Weight-Loss Team 1 Chat Thread

You're doing great, most people don't even try!

When I was chubbier, I had a hard time bending over a spread leg to touch my toes in a wide leg seated position, because my love handle was like an obstacle in my way :cuss: Also, I don't think my neck would like it if I was much heavier, standing on my head. But progress in Yoga is to be looked at like this: you are perfect the way you are. Within that perfection, you have prana or the breath, which is the vital, life-sustaining force of living beings and vital energy. Like Qi in Chinese philosophy, connecting with the breath and the vital force, you can gently push yourself beyond your seeming edges. With increased strength and a more firm mind/body/spirit connection, comes a healthier body. Yoga can give you the courage to develop a positive, nurturing relationship with your body in a way that no motivational speaker, magazine, or heck, ANY outside influences can--because the deeper capacity for self love comes from WITHIN. And when you finally love yourself with all your heart from within, the beautiful body just follows suit, even if it doesn't even change physically. Although it probably will, with a healthy diet and exercise.

And also, UC Berkeley released info that women who did Yoga had a better body image than women who did cardio and weights alone. So there! Keep it up, woman! GO WII FITT!!!

I can completely understand what your describing... i dont think my body composition has changed a whole lot yet somehow I have come to love myself just the way I am... whats funny is I didn't even really care to try to lose weight until i started loving myself just the way I was. Just the awsome feeling I have on the inside is all the motivation I seem to need.
And though this is my first time trying to lose weight I don't feel like i'll have the same problem most people have because I don't really want to live any other way anymore... I don't find it an inconvenience, i dont feel i'm deprived in any way... but yeah lol anyway it feels awsome
:hurray: That is the best news I've head all day, next to hearing Russia is re-opening supplies of propane :D

HUGS, woman! :hug2:
Hey there, ladies. :waving: I got back from the gym and although I didn't have the stellar workout I had hoped for, it's still a workout, so that counts.

I have this theory that getting a bad workout on a day when you have no motivation is more important that a great workout on a high motivation day. The reason behind this is the momentum of a workout on that low motivation day will carry you through to the good days, where the great workout will only be for that day and that day alone. So, I put in my time, did my thing and called it a day. Tomorrow is another day, right?

How's everyone doing?

Oh, and I'm :beating:LOVING:beating: all the Team Tits avitars.
Hey Team#1!! Year end close finally wrapped up today so I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. I've run myself ragged the last 10 days and I'm completely drained and fighting a cold. Whew.

I plan on doing some Bikram yoga this weekend to sweat out all this sickness and tiredness!! Also want to get a 6-8 mile run in. I'll have no problem getting my 100 points this week.

I'm also down on the scale...yes!
is anyone able to tell that i have team tits rocks my socks written on my avitar or am i only able to read it because i know what it says? lol
I could see it, but maybe I've been staring at your avitar too much.

How do you add words to your photo. I'd like to add Team 1 Rock out with you cock out! :smilielol5:
LMAO! you can use paint but it will leave i white square behind it or if you have a better program you can add text without it. usually its just a letter A for the text symbol.
Im trying to decide if i should write on mine...but i kinda like it the way it is, would it add to it or ruin it...

And mother would you be willing to do it for me ?
Actually peeps I need to head out so I can spend some somewhat quality time with my hubby... Cinderelly If you want it done I'm not sure if you can pm me a bigger version but if you can and you do want me to i'll do it tomorrow morning
I will try to pm but I might need to email if you would be cool with that?

Im not sure if I can attach them through pm if they arent in photo bucket?

I will try in a bit here, sorry the kids are home I got busy...

Mother - I did it and I think it looks pretty good:)Thanx for offering to help!

Im Cerella, by the way but alot of ppl call me Relly, LOL!Pet name from Claudia (Blancita:)
Im already addicted to the FIT:)!!!30 mins this evening.Would be more if I didnt have to share with my 4 yr old.HA!And another 10 running wiht her as a 2nd jogger, lol!40 mins wii fit!
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