ok so I did 45 min today and only 20 min yesterday. I also completed the roadblock, but for now I wont count that in my exercise unless I need to .....it wasn't as bad as I thought, though it took me a few tries w/ the last video!
Hey ladies, I haven't been around as much as I've been really busy! Just wanted to give a quick update. I am now up to a total of 3 hour 35 min (I believe). I know I said I'd aim for 6.5 hours in case, but I really think I'll only be able to get the 5 h 35 min required (I think that's right). Brandy, how are you holding up with exercise this week? Let me know if I need to pick up some more and I'll try and work it into my schedule . I know I'm bad, I should just do it anyway, but with the lack of time, I think I'll do basically what I need to!
I'm at 7 hours and 10 minutes right now. I can definitely do another hour and 12 minutes which will bring me up to the 50% allowed for the week. That'll bring our team total up to 14 hours and 47 minutes, leaving 2 hours left to be completed by you and/or Brandy in the next two days. Should be doable I think.
Oh perfect, I can do the two hours for sure, I was planning on it anyway! I can always count the time I spent doing the roadblock too but I'd rather not if I can help it! Thanks so much V! I wish I had more time to devote but I'm doing my absolute best.....I'm just so exhausted when I get home that all I can do at most is an hour!
I can for sure do the 2 hours. I'd feel awesome if it were put on my shoulders. Because we all know I could DEFINITELY use the extra pressure to move my butt!!
Yes... so I... I really need to get in the last 2 hours. I don't like that I haven't done a lot of exercise. Today I will get some done; and then Thursday I will get a bunch more done.
""And as fish is low-cal, a great source of lean protein and full of omega-3 fatty acids, here’s the Roadblock: Eat a lb (basically a half a kilo) of salmon (not canned) over the course of the week. Only one person per team has to do this.""
This is the roadblock for this week. Are one of you able to do this? I hate to NOT seem like a team player...but eating fish makes me vomit.. and I'm not just saying that because I don't like it. It really makes me sick. I can't stomach 90% of any seafood. If you both feel the same way.. I'll take it.
I will do the 50% of exercise this week if needed. I don't mind trading!
I would love to do the roadblock this week for us. I love salmon, even have some in my freezer so it's not a problem for me to get it done this week. I'd be happy to.
I would love to do the roadblock this week for us. I love salmon, even have some in my freezer so it's not a problem for me to get it done this week. I'd be happy to.
I am most definitely doing 90 minutes today. So no one has to do anything. I have everything set. I'm going to take a shower, go on a 30 minute walk, and then do an hour of yoga.
I worked out for 1 hr and 50 minutes today but I can only add 12 minutes to our total. That'll bring me to the 50%. So our new total is...
16 hours and 7 minutes
We need another 38 minutes to hit the exercise goal for this week. Hopefully Brandy was able to get out for her walk today.
Good job getting so much exercise in this week Priti with the busy schedule you have. I'm on vacation next week so can definitely do 50% of the exercise again freeing you up a bit.
Hope all of our hard work will pay off on the scale. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Opppps. I just noticed in Brandy's stats that she's clocked 4 hours and 15 minutes of exercise in. With your 5 hours Priti and my 8 hours and 22 minutes that puts us at 17 hours and 37 minutes, more then enough needed.