The ChillOut Log

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kool thats good to hear.

I didnt get much from santa, i got a watch n some batch salts, and oh yeah some wine from work which i havent drunk yet, dunno if i will as i dont really like wine.

Im going down the pub 2nite 2 celebrate new years, im not getting drunk or anything, im gonna take it easy, ive set myself a limit of 2 pints lager!

Or did you mean what are my plans for next year??

Have a good night, what movies u watching?

Lots of love, Jackie xxx
Thanks...high praise indeed coming from you. :cool: I'm not done...not by a longshot...but I am feeling so much better than before I started.

Right on! This is what its all about!

We were about an hour into the mountains, north of the cruise port in Puerta Vallarta, Mexico. :cool: My wife and my 15 year old son did this with me. My wife is seriously afraid of heights, but she didn't back down. With surgery, and the possibility of cancer, staring her in the face at the return from vacation she was determined to overcome her fear and do something outside of her comfort zone. All three of us agreed it was the high point of the vacation.

“Today is a most unusual day, because we have never lived it before; we will never live it again; it is the only day we have"

And, it was something special for you and your wife. :)

That is too cool, Wojo. How is she doing since the vacation, my friend?

Thanks...and right back at ya. Hell...this is one of the few places I can go and still be called "YOUNG MAN!" ;) :cool:

We are young men. We have to show the youngen's how its done ;)

Sorry it has taken so long to post a response, My wife and I just purchased a house, and preparing to move. We are planning to move in to it at the end of the month.

Keep up the good work, and most importantly stay strong for your family.

Health and family is the most important.


Best wishes

In a few days, I plan to post some pics of what I look like at about 170ish pounds, and a few percentages higher in BF.

Things are going well in my mini bulk.

Best wishes,

That is too cool, Wojo. How is she doing since the vacation, my friend?

She's doing very well, other than some fatigue as her body adjusts. She'll be going in for blood tests at regular intervals until they determine whether her existing thyroid will keep her metabolism in balance or whether she will require meds. Thanks for asking! :cool:

My wife and I just purchased a house, and preparing to move. We are planning to move in to it at the end of the month.

Congrats on the new digs!
kool thats good to hear.

I didnt get much from santa, i got a watch n some batch salts, and oh yeah some wine from work which i havent drunk yet, dunno if i will as i dont really like wine.

The absolute greatest gift, is the gift of health from changing a lifestyle within diet and fitness that suites your goal want, and standing in the mirror healthy, and seeing the "preparation practice" face to face.

The greatest gift, is the gift of love, not a material gift. :)

I want very little around Christmas, because I get so much love during the year, and know the greatest gift I can give as a Father is spending quality time with my children, and in the end, this is what is remembered most by them. It is not the material gifts, it is the gift of love, and being with each other and spending time. I sincerely hope your mother and father has given you this gift as you matured and got older.

Im going down the pub 2nite 2 celebrate new years, im not getting drunk or anything, im gonna take it easy, ive set myself a limit of 2 pints lager!

I know I am late. Sorry :). I hope you enjoyed your New Year celebration.

Or did you mean what are my plans for next year??

What are your goal plans for 2009, young lady? :)

Have a good night, what movies u watching?

Lots of love, Jackie xxx

My wife loves "Its a wonderful life", and though she has seen it a thousand times :))), she still watches it every year, and I suffer through it with her (;)), snuggling all the while. :) LOL.

Lots of love to you too, young lady.

Please keep me informed on how you doing, k?

Best wishes as always, Jackie,

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The absolute greatest gift, is the gift of health from changing a lifestyle within diet and fitness that suites your goal want, and standing in the mirror healthy, and seeing the "preparation practice" face to face.

The greatest gift, is the gift of love, not a material gift. :)

Yeah i know. :)

I want very little around Christmas, because I get so much love during the year, and know the greatest gift I can give as a Father is spending quality time with my children, and in the end, this is what is remembered most by them. It is not the material gifts, it is the gift of love, and being with each other and spending time. I sincerely hope your mother and father has given you this gift as you matured and got older.

yes ive come to realise this

I know I am late. Sorry :). I hope you enjoyed your New Year celebration.

thats ok, yeah i did thanks,

What are your goal plans for 2009, young lady? :)


To get more defined abs
dont get ill or drunk(Apart from the cold i am suffering from atm hehe)
To get a better job
To take up a sport
Learn to play the guitar

My wife loves "Its a wonderful life", and though she has seen it a thousand times :))), she still watches it every year, and I suffer through it with her (;)), snuggling all the while. :) LOL.

haha, ive heard of it, but never seen it

Lots of love to you too, young lady.thanks

Please keep me informed on how you doing, k?yes sir1

Best wishes as always, Jackie,


Thanks for your reply man, think im gonna cook myself some pasta in a mo. Hope you have a great year and all your dreams come true!

Jackie x
She's doing very well, other than some fatigue as her body adjusts. She'll be going in for blood tests at regular intervals until they determine whether her existing thyroid will keep her metabolism in balance or whether she will require meds. Thanks for asking! :cool:

That's good to hear, Wojo.

How many blood tests does it take for them to determine if the Thyroid is working properly?

Congrats on the new digs!

We bought a house that has 2 kitchens, 2 dining rooms, 4 bathrooms, 5 bedrooms, 2 washer/dryer rooms, 2 living rooms, 2 upper/lower patios, 4 car garage, etc, etc.

The house is an excellent condition, but needs some minor work on the inside, which myself and my son's have been working on: Carpet, tile repair, etc, etc.

As time moves on, we will restructure the 2nd bottom level. We are renting the other property out (where we moved from, which was too small for what we wanted to do), which is going to be handled by myself and my two sons. Which later, will be theirs to own/sell/rent when they get out of school. This will give them some "options" in their future.

The boys (20/23) are going to live in the downs stairs, while going through their college years. The purpose is to eliminate overhead for them during the years as they attend college, save oodles of money, and still maintain their privacy. I was never afforded this opportunity when I was going to college, and eliminating living expenses such as rent, utilities, etc, is a huge stress reliever, while going to college, and working at the same time. This way they just have to shuffle time around work and school, without any added stress, and be right at home as well. The University of Kansas is just 10 miles away.

The 5th room, is going to serve as the training room. Since we have no nearby neighbors, we have decided to put the Klipschorns, subs, and receiver in this room, so we can rock out, when training. I am going to absolutely love it! The room is huge, so it is going to double as a gaming room. We have 4 PC's each comparable in configuration and capabilities, and will serve our Lan parties we have once per week between myself, my sons, and some of their friends (which has been a tradition for many years now, and is simply a blast).

Currently we have the above described stereo system (which will "literally" shatter windows, by the way, and shake the floor like an earthquake), in the upstairs living room, as my sons and I are working on some of the repairs: A middle aged man, rocken' it with his sons........too cool ;).

My oldest son graduates this year from KU, and begins Law School in the Fall, for 3 years. My youngest, is just finishing his Freshman year at KU. I am pretty excited about having a lawyer in the family. I always, told my oldest son, he needed to put his mouth to work :); since he was a baby, and the doc swatted him on the @ss, he never shut up; this way he can make money (instead of getting into trouble like when he was a teen :)). The youngest wants to be a meteorologist. My oldest works at Sprint Communications as Managing Superintendent over customer service in the Kansas City Area. My youngest works at McDonald's as 2nd Assistant Manager ($12.00 an hour), in the evening. They have their head screwed on right (of course they had deal with, if it wasn't ;), all 5' 7" 170ish pounds of him as compared to 225, and 6' 3 (oldest), 200 6'1" (youngest), :).

My posts will be spotty the next few weeks, as we work on the house, and move in at the end of the month.

Continue to ROCK, Wojo! :)

Best wishes,

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Thanks for your reply man, think im gonna cook myself some pasta in a mo. Hope you have a great year and all your dreams come true!


To get more defined abs

dont get ill or drunk (Apart from the cold i am suffering from atm hehe)
To get a better job
To take up a sport
Learn to play the guitar

Jackie x

Rock this out, girrrrrrrrrl! :)

So what is the attack plan for more defined abs for 2009? Is there something I could help you with or make a comment on, that could assist you in some way?

What sport are you considering?

My son took up playing the guitar about 16, is very good at it now at 20. Though he drove me to the nutty farm (he, he, he) along the way :).

My dreams have come true. I couldn't be more happier than I am at the moment. And, anticipate 2009 will be a good year.

Spent most of the time painting my weight room this week, and moved all the equipment in today with both of my son's assisting. I also performed my first Workout Routine in it today, with the Klipschorns in each corner Rocken' :). Going to love this new setup! Finally getting rid of the damn headphones, for floor rattling, window shacking music! :) THIS ROCKS!

So far the weather has been really good, lets hope it continues to be fairly good--at least until we get everything moved in by February 1st, since it is a 15 mile drive between homes.

Let me know if I can help you in some way, with your fitness goals for 2009, Jackie.

I wish you the best, and thinking about you, young lady. :)

Best wishes,

I thought id post this video here for anyone feeling sorry for themselves or in need of a little pick up.

Anything is possible. :)

Hi Chillen, i hope 2009 is treating you well.
Jackie...I love the new sport idea. Anything to stay active! :D What are you considering? I took up kayaking last year, but it does me no good in Ohio in the winter time. I always struggle this time of year, with it getting dark so early and with the frigid temps. If I don't find things to keep me busy I end up suffering from major cabin fever.

This past Sunday I went snow skiing for the first time ever. My son has been going for about 3 years with the school ski club, but this year the school decided to do away with it. He's been itching to go, and I've been talking forever about learning. It was a great experience, and one I'll be repeating. I did far better than I expected. Fortunately for me a good deal translated over from my water skiing experience. We were skiing for over 5 hours and I only fell four times...twice while going down the hill and twice while exiting the chair lift. ;) :D My son even talked me into going down a black diamond hill...once. Somehow I made it down without falling, but I was totally out of control the entire way down. Anybody watching were probably betting that I was prime for a major "Agony of Defeat" wipeout. That's sure what I was thinking at the time. ;)
Yeah i would love to be able to play the guitar well, but with anything it take pratice.

Im considering taking up badminton, but the only place that i know does it, is charging £8 an hour, so i dont think i will

Im thinking of trying a different sporty thing at the end of each month, I have kickboxing in mind for the end of this month.

Jackie xxx

n yeah im gonna need assisting with my fitness goals Chillen x
Yeah i would love to be able to play the guitar well, but with anything it take pratice.

You are correct. Now get with it, if this is what you want to do, and love doing it.

Im considering taking up badminton, but the only place that i know does it, is charging £8 an hour, so i dont think i will

Any other sports you like that are within your financial means?

Im thinking of trying a different sporty thing at the end of each month, I have kickboxing in mind for the end of this month.

Jackie xxx

A woman that can spank dat ass, is just...well bad ass :)

Good exercise too!

n yeah im gonna need assisting with my fitness goals Chillen x

Outline what it is you want. The specific problems you are facing, and lets rock this thing out in a open discussion in the COL. We can forego the personal particulars, we know each other and can move passed this basic premise, unless your personal particulars have changed? Have they?

Has your personal fitness equipment changed or are they the same as before?

Let us rock this thing out!

Best regards as always, Jackie

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We just about have things wrapped up (boxing and packing things), and are ready to move into our new home at the end of the month. I look forward to this move, and bringing in the education hopes/dreams of my two sons.

And, no the move isn't going to interfere with my training, nor fitness goals.

As mentioned in one of my previous posts, I had already moved all of my fitness equipment into the new room, and its all set up and ready to go. I have been training there since I have moved everything. And, I am pretty serious about things (as I always am with my goals), but, this will be my last bulk. And, after the cut, (planned for June 09), I am going into maintenance mode.

I am honed in, and have balls larger than the moon no matter what obstacle is put in my path. :)

Additionally, I had planned my carbohydrate cycle to include the carbohydrate UP period during the week of the move since its a prime time to do it, and to keep my energy levels peaked.

Currently, I am in my low-carbohydrate period and extreme caloric deviation period. During this low-carbohydrate period, my weight is leveling out (on average) at about 173 pounds (with water loss considered, and am sitting about 12% BF (DEXA, this previous Saturday). My wife likes me at this weight, and BF level, LOL. Boy, we see things ;)

I look forward to the carbohydrate UP period (LOL). I love the feel of the water coming back, and watching it peak-out within 24 to 48 hours. Not to mention, I can eat a ton of food the first 24 to 48 hours ;), with little adverse affects. I expect to swell to about 178, or so, but we shall see where this ends up.

I plan on posting some pics at the above weight and BF, in the near future.

Hope all is well with everyone.

Best regards,

..................................Outline what it is you want. tight abs!The specific problems you are facingeating out of boredom, and eating too much for supper on a saturday night, and lets rock this thing out in a open discussion in the COL. We can forego the personal particulars, we know each other and can move passed this basic premise, unless your personal particulars have changed? Have they?
no dont think so, i want the same things as before

Has your personal fitness equipment changed or are they the same as before?
sorry its the same man, but like i said im looking to take up some sport, im gonna talk some friends into trying some new things out with me, such as kickboxing

Let us rock this thing out!yeah, im up for it!

Best regards as always, Jackie


Thanks man, i cant wait for your reply

Jackie xxxxxxxx
Chillen you gun. Not sure if you remember me...I left early in December as i went away.
Back now still have been training but obviously havent posted it here.

Not sure if your still active if you are how's everything?
Youtube workout for Abs

I am Italian and I am sorry for my bad english..Someone have find some good workout on youtube ??
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