At least when you empty......Rock-its'!...from your drainage ditch.....they will be fiber rich---but a tad less during the glucose switch.
Best regards,
That's a good one
At least when you empty......Rock-its'!...from your drainage ditch.....they will be fiber rich---but a tad less during the glucose switch.
Best regards,
That's a good one![]()
I have done better, LOL.
How are you ILM?
I = Intensive
L = Love
M = Master
Best wishes
You know you're crazy, right?
That's why I luv ya!
I am going to take my in-law to the wound care specialist this morning, and will post the "thoughts for the day" when I return. I have a lot of on my mind lately, and need to vent.
Hope your day goes great today, and wish you all the best.
Wojo, I hope you and your family are doing well, and enjoying the holidays.
Best regards,
Chillen...thanks for that, and the same for you and yours.![]()
We're dealing with some health issues on our side as well. My wife goes in for surgery tomorrow afternoon.
She has an enlarged thyroid gland, and the needle biopsy she had was inconclusive for ruling out the possibility of cancer.
Tomorrow they will remove the side of her thyroid that is inflamed to determine if cancer cells are present.
If not, they will leave the remaining side intact. If they find any trace of cancer they will remove her thyroid entirely. I'm taking time from work to be with her, and to take care of getting my son to all the places he needs to get to.
I wish for good news for your mother-in-law from the wound care specialist.
Thanks again.![]()
Good news to report. Shelly made it through the surgery just fine, and her removed thyroid gland is benign. They did not need to remove her left side, and it is that the damaged/enlarged gland is begin to better regulate her metabolism. She has been enduring chronic tiredness, and significant weight gain despite proper diet and exercise. That, and a very large lump on her neck.We're all heaving a big sigh of relief, and are looking forward to her being able to get back to her old self.
They kept her overnight. I brought her home this morning, and she is resting comfortably...on the couch and on Percocet.
Chillen...the angel (both the snowy one and your wife) is incredible! It's difficult to tell from the photo. How large is it? (The snowy one...not your wife.)
Just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas, bud.
Thanks for helping me achieve my goals earlier in the year. Greatly appreciated it. You are DA Man!!!
Keep on Rocking!!!
one of your fan,
--Tic had requested some pics a while ago. I didn't forget.Here are a few pics taken this morning. Cell phone camera, so not the greatest quality.
One of the tattoo for ILM
You might recall that my primary goal was to get in shape so that I could do the things that I enjoy.
Recently while on vacation we went on a zip line canopy tour. The tour started with a fairly long and vertical hike, and ended with a 75' rapel. The "old" Dave couldn't have handled the hike, let alone the rapel. Here's a shot of me on a zip line.
Everyday I wish you the very best. I wish you much happiness, peace, joy, and personal prosperity.
Being Master of Yourself (Version 2)
"No man is free who is not master of himself." -- Epicetus.
What does it mean to be the master of yourself? Certainly, each one of us has demands that pull him or her one way or the other, until it seems that we are stretched in all directions. Does being the master of oneself mean that we ignore those demands? Does being master of yourself mean that you never listen to your spouse, your family, or your mother-in-law?
Nope. Being master of yourself goes deeper than that. It all has its root in attitude.
Being the master of yourself goes deeper than getting up when the alarm goes off, although that's an important first step. It means more than controlling your spending or eating habits, although that too is essential. It means more than exercising, even when you don't feel like it, or mowing the lawn when you would prefer to sit in front of the TV and eat cheese puffs.
It means, deep down, and to the core, a control -- a mastery -- of your basic emotions that drive your behavior.
First off, we must control self-doubt.
Many of us doubt ourselves, even though we are loath to admit it. "In his private heart, no man much respects himself," Mark Twain, an adept judge of human nature, wrote. Alexandre Dumas, author of such celebrated classics as The Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers, put it even plainer: "A person who doubts himself is like man who would enlist in the ranks of his enemies and bear arms against himself. He makes his failure certain by himself being the first person to be convicted of it."
Self-doubt is a cancer that limits our future. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy, that forever limits us.
Second, we must control our view of ourselves.
The decisions we make in life are largely determined by the filters we use to judge reality. Few of us will ever be able to take a totally unbiased view of our abilities, because few ever can detach ourselves from our past. If we were able to judge ourselves by the same standards that we apply to our friends and family, we might be able to gain a better viewpoint. The Scottish poet Robert Burns wrote the following (loosely translated): "Oh, that some power give us the gift to see ourselves as others see us." (The original is "Oh, wad some power the giftie gie us to see oursel's as ithers see us." I think I did pretty well.).
Only when we can make a reasonable, positive view of our abilities, will we ever gain the upper hand. Herb Cohen, who is billed as "The World's Greatest Negotiator," had an interesting take on this. Herb said in his tape series on negotiation that he tends to downplay his failures, or possibly blame them on other people. While it is important for us to keep a reasonably accurate view of our life and our abilities, it's also important for us to not shortchange ourselves, and we are wont to do. Keeping a positive spin on our abilities can make a major difference.
Third, we must be fair with ourselves. Being fair with an employee, doesn't mean constant praise. Sometimes, being fair means that correction where a change is needed. So we need to be fair with ourselves, even though that fairness may mean a rational set of changes that need to be made. Few of us are ever fair with ourselves.
Fourth, to master ourselves, we must master our emotions. Famed success expert Tony Robbins speaks at length about mastering our emotions. So many of us allow moods to control ourselves. If the day is bleak, we get bleaker. If the night is dark, we get darker. We take our emotions to an extreme, and never really become the master of our fate.
Fifth, to become a master, we must practice. By its very nature, Mastery requires practice. It requires work. It requires dedication, change, sacrifice.
Sixth, remember to protect yourself from self-pity. "Self-pity is our worst enemy," said Helen Keller, who had every reason to engage in self pity. "If we yield to it, we can never do anything wise in the world."
Seventh, practice occasional self-renewal. Like a blighted neighborhood, sometimes, you've just got to tear old things down in yourself, and build up something new. Too often, we let the dust of the world clog up the life of our soul. Sometimes, we've just got to do some dusting.
Eighth, give yourself a push. Set goals to work on the parts you want to master first. Choose the one area that is most standing in your way, and goal for a change. Set a specific, detailed goal, a date for achievement, then plan out your path to success.
Ninth, learn to like yourself. "I don't like myself," said Mae West. "I'm crazy about myself."
(Darryl R Gibson)
Come on brotha and sistas........
Be your own master of your personal development!
You have it within you!
I wish ALL OF YOU the best in all that you do each and every day.
Look see that bright star in the sky?
These pics are just fantastic, Wojo. This is what it is about. Being in shape to enjoy your family, and being physically capable of doing things you enjoy. In the end, what matters the ultimate most, is what makes one happy and personally content: THIS ROCKS!
It ROCKS-HARD! Dad, must be in shape to keep up with the younger, rambunctious little ones!![]()
Shooooooot, I wouldn't have the balls to do that, even if I were in shape, LOL. You have bigger balls then me bud! LOLI like my feet firmly planted on the ground, thank you very much.
Where were these pics taken from?
Keep up the good work Wojo. You have the right mind set and heart is definitely in the correct place. Much respect your way----YOUNG MAN!
Best wishes
Heya Chillen how you doing?? How saw your christmas??
Jackie xxx
Bravo ! !
Excellent post Chillen ! (Agree 100%)
Thank you for taking time to write these things :biggrinsanta::biggrinsanta::biggrinsanta: