Weight-Loss The Brat Pack June Weight Loss Challenge

Ok... I know this is far too ON topic for this thread, but...

I'm looking to start weight/strength training and I have no idea where to start. What are some basic weight exercises that I can do and about how many reps, etc... Preferably something I can do at home and not have to join a gym for. I'm kinda poor. :(

Also do a search for body wieght exercises on the forum. you can get a pretty good workout for free if you do them effectively.
I know Steve has posted a downloadable ipod link several times.

Hopethis helps.
Ok I will take some time to add my thoughts today since I am on the odd day schedule (for the moment). Really loving the workouts... not much like me. But I am finding that the scale is really jumping around. I think I will just ignore it until Monday when I need to weigh in.
Going to work a good chunk of the weekend as usual. But I intend to be really bad on Sunday, BBQ for my birthday so I have the right. Will just have to take time in the gym before then so that I can burn the extra off.
If I keep up with all of this I just might get to have the body of a ballerina like I always wanted. Not sure that I could ever pull off the dancing part of that, but to have the legs would be really nice. I might try and take up belly dancing though, I can kind of do that.
Have a great day all and I will check back in tonight to see the progress.
And Brian, if ya need some holes at least I am trained to stick people :reddevil:
Madness, oh madness, how I welcome you.

I have chickens and bees, too. What city do you call home? (New Orleans?) There's a thing in Manhattan now where they are trying to get the ordinance lifted to allow beekeepers. The way it's written is that bees are not permitted because they are "Wild and Ferocious Animals" Doesn't that just kill you?

Wild and Ferocious indeed! The guy who is building a house next door recently called the city to have my hives inspected because he thought they were aggressive. The woman had NO clue what she was even looking at. She needed to measure that the hives were 25 feet from the fence but didn't have a tape measure, so she decided to pace it off. Got within 15 feet of the hive and stopped. She looked at me and said "Oh, I think they're fine!"

I'm in Austin. I did live in New Orleans and I have that city to thank for my current weight problem! But I was born in Austin and returned after only a year "abroad"!
Wild and Ferocious indeed! The guy who is building a house next door recently called the city to have my hives inspected because he thought they were aggressive. The woman had NO clue what she was even looking at. She needed to measure that the hives were 25 feet from the fence but didn't have a tape measure, so she decided to pace it off. Got within 15 feet of the hive and stopped. She looked at me and said "Oh, I think they're fine!"

I'm in Austin. I did live in New Orleans and I have that city to thank for my current weight problem! But I was born in Austin and returned after only a year "abroad"!

When I got my bees I told one of my neighbors. I just said to him, "Hey, you gotta check this out." and he just followed me to the hives. No vale or anything. When I just walked up to them, and the kids were playing in the yard around there, I guess it put him at ease and he walked up with me. I think it's getting over that initial fear that people have a problem.
So, almost Friday, whoop! What you all getting up to over the weekend?

Mostly stuff around the little farm. I have a garden shed that the previous owners located directly in the way of the best view of the property. So I'm going to move it closer to the...guess where...garden! It's gonna be a kind of Egyptian style pyramid building ordeal with rolling timbers and ropes and slave and whips...well, maybe not slaves. And I don't think ancient Egypt had 4WD Ford Rangers to help pull either...Anyway, it'll be nice to get it moved and I bet it will be a plenty good workout!
When I got my bees I told one of my neighbors. I just said to him, "Hey, you gotta check this out." and he just followed me to the hives. No vale or anything. When I just walked up to them, and the kids were playing in the yard around there, I guess it put him at ease and he walked up with me. I think it's getting over that initial fear that people have a problem.

Some folks have such a fear of bees for no real reason. Most stings are actually wasps/hornets/etc. But I practically have to tie down the little girl across the street when she comes in the yard. She wants to open the hives so bad. I keep meaning to order a child bee suit for her. I don't wear one, but I think it would probably be best if she did!
Mostly stuff around the little farm. I have a garden shed that the previous owners located directly in the way of the best view of the property. So I'm going to move it closer to the...guess where...garden! It's gonna be a kind of Egyptian style pyramid building ordeal with rolling timbers and ropes and slave and whips...well, maybe not slaves. And I don't think ancient Egypt had 4WD Ford Rangers to help pull either...Anyway, it'll be nice to get it moved and I bet it will be a plenty good workout!

Hook up the chickens and crack that whip!
Nothing to add to this madness featuring bees, chickens, and big hair. Just wanted to let ya'll know I'm still alive n kickin. :D
I like to think this forum is filled with the coolest, sexyest, best group of weight losers around!!!