Weight-Loss The 6 week New Years Challenge Continuation

I guess i can give this challenge a try...sounds pretty interesting...ok...i'll pm you olux.



You get 10 points for each day that you either stick to your alloted calories or stick to your intended plan if you dont count calories. Having an unhealthy snack is permitted if its not part of a loss of control where you're eating over your planned calories or eating nothing but junk for the day. That's when you screwed up and dont get the points.
If you eat clean the entire week (again, snacks are OK but mini binges are not), you get an additional 50 points at the end of the week.


You get 100 points if you work out at least 4 hours per week. At least 60 minutes of that time must include weight training, yoga, pilates or some other form of strength training. You can split up the strength work outs any way you want as long as you do a total of 60 minutes within your 4 hour total weekly exercise.


Last challenge weight didn't matter till the end, which I liked but, this is non ellimination.So if you have a loss you will earn 5 points per lb lost says the spread sheet.

Water Consumption

2 points a day or if 7 days a week 14 points.Idea is to drink half your body weight in a day...we have info on it somewhere.Take your weight and divide it by 2 adn that is how many oz a day you are reccommnded to drink.

Post Activity (Support)

This is a support based challenge/thread.You will recieve points for posting.If you post a minimum of 4 times a week in the thread you will recieve 10 points.

Daily Food Log

I will create a new thread to post our daily menus.It is worth 10 points a week.


Every week we will take turns creatin a weekly challenge for all to follow..We will just strt at the top of the list and work our way down it.

We need to get a challenge section up, I just noticed it isnt there.I will take to oLUX.And I need to figure out how much the challenges will be worth and such.I want them to be more than 5 points...

And I believe that is it.
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Yea, I'm excited! hey Olux I just wanted to say you did outstanding on that spread sheet! also, not that it's a big deal or anything cause I know who I am . .lol. .but my screen name is just mom24monsters. If you don't get around to changing it I really don't care. .lol. .I know you are going to be MIA for the weekend, I just thought I would put that out there.
Yea, I'm excited! hey Olux I just wanted to say you did outstanding on that spread sheet! also, not that it's a big deal or anything cause I know who I am . .lol. .but my screen name is just mom24monsters. If you don't get around to changing it I really don't care. .lol. .I know you are going to be MIA for the weekend, I just thought I would put that out there.

haha omg SORRY! that's what happens when i type out people's usernames instead of just copying nad pasting like i should. i changed it for you!


This challenge couldnt have happened at a better time for me.....my lil sister comes home from her 12 months in Europe in 7 weeks time.For those who read my diary will understand how much I want to make her proud of her big big sister. Show her what can be achieved when we want it bad enough!!

wannabesexee... im checking out your diary soon^^
actually i want to start making my rounds to everyone
in the challenge... need to get to know people =P
Oh I would loooove to join too, perfect timing :D Hopefully I'm not too late!

Thanks for letting me know about this Angelica, you're lovely :D
Mother of 2,

I seen the you added one cheat day per week.. I like that idea I've been considering it too.. But for me one cheat meal.. So when I'm really wanting something I can have it and if I know I can have it one day in the week I won't screw up one day and then want to give up.. So I think I'm going to do the same thing!!
i just thought I would add it bc last challange i didnt and there were nights when i could have used it like valentines day, but refused to because of the challenge. I still plan to use it less then once a week but i did want it there just in case... its a good idea, it always good to get a day off once in a while and really it wont affect anything, at the very most i'll end up eating my maintenence amount of calories...
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Hey guys! So I finished inputting everything into the FINAL DRAFT of the spreadsheet! I know in the last challenge it was fun to change the font colors and sizes for our names. However, I'm not a pro at excel like Melissa. Can you guys please refrain from altering any of the colors and fonts on the sheet. When we go in and edit that, it leaves room for mistakes and if any of the codes and formulas are messed up, I probably wouldn't know how to fix it. I just don't have time to go in and try to find the problem. So PLEASE don't change any colors. THANKS SO MUCH! I really appreciate it. Sorry for the inconvenience!



Please also start filling in the following information so that on Monday, we'll be off to a good start!

1. Eating Plan
2. Daily Required Water Intake
(If you don't know what your required amount is, I've provided a link to where you can take the test to find out. The link is under the "Guidelines" tab under "Water Consumption")

K! Well I'm out for the rest of the weekend. Will be back to try and update spreadsheet if needed on Sunday evening! :) GOOD LUCK EVERYONEE!
Lux-looks GREAT! Now who are you kidding you just want us messing up your pretty colors he he he. Just kidding, we sincerely appreciate this and we will try our best not to fu-bar it LOL.

I put in <1800 cals as I try to keep around 1500-1800 (so not into being hungry LOL) I may find need to adjust down as I loose a bit more but I also added in a cheat day however I am going to keep my cheat day to a bit freer meal day and a dessert indulgence NOT a free reign all day because I tend to get into the 'its a free day' and screw myself with way over doing it. I still have a problem with my sweet tooth moderation.