New member
I already know and visit a good portion of them bu tit is always harder to start supporting new ppl, but i think we all like to be supported...and you do have a week to do it in...
Could we have a thread where everyone participating in the 6 week continuation challenge posts a link to their diary; that way it will make it easier for us to get there rather than search for it....
What do you all think?
hey guys i just wana let you know that im taking myeslf off the challenge. i dont have anyyy time! but good luck with the 6 weeks!im rooting for all of you!!
How's everybody doing! We are about half way through our first week and so far so good. My computer has been jacked up for the past couple days so this is my first post this week. I feel so freaking lost without my laptop! Oh does anyone know where the food log is? Or is it cool to just do that in our diary's? Let me know, much love!