The ChillOut Log

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I could use your opinion on whether or not its a good idea to add raw oats to proetin shakes or not. Its an easy way to add calories, carbs, fiber to a shake, but im wondering whether they digest well or not. Ive searched the net for answers, but im getting mixed opinions. Any thoughts you have on the subject would be much appreciated.

Thanks. :)
I could use your opinion on whether or not its a good idea to add raw oats to proetin shakes or not. Its an easy way to add calories, carbs, fiber to a shake, but im wondering whether they digest well or not. Ive searched the net for answers, but im getting mixed opinions. Any thoughts you have on the subject would be much appreciated.

Thanks. :)

You will be fine adding raw oats (like the old fashioned cut, or the fine cut) to your protein shakes. The water (or milk) you add to the protein shake will be absorbed by the oats, and it will thicken if you let it stand a bit (how much depends on how much oats you add in). If you think about it, this is really no different, that adding water to raw oats and putting it in the microwave--to warm. The only difference is it gets heated, but the oats still absorb the water.

I put oats, skim milk, whey powder(when on the carbohydrate upside), and a banana in a blender, and mix it, and its great. I don't drink Whey powder that often though. Just when work interferes, and sometimes around pre and post workouts. I am aware of the so-called window after working out, but I just don't concern myself with it all that much. I pay more attention to my "total" intake for a 24 hour period. I prefer hard food, especially dieting down.

You have nothing to fear putting your oats in your protein shakes.

Hope this helped you.

Best regards,

Thanks Chillen.

Surprisingly oats make the shake taste great too. :beerchug:

I love Whey Powder (I usually choose the no carbohydrate or very low carbohydrate versions), because it gives a lot of flexibility in what I can put in it, and controlling the macro nutrients and calories. And, (like I have posted before), If I am in a hurry (because of work and whatnot), I can throw in the big three (Protein, Carbohydrates, and Fats) and get a nutritional kick very quickly, when needed.

Experiment with it. :)

Best wishes,

February 16th, 2009: "thoughts for the day" (1)

I saw this the other day, and need to post it. Its a good read, and one can get some benefit from it, if you choose to look at it the right way:

The ancient art of COMPLICATION
(By Craig Harper)
Published: 9/12/2007

Do you ever marvel at some people's uncanny ability to make the simple, complex?

The straight forward, anything but?

A ten minute task, a two week saga?

I meet these people every day.

Please stop sending them my way.

They are the woe-is-me brigade.

The Brothers (and Sisters) Grim.

(The real Brothers Grimm were two German dudes who published a bunch of folk stories and fairy tales about two hundred years ago... that's for those of you who aren't as old as me!!).

Yep, some people spend their whole lives making stuff complicated.

More complicated than it needs to be anyway.

Relationships... a constant soap-opera.
Career... messy and problematic.
Getting in shape... a perpetual roller-coaster of losing and gaining.
Finances... a daily money melodrama.

If you didn't know better, you might think that some people actually revel in the drama and attention.

In Australia we have a curious creature known colloquially as the 'Drama Queen'.

They are both male and female and their natural habitat is... everywhere.


They are the poster boys (and girls) for the art of complication.
They are also another cousin of the Energy Vampire.

I'm all for dealing with the (genuine) complications and the tough stuff that life throws at us, but I'm not for making things more difficult than they need to be.

Or making a mountain out of a molehill.
(So 1963 that expression... I love it).

When people come to talk to me about getting in shape (dropping some weight for example), I will invariably give them some highly complex and extremely scientific advice:

Move a bunch more, eat a bunch less.
Get yer heart rate up.
Get a bit sweaty.
Do it consistently.
See ya next time.

It's very simple... but people still don't do it.

That look of disappointment on their face is hilarious.
They think that I might let them in on some little-known scientific weight-loss secret.

Give them a shortcut perhaps.
A pill maybe.

Wave my magic wand.
Pull a six-pack outa my hat.

"Okay, here it is Mr Smith... put in less calories than you expend.. and you'll lose fat."

"Do it for long enough and you'll lose a buncha fat."

"Too complicated for you?"
"Taking notes?"
"Should I talk slower?"
"Any questions?"

"Mr Smith.. where are you going?"
"Mr Smith...?"
"Come back here fatty..."

The problem is that we don't actually want simple, we want painless. (HOW TRUE THIS IS)

And effortless.
And simple... ain't always painless.
Or effortless.
Or easy.
And we love... easy.

(Dear English Profs, I know I shouldn't start all those sentences with 'And', so save yourself some key strokes).

Some of the most effective (and simple) strategies for creating real change (in many areas of our lives), require us to get uncomfortable.
Yes, it's uncomfortable but it's also kinda simple, straight forward.

Some of us have an aversion to discomfort because we're spoiled, precious babies who want amazing results without the effort.
And amazing doesn't work like that.
Get your head around that concept and you'll make some progress instantly.

We are constantly looking for quick fixes and miracle solutions because we love shortcuts.
But the reality is that shortcuts don't produce forever change and ironically, they (shortcuts) often lead to complications(!) down the track.
Weird huh?

Interestingly, the more we don't deal with stuff (avoid discomfort, put our head in the sand, look for shortcuts), the more dysfunctional and the less capable we become.
Ironic, when we consider that actually dealing with pain and discomfort is where the real growth and learning comes from.

Some simple (uncomplicated) science for those who wanna drop a few pounds:
(Not that this post was meant to be about weight-loss... but I thought I'd chuck it in to demonstrate the simplicity of change).

(1) Body-fat is essentially stored energy (calories).

(2) If you expend more than you put in, you'll be in energy deficit.

(3) If you're in deficit your body will have to 'find' some energy from somewhere.

(4) It will find it on your ass (or close by).

(5) If you are in energy deficit of 500 calories per day (a coke and a cookie), you'll lose about one pound (0.4kg) of fat per week.

Not complicated at all.

Yes, there's a little more to it and a few other variables, but for the vast majority of us our key weight loss/management strategy should be to put less food in our mouth and move our body more.
Full stop.

Yet we continue to find new and exciting ways to complicate the process.
In all areas of our lives.

While the above information is more than enough 'science' to get most of us in shape or at least well on the way, we (we the society) continue to ignore the obvious (the simple) and keep trying to re-invent the 'weight-loss wheel'.

Forget the ab-blaster 7000, the fat-melting tabs, the liver-heart-kidney-pancreas-and-lung cleansing diets, the electrodey (yep, a word) things you stick on yer body... and yer high-carb, low-carb, no-carb debate and simply eat less crap.

Too simple perhaps.
I dunno.

We also complicate things when it comes to relationships and communication.

Spending our lives not saying what we really think.

Not being honest.
Not dealing with problems.
Not making decisions.

Not being accountable or responsible.
Complicating relationships and situations by putting our head in the sand and not doing the simple.

A friend of mine always says:

"Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow...."

His life is a disaster.

Ultimately we waste way too much time, talent, energy and life on issues which could have been resolved quickly, simply and effectively long ago. Then... when it all blows up (and it does) we 'react, cope and struggle' for months or years dealing with something that should be a distant memory.

Recently I was talking with a friend of mine (yes, I have one) at a social event when another friend (alright, two) came up to chat.

"Hey Craig.... we're all planning a four-day hike at Cradle Mountain over Christmas... are you up for it?"
"Why not.."
"Don't wanna.."
"How come..."
"Well, I love you all... but I don't wanna spend my Christmas eating re-hydrated food and sleeping in tents with ten stinky people."
"Okay, lemme know if you change yer mind."
"Okay, see ya."

The hiking guy walked away and my other friend (a girl) turned and said:
"How can you say that?"
"What, the truth?"
"Aren't you scared you'll offend them?"
"It's not about them... it's about how I want to spend my Christmas."

"I like them, I just have no desire to go hiking."

"But if it was a cheese-cake eating festival..... "

We all do the 'complication thing' don't we?
I still do it... but not so often these days.
It's kinda liberating when you just deal with stuff then and there.
Do what needs to be done.
Simply, quickly, effectively.

Still being sensitive and caring towards others, of course... but choosing not to go the long way around.
Choosing not to complicate.

Some people need to take a five minute trip... but they constantly choose to go via Anchorage.
By foot.
(Do I have any readers in Alaska?)

People always say to me....

"I wish I'd embraced this mindset years ago.. my life would be completely different today.."

So why don't you stop complicating your life today?
Or perhaps you could think about it for a bit longer.

(By Craig Harper)
Published: 9/12/2007


Best regards,

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Good stuff. Got to love common sense mixed with some good humor. This got a chuckle out of me...

"Mr Smith.. where are you going?"
"Mr Smith...?"
"Come back here fatty..."

Love it! :yelrotflmao:
Good stuff. Got to love common sense mixed with some good humor. This got a chuckle out of me...

"Mr Smith.. where are you going?"
"Mr Smith...?"
"Come back here fatty..."

Love it! :yelrotflmao:

LOL, that was my favorite part too. :)

Underneath his title, he put this comment below, which I erroneously left out:

(1) Body-fat is essentially stored energy (calories). (2) If you expend more than you put in, you'll be in energy deficit. (3) If you're in deficit your body will have to 'find' some energy from somewhere. (4) It will find it on your ass (or close by). (5) If you are in energy deficit of 500 calories per day (a coke and a cookie), you'll lose about one pound (0.4kg) of fat per week. Not complicated at all .

:yelrotflmao: :car:

best wishes

ok i hear ya, I will admit i dont like going on my computer everyday, i think im gonna work on my journel thats already on here first.

Let me know how your team journel goes, i will be looking regularly ok

Jackie xx
ok i hear ya, I will admit i dont like going on my computer everyday, i think im gonna work on my journel thats already on here first.

Let me know how your team journel goes, i will be looking regularly ok

Jackie xx

That's cool, Jackie. I will visit often, and help you in there.

No problem. :)

Best wishes to you young lady,

Fenruary 16th, 2009: "thoughts for the day" (2)



The Ultimate Weight Loss Red-Flag Guide

Weight Loss Red Flag Guide:

Despite claims to the contrary, there are no magic potions or effortless ways to burn off fat. There are thousands upon thousands of weight loss web sites, low carb diets, diet pills and other "so-called experts" that prey on desperate overweight people and use overly optimistic claims that get you to believe and buy into their flat out lies -- reaping billions of dollars each year while your left still overweight and looking for answers.

In an effort to help and keep you from falling victim to the countless bogus weight loss claims of all the diet pills and many other weight loss products (essentially saving you money and time), here is a little guide that helps set the record straight as well as provide you with red flags to watch out for when researching or looking for weight loss help and support. A portion of this information is via The United States Federal Trade Commission...

If They Say ... "An easy plan for losing up to 13 pounds in two weeks with little or no exercise...A program to let you keep losing"

"These patients started losing weight as soon as they went on the diet within the first week. These patients kept losing too...20, 30 even 50 pounds within months. They kept it off too."

Sorry, But The Truth Is ... Red Flag Claim 1 --

Lose two pounds or more per week (for a month or more) without dieting or exercise.

The Truth -- Meaningful weight loss requires consuming fewer calories and/or increasing exercise. Ads that promise substantial weight loss without diet or exercise are false. A claim is false if it states or implies that users can lose lots of weight fast without changing their lifestyles, even if the ad doesn't mention specific amounts of weight loss or time periods.

If They Say ... "Eat cake... a hamburger... toast with butter... and practically anything else you enjoy! This simple plan gets you thin - without sacrificing your favorite foods!"

"One of my overweight patients refused to give up his daily dish of ice cream. As a result of the diet he lost 30 pounds quickly. His weight has stayed off even though he never exercises and he still has his daily ice cream."

"Lose weight by eating more meals! Astounding reason on page x..."

"You decide how many pieces of meatloaf you want -- and the pounds still slip away!"

Sorry, But The Truth Is ... Red Flag Claim 2 --

Eat what you want! The more you eat, the more you lose and we'll show you how.

The truth -- It is impossible to eat unlimited amounts of food - any kind of food - and still lose weight. Any claim to that effect in an ad or commercial is false. Some products may help curb appetite or cravings. For these products, its okay to say people can eat what they want so long as it is clear from the ad or commercial that people will not want to eat as much food as before they started using the product.

If They Say ... "The Super Fat-Fighting Formula inhibits fats, sugars and starches from being absorbed in the intestines and turning into excess weight, so that you can lose pounds and inches easily."

"These diet pills block fat before your body absorbs it; the pounds will melt away effortlessly."

Sorry, But The Truth Is ... Red Flag Claim 3 --

Block the absorption of fat or calories, and lose substantial weight.

The Truth -- No fat blocker or diet pills can block enough fat or calories to cause lots of weight loss. Even the very few legitimate fat blockers must be used with a reduced-calorie diet to work.

If They Say ... "Got a little extra baggage in your belly... thighs... buttocks? Here's the only sure way to trim the fat in those "trouble spots."

"We once thought a diet couldn't target fat in specific areas of the body. But the "xxx diet" changes that and proves that you can."

Sorry, But The Thruth Is .. Red Flag Claim 4 --

You Can't Spot Reduce -- Period!

The Truth -- You absolutely can't tell your body where it will lose weight and shed pounds (spot reducing). The notion of a food or diet tricky enough to burn fat in specific areas is flat out ridiculous. You can "build up" specific areas in your body thru weight training, but losing weight in specific areas that you may want to improve is simply NOT possible.

If They Say ... "But I have lost 6 pounds the very first week on this new low card diet..."

"I lost 11 pounds the first 2 weeks on this diet."

"Lose 13 pounds in 2 weeks with this brand new diet -- Guaranteed!"

Sorry, But The Truth Is ... Red-Flag Claim 5 -- Water Weight, Water Weight, and More Water Weight --

The Truth -- Glycogen, your primary source for energy, attracts water. Your muscles are mostly made up of water. When you limit your carbohydrate intake, you hold onto less glycogen. Therefore, the initial weight loss you experience is due to water loss from your muscles. This can account for 4-10 pounds in the first week. Rapid water loss is the trick behind these diets. They make it appear quick and easy, while in reality it is a temporary solution.

(The water loss is true, but let's not forget the fat loss can occur too; carbohydrates can be the catalyst adjoined with a calorie restriction, and is a most powerful nutrient to manipulate. So, I have some complications with number 5----Chillen)

Best regards,

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February 16th, 2009: "thoughts for the day" (3)

“Focus 90% of your time on solutions and only 10% of your time on problems.”

“Our thoughts create our reality -- where we put our focus is the direction we tend to go.”

“A dog at play has the mind of a wise martial arts master, a mind capable of perfect focus”

Believe me, there is no such thing as popping a few of these:


And, sit back and enjoy much more focus on your health and fitness.


“Don't dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer.”

One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding to master anything in particular.”

(You must master the many variables of your "self" to become successful--Chillen)

“Focus on your potential instead of your limitations”

“Life is a train of moods like a string of beads; and as we pass through them they prove to be many colored lenses, which paint the world their own hue, and each shows us only what lies in its own focus.”


“What comes first, the compass or the clock? Before one can truly manage time (the clock), it is important to know where you are going, what your priorities and goals are, in which direction you are headed (the compass). Where you are headed is more important than how fast you are going. Rather than always focusing on what's urgent, learn to focus on what is really important.”


“If you want to be truly successful invest in yourself to get the knowledge you need to find your unique factor. When you find it and focus on it and persevere your success will blossom.”


One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding to master anything in particular.” (AR)

I decided long ago to always attempt to master the diet, and everything else are primarily supplements feeding this master. (Chillen)

Happiness and peace follow your day.

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ok i hear ya, I will admit i dont like going on my computer everyday, i think im gonna work on my journel thats already on here first.

Let me know how your team journel goes, i will be looking regularly ok

Jackie xx

Also, Jackie, we need start talking about your goals and whatnot, like I had promised you.

Whenever you are ready to this.

Okay as far as the training journal:

Jackie has decided to go with her own journal.

Wojo has decided not to join for reasons I will leave between him and I.

Ride and shoot, are you still up for it?

One more can join if they wish. Any volunteers?

Best wishes,

Chillen whats all this team journal talk about?

Fill me in.


L-T, go back one or two pages, and read some. It will save me some writing time. This will explain it enough I think. I am looking for one or two persons (who can be consistent) in joining me in a training journal.

Best wishes,

I think people are a little intimidated by your

What is that word, young man? :) :) ;) You want to partner?

I am just looking for a partner for reasons specified in previous posts. :)

Some additional thoughts: (or a quick thought for the day)

One of the best decisions I made when I was in my prime was to enter the military. I have learned many things, and one of the things I learned, is that even with a lack of sleep (4 hours or less), the body can take a reasonable pounding and still progress and perform.

This was proven to me in basic training and Officer Candidate School (OCS). It is this learned experience that assists me to suck it the heck up with dietary approaches that can sometimes get tough (like depleting glucose stores and its associated training routine), and being consistent with training though I worked 10 plus hours that day. All this talk about lack of sleep and recovery is grounded in some research, but, the heck with it, I can make up the sleep up later, and even more so when I am in my casket.

We make sacrifices at home and in our lives for work and school, etc, and I choose to have my fitness activities as high on the importance-o-meter, as my job and other valuable things in my life. We all have to work, so the suck-it-up-o-meter doesn't take much of hit, but when their is a choice and its not as critical as compared to one's job, one's suck-it-up-o-meter needs the Energizer bunny to make it function.

I have my own Drill Instructor inside my heart beating, and sticking the military boot up my @ss. And, every once in a while, it needs to go deep and my eye balls pop out of my sockets, bounce on the floor, and pummel me upside the head several times. And, I feel better.

I am so thankful for this experience, though I hated boot camp and OCS when I went through it, lol. But it put something inside me living and growing that can not be replaced--for which I am thankful.

Have heart....... and be your own drill instructor, this rocks out.

Best wishes,

What is that word, young man? :) :) ;) You want to partner?
LOL ya i dont even know what that word means. I meant your attention to detail.

I would be glad to join, but im not sure my log is detailed enough for what you're looking to do. I only post exercises, sets, reps and once in a while a day of my diet.

If you dont get what you want i suggest you keep a log anyway. It doesnt have to be so detailed. It could be updated weekly or even just every now and then to let people see what you're up to.
LOL ya i dont even know what that word means. I meant your attention to detail.

I would be glad to join, but im not sure my log is detailed enough for what you're looking to do. I only post exercises, sets, reps and once in a while a day of my diet.

The person whom joins, can be as detailed as they wish, and we can work together to assist one another based on a need-want basis as issues and questions are raised. The main issue is being persistent and consistent in posting to the journal: Read post #3385 by me, in the COL.

This would be too cool if you wanted to participate! By the way, I didn't know super man, took flight from laying on his belly. ;), lol.

Best wishes

Hi Chillen, how have you been?

Funny you should mention that bit about not getting all the sleep one should take. I've been experimenting lately a little with this...I want to develop a habit of getting up earlier - so, I've been going to sleep earlier, later, when I'm less tired and when I'm more tired...Anyhow, needless to say my internal clock is pretty screwed up right now but learned a few things:

-I go to sleep way to early, 10PM sounds decent for most but for me I should never go to bed before 11:00PM. One should (IMO) go to sleep when they feel the effects of *slight* drowsiness, not extremely tired, but just about tired enough to not be able to concentrate while reading. Setting a fixed time is (IMO) not a good thing unless you are really tied to a schedule.

-I only need about 5 hours of sleep per day. When going to bed at 11PM I wake up at about 4:15AM and am fully rested and ready to go. This gives me one hour to drink/eat and fuel up on carbs before hitting the gym at 5:30AM.

-Waking up this early makes your day so muuuuuuuch better. You get stuff done, have time to get a workout in there and have it done with. Heck I even have time to study a good hour before my workday begins.

-When waking this early my evenings are COMPLETELY open for anything, I can go out and do what I want since everything I had to do was done in the morning.

I was never an early bird, and in the last two weeks I read a good good bit on this and found some article on the internet that was very enlightening. I'll post it when I get home tonight.

And about that boot camp bit, are there any private boot camps outside of the military? I know my old MA school used to do some sort of boot camp thing but it still (IMO) did not compare to REAL boot camp. I'm sure that I would learn a great deal from such an experience...My asthma and ankle injury prevent me from joining the military. :(

good day Chillen!
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