Weight-Loss Summer Solstice Challenge- Black Team Thread

Hi Cerella...no, unfortuantly we don't...its just a fenced in area out in the middle of no where. But thats a good idea though, hum....
How are we doing this week team??? I lost 2 pds...could have been better, but I'll take it
I have all the totals for everyone, I will post in a little while what the break down is. I have a few things that need to get taken care of immediately. Sorry the totals haven't been posted sooner. Good job this week!
Here are this week's totals. Sorry it came a bit late:

Blue Team: .126% loss
Black Team: .217% gain
Red Team: Unable to estimate.

Black Team:

newbride02: .86% loss this week/ .88% gain total
lindseybot3k: .71% loss this week/ 2.81% loss total
cinderelly: .34% loss this week/ .85% loss total
Jerome: .26% loss this week/ 4.94% loss total
Tarrish: .54% gain this week/ 1.18% loss total
bmohearn: 1.41% gain this week/ .92% loss total
thekrinse: 3.63% gain this week/ 2.47% loss total
Bellaryna: didn't check in this week.

I'm very sorry to say that Bellaryna is eliminated this week. Good Luck next week to all of you!
So how'd we do today team????

I lost nothing this week...but I COMPLETELY blame TOM!!! UGH!!! At least its not *another* gain...I PROMISE to have a good loss next week!!! (do I say that every week??) lol
Hello Team! I have taken all the numbers, and I am going to go figure out percentages. I will post in a bit with the weekly totals!
I'm back! Here are the totals for this week:

The order of the team totals this week are based upon who checked in, and who didn't.

The Black Team: Everyone Checked In
The Blue Team: 1 person didn't check in
The Red Team: 2 people didn't check in

Black Team:

thekrinse: 3.95% loss this week/ 6.33% loss total
Tarrish: .59% loss tihs week/ 1.77% loss total
bmohearn: .46% loss this week/ 1.38% loss total
Jerome: .17% loss this week/ 5.11% loss total
lindseybot3k: 0% Maintained this week/ 2.81% loss total
newbride02: 0% Maintained this week/ .88% gain total
cinderelly: .77% gain this week/ .085% loss total

No one will be eliminated this week because Team Black was the only team to have every member to check in. Congratulations.
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Nice week guys.

So I just wanted to let everybody know about my wonderful last two days. I got food poisoning!! For anybody who has gone through that you know how horrible it is. I didn't know a person could get sick so many times in one hour. haha

My body is very weak today, but I'm trying to get back into a small work out routine. Seeing as I couldn't keep down much food I don't have much energy to run off of, but I'm fixing that slowly. I bet my metabolism is allllll out of wack.
I've been getting in a great amount of exercise this week. I'm feeling spectacular with all the walking I've been doing. I think I'm going to start throwing some running into my routine.
maintained here too....if you wanna take me out thats ok, i don't see me loosing weight anytime soon, i've had ALOT of stress lately...its just not a priority right now...sorry :(
maintained here too....if you wanna take me out thats ok, i don't see me loosing weight anytime soon, i've had ALOT of stress lately...its just not a priority right now...sorry :(

Jeez!!!! I'm not taking you out!!!! just keep updating please??? I'm not gunna lose anytime soon either. I'm at a stand still. Please update your original post???
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