WEEK 6 – week starting 01 Aug 09
Protein is important in any diet, whether you're trying to lose weight or not.
Studies have shown that getting enough protein is an important component to losing more fat and less muscle. The following article goes into more detail.
Protein + Exercise May Promote Weight Loss
Remember, meat isn't the only way to get protein. Fruit, vegetables and legumes (lentils and beans) also have decent amounts of protein. You can also get protein from protein shakes or protein powder. Dairy and eggs also have protein.
This week's bonus is to eat at half your weight in lbs in grams of protein. So if you weigh 200lbs, you should eat at least 100g of protein per day. You should get most of your protein from lean protein like chicken breast, fish, lean cuts of beef, etc, as opposed to fatty protein. Generally, 1oz of lean meat has about 5g of protein. So you would need to eat about 20oz of lean meat to get 100g of protein. 3 points for each day
The fact that we have already put in a lot of work on the calcium and beans element of our diets (not to mention the fruit and veg) should help here.
So – eat sufficient protein/day to collect 21 points.
Reinforcing previous bonuses, I will give 1 point for each day that you have 5-a-day, 1 point for each day that you drink your allocation of water, 1 point for each day that you have sufficient calcium, 1 point per ½ cup of beans (max 3 cups) and 1 point for each day that you have 25g fibre giving a possible maximum 34 points.Anyone reporting a 3 litre lower level of water drinking will earn half a point for each day.
We will continue the extra fruit/veg bonus.
I will give 2 points for each different item of fruit /veg that we eat a portion of during week 5 – maximum 5 items.
Many of us will know of a really useful weight loss recipe that others could benefit from. Add it to the
food ideas thread http://weight-loss.fitness.com/club-challenges/32234-summer-shake-up-challenge-food-ideas.html – I will give a further
4 points.
Wk6---0hrs 00mins----ssmtwtf---ssmtwtf---123456---ssmtwtf---ssmtwtf---ssmtwtf---newveg*0---recipe*0---
If someone completes all of their tasks I would expect their Wk6 main scoresheet line to look as follows:
Wk6---10hrs 00mins----PPPPPPP---FFFFFFF---BBBBBB---CCCCCCC---WWWWWWW---VVVVVVV----newveg*5---recipe*1---