She's doing very well, other than some fatigue as her body adjusts. She'll be going in for blood tests at regular intervals until they determine whether her existing thyroid will keep her metabolism in balance or whether she will require meds. Thanks for asking!
That's good to hear, Wojo.
How many blood tests does it take for them to determine if the Thyroid is working properly?
Congrats on the new digs!
We bought a house that has 2 kitchens, 2 dining rooms, 4 bathrooms, 5 bedrooms, 2 washer/dryer rooms, 2 living rooms, 2 upper/lower patios, 4 car garage, etc, etc.
The house is an excellent condition, but needs some minor work on the inside, which myself and my son's have been working on: Carpet, tile repair, etc, etc.
As time moves on, we will restructure the 2nd bottom level. We are renting the other property out (where we moved from, which was too small for what we wanted to do), which is going to be handled by myself and my two sons. Which later, will be theirs to own/sell/rent when they get out of school. This will give them some "options" in their future.
The boys (20/23) are going to live in the downs stairs, while going through their college years. The purpose is to eliminate overhead for them during the years as they attend college, save oodles of money, and still maintain their privacy. I was never afforded this opportunity when I was going to college, and eliminating living expenses such as rent, utilities, etc, is a huge stress reliever, while going to college, and working at the same time. This way they just have to shuffle time around work and school, without any added stress, and be right at home as well. The University of Kansas is just 10 miles away.
The 5th room, is going to serve as the training room. Since we have no nearby neighbors, we have decided to put the Klipschorns, subs, and receiver in this room, so we can rock out, when training. I am going to absolutely love it! The room is huge, so it is going to double as a gaming room. We have 4 PC's each comparable in configuration and capabilities, and will serve our Lan parties we have once per week between myself, my sons, and some of their friends (which has been a tradition for many years now, and is simply a blast).
Currently we have the above described stereo system (which will "literally" shatter windows, by the way, and shake the floor like an earthquake), in the upstairs living room, as my sons and I are working on some of the repairs: A middle aged man, rocken' it with his sons........too cool

My oldest son graduates this year from KU, and begins Law School in the Fall, for 3 years. My youngest, is just finishing his Freshman year at KU. I am pretty excited about having a lawyer in the family. I always, told my oldest son, he needed to put his mouth to work

; since he was a baby, and the doc swatted him on the @ss, he never shut up; this way he can make money (instead of getting into trouble like when he was a teen

). The youngest wants to be a meteorologist. My oldest works at Sprint Communications as Managing Superintendent over customer service in the Kansas City Area. My youngest works at McDonald's as 2nd Assistant Manager ($12.00 an hour), in the evening. They have their head screwed on right (of course they had deal with, if it wasn't

, all 5' 7" 170ish pounds of him as compared to 225, and 6' 3 (oldest), 200 6'1" (youngest),

My posts will be spotty the next few weeks, as we work on the house, and move in at the end of the month.
Continue to ROCK, Wojo!
Best wishes,