Weight-Loss The Brat Pack June Weight Loss Challenge

Good Monday Morning, all. Hope everyone had a kick ass weekend.

June 1: 192.5 (27.8%)*
June 9: 188.4 (26.5%)

Lost: 4.1 (1.3%)

I *'d my beginning bodyfat% because I changed it. It's varying quite a bit from day to day, sometimes drastically, so I'm going to take weekly averages instead of whatever it happens to be on weigh-in day. Didn't want anyone thinking I was cheating. I just believe this will be more accurate and it's how I actually track it in my spreadsheet.

Yay for finally getting out of that 192.x rut. That's nice. Where was this weight-loss in the last week of May's challenge... dammit.

Good luck to everyone this week!
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Wow, brilliant loss, well done!

There's this "measuring centre" type machine at our gym... weighs you, measures blood pressure, and body fat %...

Found out my BF went down a bit, hooray! I'll focus more on that when I'm at goal though... and I'll get it done properly, coz that machine's a bit vague :)
Sooo heres the thing. We moved on Saturday and my mom put my scale in a box or something and I dont know where it is... so I haven't been able to weight myself... I'll do it first thing tomorrow morning though... Sorry guys. I ate crappy on Saturday AND DRANK!!!! WTF!! so I'm not expecting to see ANYTHING pretty on the scale.. probably a gain instead of a loss.

Oh yea I'm pretty busy today so I won't be on much...
So, who else in this thread does running as regular exercise? I stared really slow the last 2 weeks, and I feel like I'm getting somewhere... This week I'll step it up a bit!

I usually run, but just keeping up with my little acre of land has kept my calorie burn at about 3000 the past few weeks. I need to get back to running, but I simply don't have the energy after working in the yard for 3 or 4 hours! I don't want to burn out!

And when I stop for awhile, I always have to start up really slow. I run with my dog. She is LAZY! And while I could go out for a 3 mile run after sitting on the couch for a month, I would have to drag her after the first mile. So I pace myself according to her. It's better for me (I do tend to push and over do it) and of course better for her. She is part corgi after all and has to deal with teeny little legs! But once we are both in good running shape, she LOVES going out for morning jogs.

Ok, here are my stats:

June 1: 201.7
June 9: 199.3

Loss: 2.4 lbs

Not bad. I wanted more, but I'm not going to complain!
June 2: 195
June 9: 198
June 16:
June 23:
June 30:


bad weekend. Here we go again.

Look, you know what you are doing wrong, make the decision to stop it and get back on track :) you can do this - I know you can!
But its sooooooo much fun!!!! :(

I'm not saying it isn't but you can't do what you want and then get upset if you gain weight...or water or whatever it is...gotta pick your battles you know?

I hate to get all tough love on you and all that but...if I wear the leather does it make it easiier to swallow?

This mindset is how I stupidly gained back more than half of what I'd originally lost. Be wary of the streets you tread.


There is no drink in this world that is worth going back to 260 and he knows it...

Just gotta break the cycle, that's all...

But its sooooooo much fun!!!! :(

Fun does not need to stop because you are losing weight. It does need to be controlled however.
I let loose a bit yesterday and am going to buckle down this week and take care of it. Trops did the same thing 2 weeks ago and buckled down and took care of it.

You do not need to fall into this vicious cycle that you are in. Refocus and realize what is more important to you- a few drinks and burgers or the rest of your life?
Fun does not need to stop because you are losing weight. It does need to be controlled however.
I let loose a bit yesterday and am going to buckle down this week and take care of it. Trops did the same thing 2 weeks ago and buckled down and took care of it.

You do not need to fall into this vicious cycle that you are in. Refocus and realize what is more important to you- a few drinks and burgers or the rest of your life?

Very true Brian. Im back at it today.
What are the rest of us? Chopped liver?? Just kidding matthew...listen to him, he is the voice of reason...