Weight-Loss The Brat Pack June Weight Loss Challenge

Missed you too. So its your turn to disappear is it? What about Brian and Trops? They doing that shameful thing called work too?
Missed you too. So its your turn to disappear is it? What about Brian and Trops? They doing that shameful thing called work too?

Oh, Trops was around spreading mystery around all our favorite threads. Haven't seen Brian since this morning. *cups mouth and calls out* Brian! Where are you?!
Man, I actually go and get some work done and then I gotta read 3 pages just to catch up!

Since no one knows anything about me yet, I can say pretty much anything and it won't be known...so...first, I'm an experimental physicist. Not your most common job. And second (I did say this somewhere on the forum) I am an urban farmer and I raise chickens, bees and grow veggies on my 1 acre plot in the city. I'm adding goats in the spring.

If I go to bed tonight will there be 20 more pages for me to read tomorrow?!? How will I ever keep up? Better put some coffee on...this might be a long night...
Welcome to the thread madness...it is a committment unto itself.

All crazy, all the time :D
Maybe he is teaching the chickens to experiment on the bees???

j/k - that's cool, especially in the city :)
No experiment on the chickens yet. But I am using my computer programming skills to make my place a cyber farm! (yes, I'm a geek). I'm installing a drip irrigation system for my vegetable garden that is all computer controlled. There will be moisture sensors and everything. So the computer will know that the watermelon patch wants more water then the okra patch and when the moisture level gets below the set threshold, then the irrigation comes on. Dorky, but fun.

And Ali...pssst....I'm a she! Guess that's something people didn't know either! :p
No apologies needed! I'm used to forums that have symbols to let you know if people are male or female. This place throws me for a loop! I oughta stick a photo of me in as my avatar...
I wanted a labret but it's a no-go for my occupation. It was hard enough to get them to accept the steel I do have, lol. I used to have cartilage but took it out because it was painful to sleep on it. :D Are your lobes gauged? Mine are only 14s. I don't think anything bigger than, say, 12 is attractive for a woman.

I had the first two gauged to 14s then i took them out... I did want to stretch them to 10s... no higher..

Yea my cartilage hurt me for 1.5 years after I got it done... mind you that was when i was in grade 6!! loooooonnnnngg time ago.
My fiance had a labret for about 6 months before it started deteriorating his gums! He took it out but the gums won't grow back. The dentist said they aren't bad enough to do surgery though. For some people they just don't work...but I thought it was sexy. :(
No apologies needed! I'm used to forums that have symbols to let you know if people are male or female. This place throws me for a loop! I oughta stick a photo of me in as my avatar...

That would help to save future generations from my fate, lol :)
Hello all! Is it too late to join in on the fun? I have needed something to help me stay focused. I love the idea of the friendly competition. I do know what my weight was for this Monday will that count? I hope that I can join in on the fun.
Oh yeah not that it matters that much but my second job is at a farm. I love it farming helps my out mentally. lol Hope I can join in! Tina:seeya:
June 2nd 160
I go to sleep for a few hours after work and I have to catch up on 7 pages. You all are prolific.
So something that no one here knows about me.....
* I am a nurse, massage therapist and currently doing self study to get a bunch of computer certifications. (Perpetual student):smilielol5:

* I just recently found out that I really like the gym. 5 days now at an hour each and loving it.

* And I have a VERY warped sense of humor. Loving the thread so far.

* I have two tattoos and when I hit my goal weight I am going to re-pierce my bellybutton and get a tattoo around it.

I am so glad to have a good group to work with here. I will take all the help I can get.
Not sure if I will loose anything this month because of the light weight training I am doing, but here is to trying. 199# here I come.:reddevil:
Holy cow (keeping with the farm theme)! I think I just have to resign myself to being perpetually behind in the conversations. I can’t even skim because they’re all hilarious and I don’t want to miss them. :smilielol5:

OK, some things about me you don’t know... *SHAMELESS PLUG WARNING* I have a couple of internet businesses, one selling maternity lingerie, but we also sell for use during pregnancy.

I was also raised on a farm (on the east coast - God, do I miss the fresh seafood!). I just left my job at an international red meat export association to care for a developmentally disabled woman in my home, help care for my mother and work on my internet businesses. I also plan to have a nice enough body to get my belly button pierced by the time I’m 50.
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Hello all! Is it too late to join in on the fun? I have needed something to help me stay focused. I love the idea of the friendly competition. I do know what my weight was for this Monday will that count? I hope that I can join in on the fun.
Oh yeah not that it matters that much but my second job is at a farm. I love it farming helps my out mentally. lol Hope I can join in! Tina:seeya:
June 2nd 160

Welcome, Tina! Good to have you. Hold on tight to your sanity, sweetie. You may just lose it in here . . . :p