Hey, Ladies. Wait, am I the only guy here? I'm so lucky
Just got back from the gym. 30 min of weights and 15 min on the elliptical.
haha I think you are! You could be our team captain!
I just did an hour on the treadmill...i put in a movie and just kept going...i originally intended for 30 minutes and just thought what the hell i can either sit and finish it or walk and finish it.
Team One..Rock on women and "man"
DEEEEEE!!!!! Glad to see you checking in. I know that you are doing spot on work, so I wasn't worried about not seeing you update the spread sheet.![]()
Claudia, sorry if i missed it but I have a question about the exercise portion of the challenge. Is it an "all or nothing" challenge? Like what if someone only does 1/2 of the exercise, do they get 50 points or nothing? Just wanted to clarify that come weekly point tally time so there is no misunderstandings.
Funny thing, nobody on team 2 questioned the 4 hour requirement on exercise... oh, probably because they are just actually doing it!
Uuummm excuse me...arent you supposta posting in your own thread?lol
He's lost. This way old man. (leads demented old man back to his room)![]()
- Thanx, how do we prevent him from wandering back in?LOL
*UGH* Im sooo exhausted.I really dont wanna join bootcamp cuz of the weather, i have been putting it off and procastinating but i will cuz it is guarenteed exercise and makes me leave the house to work my ass off...
Im gonna make myself do Tae bo even though I dont want to, LOL[/COLOR]
The man is as big as a mountain. You don't stop him from doing anything. You just hope to redirect him to a less dangerous place.
It's this kind of dedication (when we really don't want to do something, and we do it anyway) that makes all the difference. Go, Relly!![]()