Weight-Loss Tea Talk

I found this while looking for something else and thought people here might be interested:
Any suggestions on which I should try next? :D I've currently got Rington's Valley View (which was incredibly cheap but doesn't have much of an inspiring flavour- works very well for ice tea though) and Sainsbury's China tea (smokey, woody, different to what I normally have but I like it) open.

(Excuse the bench top, I know it needs a wipe)
It's probably too late to answer (I'll blame my sleeping in on my comfy bed) but I'll suggest Darjeeling. ^_^

-As always, there needs to be more evidence to back up these claims. But Spearmint is used to help treat or bring relief for a variety of ailments-

Spearmint uses:

Gas (flatulence).
Sore throat.
Muscle pain.
Skin conditions.
Other conditions.

More evidence is needed to rate the effectiveness of spearmint for these uses.

I've also read that some people like to use spearmint to help assist in the treatment of PCOS.
Thanks Emerald :) I asked in advance, not going to be opening anything for a few days at least, when I finish one of my other teas. My tea collection probably isn't very impressive compared to yours and some of the other veterans here, but I work within my means and am working on it :)
Has any one else tried Yogi? If so, maybe you read some of their "tea wisdom"

I know that for a lot of people, tea and enlightenment go hand in hand.

My absolute favorite herbal tea from Teavana is called
Peppermint Organic Herbal:drool5:

Teavana Description
This pure peppermint tisane is extremely refreshing. It also makes an excellent after-dinner drink, since it helps to aid digestion and is very helpful against irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or curbing acid reflux. Soothes stomach and throat, calms nerves, and relieves aches and pains. Peppermint helps with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Acid Reflux.

It's very minty. I am extremely refresh after drinking this. It has a cooling sensation and for me, the flavor is between strong and medium. The brew color is a rich golden shade and the aroma is of strong mint. This is a staple in our house.
Sometimes after I drink this I find that my appetite for food is less than before.
Brew Instructions:
1.4tsp 208 degrees 5-6min
It's $4.30/2oz loose

Hi Emerald, i would really like to try this as i might have IBS problem and am always on the lookout for no calorie drinks. Could you tell me if you bought it online and if so on wich website did you find the best deals ?!

Cheers, really nice post, i've heard since a long time of the benefits of tea for health protection and would like to get into it ;)
Hi Emerald, i would really like to try this as i might have IBS problem and am always on the lookout for no calorie drinks. Could you tell me if you bought it online and if so on wich website did you find the best deals ?!

Cheers, really nice post, i've heard since a long time of the benefits of tea for health protection and would like to get into it ;)

I buy most of my loose teas from Teavana. I purchase a lot of them online but the particular one that you are asking about (organic peppermint) is one of the loose teas that I purchase in face at a local Teavana store. Currently, it is out of stock, or quite possibly discontinued permanently, due to a salmonella scare.

Tea has it's benefits but one shouldn't rely on it as a cure or solemn treatment for an ailment. ^_~ *winx

I personally drink tea because I respect the mood it sets, find its relaxing atmosphere addictive and love the frame of mind that it puts me in.
Yeah, I just drink tea because I love it. The fact that it's low/ no cal is a bonus (the herbal tea I've got is supposed to be 6 cal/ serve).

Let's see... I bought a tea cosy and a proper tea strainer to go with my teapot (my cheap strainer had rusted... yuck), and (125g packs)- 2x English breakfast, 3x Ceylon, and one each of their 1886 blend and their original blend. About 20 pounds worth.
When was your favorite tea maker founded?

  • [*]Whittard of Chelsea 1886
  • Tazo 1994
  • Yorkshire Tea 1886
  • Teavana 1997
  • Bigelow 1945
  • Lipton 1893
  • Twinings 1706
  • Good Earth Teas 1972
  • Upton 1989
  • Celestial seasoning 1969
  • Salada 1892
  • Fortnum & Mason 1707
  • Ten Ren Tea 1953
  • Red Rose 1894
  • Tenfu Tea 1993

Red = 100-200+ years
Blue= 25-99 years
Pink= -25 years
And I get to keep all my expensive tea :D I had planned to take some of it back to Australia because my mum was complaining about how much leaf tea was in Australia. Turns out it's comparable in cost, she can get her favourite brands cheaper than anything I can get, and she's even been buying hoity toity organic tea from a really expensive tea shop in Australia that I wouldn't dream of trying to justify paying for.

Looks like I might be getting me some good tea when I go back to Australia :D
You scored big time Amy lol

I had the very best iced tea the other day. It was "camouflage tea". Lynn got us into drink iced green tea mixed with black. Yummy ^_^
Hi tea talkers!
I've been gone for the past 6 days. I'll catch up on reading this thread later. I'll be in and out all summer but I'll post when I can.
I had my tea everyday a lot of iced tea while on vacation. My room had a pot for heating up water so I could make my tea each morning. I like to make my own before starting my day. I don't like to order it from room service. I had my usual Earl Gray.
I was very careful about what I ate and still managed to lose 1/2 lb! That may not seem like much but considering I ate out everyday and went to 2 parties I think that's good!

@ Emerald, I'm glad to see your still drinking "camouflage tea"! I'll be making some today.
I was going through my cabinet and on the very top self waaaaaaaaaaay in the back... I found a very very old batch of tea bags that we bought so many many years ago. It says Summerset Tea on the bag. I think it's supposed to be bargain tea.

But anyway I looked it up since I couldn't remember where I got it from or how much it was. Apparently it's a brand from Sav-A-Lot stores and sell 100 tea bags in each pack for $1.

Wow no wonder we bought this lol

So, I boiled some in a pot on the stove, respecting ancient ways :p, and poured some hot in two mugs and put the rest on ice. So ice tea will always be ready in the fridge.

*Taste test* Not bad. It reminds me very much of Lipton. I prefer my regulars but for a bargain of 100 for $1 this isn't bad.