Weight-Loss The 6 week New Years Challenge Continuation

So how long is this going to run? another full 6 weeks?
Made a little type of banner for our challenge for a bit of fun!
Hope you guys like it! -
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haah, was trying to keep it neutral.. since we have guys and girls here. these colours seemed nice and fresh, using some from what oLUX used in the spreadsheet ;)
I'm on the list and ready 4 Monday!


*Best Wishes To All!!*

I'm going to the store Sunday to stock up on healthy foods/goodies.
I'll be 100% ready/prepared 4 Monday. :)

I created a picture thread for before and afters...

I encourage you all to do it, alot of times other people see what we cant

Add measurements as well...even if the weight doesnt come off the measurements do...

Here is the link...


My thought is we can have 4 winners...

1) For most points and winning challenge
2) For most weight
3) For most measurements lost
4) For biggest change in picture

Sound ok?
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You get 10 points for each day that you either stick to your alloted calories or stick to your intended plan if you dont count calories. Having an unhealthy snack is permitted if its not part of a loss of control where you're eating over your planned calories or eating nothing but junk for the day. That's when you screwed up and dont get the points.
If you eat clean the entire week (again, snacks are OK but mini binges are not), you get an additional 50 points at the end of the week.


You get 100 points if you work out at least 4 hours per week. At least 60 minutes of that time must include weight training, yoga, pilates or some other form of strength training. You can split up the strength work outs any way you want as long as you do a total of 60 minutes within your 4 hour total weekly exercise.


Last challenge weight didn't matter till the end, which I liked but, this is non ellimination.So if you have a loss you will earn 5 points per lb lost says the spread sheet.

Water Consumption

2 points a day or if 7 days a week 14 points.Idea is to drink half your body weight in a day...we have info on it somewhere.Take your weight and divide it by 2 adn that is how many oz a day you are reccommnded to drink.

Post Activity (Support)

This is a support based challenge/thread.You will recieve points for posting.If you post a minimum of 4 times a week in the thread you will recieve 10 points.

Daily Food Log

I will create a new thread to post our daily menus.It is worth 10 points a week.


Every week we will take turns creatin a weekly challenge for all to follow..We will just strt at the top of the list and work our way down it.

Worth 20 points, all or nothing as this is the challenge.

Im gonna create the first challenge cuz this is something I was
thinking of doing and I thought it would be a great way to start out.

Challenge Number 1

To spend the week "getting to know your team mates"

You have the whole week to visit everyone's diaries at least twice, introduce yourself and drop in once more to check up.I realize it is alot but you have all week, I know we are all busy BUT it is a challenge and "getting to know eachother" is important.

I don't have alot of time, Im always tired and so on, so this challenge I will struggle through...

Good luck on Week One everyone!!!

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Im excited to begin this:D:D:DI know ALOT of you and Im happy to have you by my side doing this.

For those of you I dont know Im looking forward to getting to know you:)

New challenges will be posted every Sunday:)
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I love all your ideas Relly!! I'm excited.. I've been losing motivation the past week but knowing the challenge is starting tomorrow is getting me pumped!!! I can't wait!!
I would like to join if it's not too late, my DD told me about this, and sent me the link, but I didn't realized the six week challenge was in there.
I hope I'm not too late.