Teenager's death is proof steroids can kill

Are you being serious?

I think he is, and by the sound of it Benoit also turned gay and married a man before steroids made him kill everyone.

Damn, I bet there would be no nutters killing their families if steroids didn't exist. And here I was thinking the guy was mentally unbalanced, how wrong could I be, apparently Benoit was also a 'victim' or this evil naturally occuring hormone. Pass me the oestrogen please, I no longer want my penis as it may make me kill people
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Maybe what pt-141 is mean to say is that Benoit kill his wife because of steroid rage as the newspaper call it. Obvious if Benoit is man, then he cannot kill his husband and son. You make fun of pt-141 because he not native English speaker?
The famous WWE superstar Chris Benoit was also a victim of steroids.The reports about Chris Benoit says that he died because of steroid abuse and he also killed his husband and son.Conclusions about what pushed Benoit to commit double murder suicide points at his use of steroids.Not only Chris Benoit is the victim of steroids but also his co-Super star Eddie Guerrero.Guerrero had a cardiac arrest because of steroids.

They stated that Benoit went into a roid rage. I believe roid rage is real cause my neighbor did roids and constantly had bouts of roid rage and abused his GF which he never did before he started steriods. BUT, I was not there the night Benoit committed his crimes, nor was anyone else, so what happened there is mere speculation. As is the case for Guerrero. As far as I understood, Guerrero had a history of drug abuse, which could lead to cardiac arrest. They said he had over come his dependence on drugs, but that doesn't mean the impact it made on his body was gone. He might have had one to many highs and messed up his heart OR it possibly could have been steriod use. AGAIN, I was not there behind the scenes, so just as with Benoit, anything said is merely speculation.

That said, When taken right (***NOT supporting steroid use***) you decrease, once more, DECREASE, the risks that come with it. Just as with asprin, alcohol, guns, driving, jumping out of a plane, there is ALWAYS a risk of something bad happening. Getting steriods and not a substance called "steriods," will also decrease the chance of you taking random chemicals that will cause this reaction.

On a personal note, I think steriods are a cheap (not in terms of cost) way of getting big fast. If you want to get big or just tone up, you need dedication, not a drug. I think that people who take them are lazy and quite honestly, not all that bright. If you are willing to take something that has those kinds of possible side-effects you are pretty dumb in my eyes. Not to mention, your "progress" is meaningless in comparison to my own or others who did it the "hard" way.
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