Weight-Loss The Black Team Thread

I'm off to have PIZZA and HOT CHOCOLATE with a MARSHMALLOW before DEPRIVATION WEEK starts! :p

haha good for you! its past midnight here so technically the challenge started for me already. i think i should sleep....


Don't talk to me about hot chocolate as gifts. My H got a huge canister of it, too. His is the powdered mix, though. I like to mix it with coffee. But it will have to wait a week. :D

8lbs since Dec 30th?!! That's quite a drop. Congrats!

I'm having a final day of debauchery myself. I had french fries at dinner, and have had booze and chocolate as well.
Well gt8 1st day my only snacks were grapes,bannanah,FF jello and I worked out for 50 minutes!"LEST KICK ZZZZ TEAM,FROM THE LOOKS WE HAVE A TOUGH GROUP...:party:
Hey all~
I weighed in this morning at my lowest weight so far!
I am sooooo wanting to reach 185 by Valentine's Day!
And with the way this challenge is going to have me cardioing everyday I don't think I'll miss out on that goal! LOL
Have a Great Day Everyone!!!
A slice of cheese pizza before jazzercise, chicken curry and rice for dinner and hot chocolate with my very last marshmallow to warm the belly before bed.

156 lbs on the scale this morning. I really did some damage to my weight loss during the holidays but I'm ready to get back in gear. :hurray:
Wow! I had been a little sick and my weight was up, I woke up this morning to weigh for the challenge and it was 3 pounds lighter than a few days ago!

Lets do well on this challenge this week!! :grouphug:
well done everyone! keep it up!

right so i have a question...i'm not having any junk (woohoo) but...i can't get my calories up to 1600...usually i eat well all day and then reach the 1500-1600 mark with chocolate or other 'very bad' calories...i'm more than half way through the day and standing at 600 calories and thats after 1 meal and 2 snacks!!!!...any ideas on healthy foods packed with calories???


well done everyone! keep it up!

right so i have a question...i'm not having any junk (woohoo) but...i can't get my calories up to 1600...usually i eat well all day and then reach the 1500-1600 mark with chocolate or other 'very bad' calories...i'm more than half way through the day and standing at 600 calories and thats after 1 meal and 2 snacks!!!!...any ideas on healthy foods packed with calories???



Hello there! I always use peanut butter with celery or eat some kind of nuts (ie. almonds)! Those are packed with good fats and oils and contain quite a few calories!!
Hmm.. Peanut butter with maybe celery or apples, cheese and fruit, yogurt, nuts or granola. A whole roast :piggy: perhaps? :biggrinjester: Do you have plans for dinner yet? Steak and a sweet potato? What are some high calorie veggies? Keep munching on carrots...

I've got a lot of planning to do for this week. I forgot my leaftover steak for lunch from a few dinners ago and I know there's not going to be anything in the cafe that's going to be good for me. I have chicken breast waiting for me at home but thats going to get boring after a week.
thanx guys!! i have got a nut mix at home which i had forgotten about so i'll have that to make up the calories!!-need to go shopping tomorrow maybe and stock up on fruit and veg etc etc. i had pasta for dinner (yum yum).


Howdy TEASTERS!!Everyone is off to a kick azz strat!
Also not sure what exactly if I not this here but my weigh in's
are on Thursday to keep track with both challanges..I started at
185 and exersiced 55 minutes...then Last nighta quick 30 minutes
doing 20 on Gazzele and some crunches,squats floor exersices..because
we went to my aunts to play cards until 4 am GEEEEESH I snacked on my grapes and the cure for a sweet tooth "APPLES & PEANUTBUTTER"...HAVE A WONDERFUL AND HEALTHY WEEKEND **HUGGS**TAMMY:seeya:
you said weigh ins can be THURS OR FRI so I marked my exersices and bonuses starting on Thursday to was I suppose to wait until FRIDAY for that?Thank you Tammy
Okay BlackJacks!!!!
That is my name for this team!!! LOL
I just got off the elliptical doing 45 minutes with 5 of those a cool down.
Burned off 675 calories!!!! I will NOT be booted off!
Go TEAM!!!
you said weigh ins can be THURS OR FRI so I marked my exersices and bonuses starting on Thursday to was I suppose to wait until FRIDAY for that?Thank you Tammy

Bonus and exercise pts start on Fridays. So anything you did on Thursday doesn't count b/c the challenge didn't start until Friday. I'm making Thursday an optional day to weigh-in to be flexible for those who might not be able to weigh-in on fridays for whatever reason. Just like in the last challenge you could weigh in on Friday or Saturday. Same thing.

How we doing?????

I had a really hard bit today i hate visiting my nieces when they have just baked cakes!!! i feel so mean not taking one ...So I did... then i pretended to eat it (like you do with plastic/imaginary food) then stuffed it in my bag i felt sooooooooo mean but i am doing this properly no cheating

Go Black team go and i like the black Jacks LOL
