ChillOut Log

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Yes I knew. I like one liners.........dont you?


Another one--anyone?-------geesh that time.....What the........


Whoa, Im still on the go.......if you must know although I throw another blow..........
I single whammied, double whammied, triple whammied, and quadruple whammied you in ONE POST (DONT YOU DARE......use this, you little.......uh, nice teenage young man.......:confused:)

haha. its alll good! nice comebacks, you o'l man!
YET your body is youthful
your attitude is full of life

so i guess the only thing "senior" about you is your wisdom.

im off for a swim, my friend! God bless!
I posted this response in the thread called: Is cola okay to drink

Actually its my second response to the this post:

I for one can mentally pitch anything in the diet that is bad no matter what that item is (even if its food I absolutely love).

One testament of will is to pitch items you like (that are unhealthy) and abstain from it, to earn your goal. And, not everyone can fall in this category. The trick is to not allow your body to tell you when (on bad food), but your mind to say when its okay.

Im in my diet 95% of the time in the course of a year, the 5% that I allow a so-called cheat time, is so small, that it cant possibly effect the 95% that is correct. If you completely understand this anology.

For most, but not all, pitching cola isnt that hard. But what about the other good stuff that has a label of unhealthy............oh!...the sting of reality......this isnt different story now isnt it?

As a joke: Dont be crunching on a candy bar, and telling this dude to pitch the an example.

There is alot of meaning here in this post.......and seriously......What I am trying to say..........
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I posted this in the 16 days left thread:

A Sad Dad Story:

There once was a Dad who had hair on his head that didnt Shed.

The Son armed with his personal machin Gun fertilized many eggs and the Sad Dad's head began to Shred.

Now all Dread the Sad Dad's Head


Moderation please..............

Do I need to say anything.........?

Evo: responed with I may get sued by Dr. Seuss. (prob, kidding)

But there is no rhyme (unless specified) that is copied, they are made up fresh. (albeit--stupid.....LOL)
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As a joke: Dont be crunching on a candy bar, and telling this dude to pitch the an example.

Gotta say something about this one. When i was tossing down a Kin Size Milky Way per day, and revealed it. If "only" the people with dietary integrity could have answered, I would probably still be eating them.

Fortunately, integrity is not a requirement to give decent advice! if it were, there would be no advice ever given.

One guy may be able to help with the cola, and in return another can help him with the candy bar, only to find that a third watched it happen. And as a result the third person was able to give up ice cream.

iron sharpens iron
As a joke: Dont be crunching on a candy bar, and telling this dude to pitch the an example.

Gotta say something about this one. When i was tossing down a Kin Size Milky Way per day, and revealed it. If "only" the people with dietary integrity could have answered, I would probably still be eating them.

Fortunately, integrity is not a requirement to give decent advice! if it were, there would be no advice ever given.

One guy may be able to help with the cola, and in return another can help him with the candy bar, only to find that a third watched it happen. And as a result the third person was able to give up ice cream.

iron sharpens iron

Love that post

Unfortunately "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to flyinfree again."
As a joke: Dont be crunching on a candy bar, and telling this dude to pitch the an example.

Gotta say something about this one. When i was tossing down a Kin Size Milky Way per day, and revealed it. If "only" the people with dietary integrity could have answered, I would probably still be eating them.

Fortunately, integrity is not a requirement to give decent advice! if it were, there would be no advice ever given.

One guy may be able to help with the cola, and in return another can help him with the candy bar, only to find that a third watched it happen. And as a result the third person was able to give up ice cream.

iron sharpens iron

The post I made here in the log, was meant to "stimulate" viewpoints and wasn't "regressed" to the posters view(mine). It accomplished this very fact by soliciting your fine thoughts.

While integrity isnt necessarily required to make posts, clarification that is applicably specific to the OP in reference to the circumference of the diet sometimes is. He needed to understand that this Cola and other so called bad items other persons eat WILL NOT ruin a persons diet if it falls within the 5% ratio example and the diet is 95% correct over a period of weeks and months (Im the living example). This was the point, but not regressed to the same.

What does this 95% to 5% aspect ratio mean to you?

Having a Cola or a milkyway or any other item that a person likes, is okay once in a while, as long as the IMPACT ratio is small, and calories are correct. This is what he needed to understand, and pitch it, needed clarification. If this is an item he could easily pitch, this is cool. However, there may be another item he likes that isnt as easily pitched, and he could eat this within a controlled diet and have it fall loftly in the 5% lower aspect (at defined times) and it will not hurt his progress.

Working with me, FF, there will be items you will pitch, and items allowed in the 5%, I am speaking. The diet will be a hardcore 95% possibly higher, dependent on several personal factors.
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Sup, Jackie?

How are things with you these days?

Is Jackie Okay?

Jackie potrays her mental bouquet for forum display
We all convey all the way that this will never fall away.
Because Jackie will keep her diet everyday in an elaborate way
And when Jackie reaches her goal it will be Independence day!
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Off to work. Will post later to the log. Sometime early evening!!!!!

Hope the day went extremely well for you all..........

ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think he should ditch the soda because it was easy for me to ditch. So, when it comes to ditchin soda I find it easy to recommend.

Now, when it comes to brownies, I am not quite as good of a spokesperson.

SO, if we wuz talking brownies, I may not have said anything--heheheheehe

no support for my opinion, well accept that it's my opinion.

Which makes me kinda think you don't like candy bars. ahhahahahaaa

OH I am gunna get you riled up!
I think he should ditch the soda because it was easy for me to ditch. So, when it comes to ditchin soda I find it easy to recommend.

Now, when it comes to brownies, I am not quite as good of a spokesperson.

SO, if we wuz talking brownies, I may not have said anything--heheheheehe

no support for my opinion, well accept that it's my opinion.

Which makes me kinda think you don't like candy bars. ahhahahahaaa

OH I am gunna get you riled up!
Chillen's 95-5 Contrives and Thrives
and FF can take a nose Dive
but I still give him a high Five with no Jive,
and Chillen's back in the Bee Hive in automatic Drive
and is Alive because of revived Strive

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THe log is going to be delayed a bit today. Just to let everyone know in advance.

In my heart, I hope your day went well. I wish everyone a great evening and all your personal training and dieting goals were met.

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