Weight-Loss Team 1 Chat Thread

aww guys... it's the last week as a team...
I'm so glad I joined this challenge, A lot of connections were made with people that may not have happened otherwise :D
I know were going to rock this last week like we've rocked the entire challenge! Go Team 1!!
aww guys... it's the last week as a team...
I'm so glad I joined this challenge, A lot of connections were made with people that may not have happened otherwise :D
I know were going to rock this last week like we've rocked the entire challenge! Go Team 1!!

:beating::beating::beating:aaawww your a sweety:beating::beating::beating:
We all need a new challenge after this one cuz I'm gonna miss you all. That's gonna be a lot of diaries to hop around to each day. Lol!

I got my exercise in at the last minute but the scale showed me up half a pound. WTF?! The good news is that today is the last day for the doc to call me back or my H will be making a complaint to the group commander. SO annoying!! My other doc was so great, he always called immediately upon receiving the results, he trusted this treatment (which is rare), plus it helped that he was HOT. Hah!!

Either way Ihope this gets resolved soon. Hypothyroidism sucks!
:beating::beating::beating:aaawww your a sweety:beating::beating::beating:

So are you Relly!:beating:

We all need a new challenge after this one cuz I'm gonna miss you all. That's gonna be a lot of diaries to hop around to each day. Lol!

I got my exercise in at the last minute but the scale showed me up half a pound. WTF?! The good news is that today is the last day for the doc to call me back or my H will be making a complaint to the group commander. SO annoying!! My other doc was so great, he always called immediately upon receiving the results, he trusted this treatment (which is rare), plus it helped that he was HOT. Hah!!

Either way Ihope this gets resolved soon. Hypothyroidism sucks!

Ugh i hear you on that... i have shitty doctor too... she's not so much shitty as shes just way too overbooked you wait like half an hour for a 5 minute visit and if you forget to bring every detail up it's definately not addressed because she barely has time to ask any questions... god then trying to get medications on time thats a whole nother story... i really need to get a new doctor especially since i live like 45 minutes away now

1. 5 points for each additional hour of exercise over the standard 4 hours, up to a max of 3 hours.

2. 5 points if you post your daily food in a separate food posting thread that I will create.

3. 5 points if you post at least 5 times in your chat thread on 4 different days.

4. 5 points for 5 or more daily 1/2 cup servings of fruit or veggies.

5. 5 points for eating 2/3 of your goal weight in protein.
Well I am just ready to say FUCK IT to hell! LOL But ya know what, people have a lot worse problems than being 15 lbs overweight so "dont worry, be happy". I'm frustrated but still happy LOL. I will just have to have this stomach sucked out the good ole fashioned way (lipo LOL). Either way its a goner!

Last night I thought it was Tuesday and that I had already screwed up my last week so I was really in "fuck it mode". I had eaten a snack after dinner, not too big of a screw-up. But alas, I must hop on the horse for one more week of frustration.

For this last week I will go back to the calorie counting, and will try to do it in 3 meals/no snacks but will deviate from that rule if necessary.

weighed in at 194.4 this afternoon...
I think my birth contol pills are making it harder for me to lose weight. I was supposed to start a new pack a week ago but had problems with my pharmacy and havent gotten them yet... suddenly i'm dropping nearly 3 pounds in one week? as opposed to the 1-1.5 i normally do? I also noticed a bit of an increase in weight loss last month as well after starting my new pack several days late but just brushed it off...
I'm thinking i might ditch the BC pill and look for something else to replace it. i've also been suspicous that it's been killing my sex drive as well so i'm at my last straw...
the hard part is finding a replacement. i've been on these pills since i was 14 and am having a hard time considering other methods. i've also been reading that weight gain is a myth when it comes to the pill so i dont really want to jump to any conclusions... I guess its time to make an appointment with my crappy doctor lol
I think you are right to question these pills. They use fake hormones that have a huge effect on our body. Those hormones can definitely kill a sex drive, which really does defeat the purpose. I wouldn't believe any article that said weight gain is not affected by BC hormones. I use the Ladycomp, its a small handheld computer which monitors my temperature and let's me know when I have ovulated. Before ovulation you've gotta be careful (condoms) and after you have no worries whatsoever. Luckily H doesn't mind..

weighed in at 194.4 this afternoon...
I think my birth contol pills are making it harder for me to lose weight. I was supposed to start a new pack a week ago but had problems with my pharmacy and havent gotten them yet... suddenly i'm dropping nearly 3 pounds in one week? as opposed to the 1-1.5 i normally do? I also noticed a bit of an increase in weight loss last month as well after starting my new pack several days late but just brushed it off...
I'm thinking i might ditch the BC pill and look for something else to replace it. i've also been suspicous that it's been killing my sex drive as well so i'm at my last straw...
the hard part is finding a replacement. i've been on these pills since i was 14 and am having a hard time considering other methods. i've also been reading that weight gain is a myth when it comes to the pill so i dont really want to jump to any conclusions... I guess its time to make an appointment with my crappy doctor lol
The doc FINALLY called back! My thyroid levels dropped a great deal again. By half!! He changed my doses so I go back on the treatment tomorrow. Chica Chica Yeah!!
The doc FINALLY called back! My thyroid levels dropped a great deal again. By half!! He changed my doses so I go back on the treatment tomorrow. Chica Chica Yeah!!

Gosh, what a jerk though, has he never heard of looking at the files and your treatment the prior doctor had you on before he pulls all your meds cold turkey? I dont get it..
I think you are right to question these pills. They use fake hormones that have a huge effect on our body. Those hormones can definitely kill a sex drive, which really does defeat the purpose. I wouldn't believe any article that said weight gain is not affected by BC hormones. I use the Ladycomp, its a small handheld computer which monitors my temperature and let's me know when I have ovulated. Before ovulation you've gotta be careful (condoms) and after you have no worries whatsoever. Luckily H doesn't mind..

I checked out your Ladycomp and if my hasband agrees to spend the wopping 495.00 USD on it :S i'll probably go with that
I've been using condoms the last week but that can get expensive also... I dont like the idea of IUDs and outside of other hormone based methods this is the only other one I feel comfortable with :S
lol this is going to turn into a sexual health forum :p

1. 5 points for each additional hour of exercise over the standard 4 hours, up to a max of 3 hours.

2. 5 points if you post your daily food in a separate food posting thread that I will create.

3. 5 points if you post at least 5 times in your chat thread on 4 different days.

4. 5 points for 5 or more daily 1/2 cup servings of fruit or veggies.

5. 5 points for eating 2/3 of your goal weight in protein.

I love it!! I added it to the spreadsheet on the bonus tab for now. Will add in week 6 results section soon...
I checked out your Ladycomp and if my hasband agrees to spend the wopping 495.00 USD on it :S i'll probably go with that
I've been using condoms the last week but that can get expensive also... I dont like the idea of IUDs and outside of other hormone based methods this is the only other one I feel comfortable with :S
lol this is going to turn into a sexual health forum :p

Yes, it is very expensive indeed. I got the cheaper version sold by teh same company, I forget the exact name but will check. I think it was around $300 instead. I'm sure you read about how it works, but here's the personal details. You have to take your temperature every morning, but you get so used to that it becomes absolutely no bother at all (it only takes about 30 seconds and the thermometer is attached to the device). The machine is VERY annoyingly conservative so at first its constantly giving you a "RED" signal which means no sex without contraception because its not familiar with your cycle yet. I learned how to game that one right quick but do be prepared for more condoms at first until the device learns your cycle and you learn how to game the device. You will start to notice that your temperature increases by about .4 after you've ovulated. This only shows up 2 days after you've ovulated, but after you have a few more high days you know you've ovulated and dont have to worry. Before ovulation is tricky if you have a short cycle like me because you can get pregnant if you have sex 7 days prior to ovulating so with a short cycle I get paranoid even while on my period. But after your temp goes up, you're good to go. Often after it goes up it will dip for one or two days and then go back up again. This is very common so once that happens you are more than sure you've ovulated. It all sounds complex but you quickly get the hang of it and you feel good that you're not on any fake BS hormones. Keep me posted..
Yes, it is very expensive indeed. I got the cheaper version sold by teh same company, I forget the exact name but will check. I think it was around $300 instead. I'm sure you read about how it works, but here's the personal details. You have to take your temperature every morning, but you get so used to that it becomes absolutely no bother at all (it only takes about 30 seconds and the thermometer is attached to the device). The machine is VERY annoyingly conservative so at first its constantly giving you a "RED" signal which means no sex without contraception because its not familiar with your cycle yet. I learned how to game that one right quick but do be prepared for more condoms at first until the device learns your cycle and you learn how to game the device. You will start to notice that your temperature increases by about .4 after you've ovulated. This only shows up 2 days after you've ovulated, but after you have a few more high days you know you've ovulated and dont have to worry. Before ovulation is tricky if you have a short cycle like me because you can get pregnant if you have sex 7 days prior to ovulating so with a short cycle I get paranoid even while on my period. But after your temp goes up, you're good to go. Often after it goes up it will dip for one or two days and then go back up again. This is very common so once that happens you are more than sure you've ovulated. It all sounds complex but you quickly get the hang of it and you feel good that you're not on any fake BS hormones. Keep me posted..

i'm talking to my h about it tonight... hopefully the price wont completely turn him off... but i will def. let you know :)
Team, I reached an all time low for me today. 142.0lbs. I'm so excited about being this close to the 130's. I have not been in the 130's in over 4 years!! It is so close I can taste it. I guess the 8hrs of exercise last week paid off!!