Sparrows Experiment

Congrats - is this extra energy related to your new food plan?

(And as for mongolian bbq, I've always heard about them but never actually made it to one. But, I'll be going to a Japanese restaurant tonight - mmm sushi! :))
One of the things I used to eat was power's hamburgers, same thing as white castles, but just a different name. OMG, talk about grease city...:D

ohhhhhh thanks a lot I"m going to be craving White Castle burgers :(......:D YUM
Congrats - is this extra energy related to your new food plan?

(And as for mongolian bbq, I've always heard about them but never actually made it to one. But, I'll be going to a Japanese restaurant tonight - mmm sushi! :))

I have no idea but I do know the fact I wasn't totally out for the count from yesterdays workout was a miracle. I was sure I'd have to take today off when I was done with yesterdays workout; but besides shin splints I had no issues at all. Add to the fact I could still kick butt with today's workout. Very cool. Mongolian bbqs are the BEST. I LOVE going there, and its guilt free!
Well maybe you just had one of those great workout days - those happy days when you can do anything and everything, and then some. :)
Another good day:
Gym: 1 hour HARD spin. I swear we were either sprinting with resistance or doing a massive hill every minute of the workout. very little recovery. I really think the sports drink is helping in these workouts. there is definitely something a little "extra" I'm able to do lately. I lifted for 40 min after spin.

B: 1c applesauce, 1 serving whey mixed in (I only had a half hour till workout)
During workout: 12 oz gatorade, 1T whey
After workout: 12 oz orange juice, 1 serving whey, 1c blueberries, 1t glutamine, 1T fiber
Lunch: 6oz white fish, 1c raw carrots, 1/2 apple
Snack: 1HB egg, 1 orange
Dinner: 6oz grilled chicken, 1/5c mixed cauliflower and broccoli

Tomorrow is the tri :D
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Yup the first (and so far only) time I bought Gatorade was for the two hour spin class I did. The instructor advised it so I went to the convenience store before class and was pretty amazed at the wide range of colors/flavors etc. I ended up settling on something called Endurace (me thinking, "hey, I need endurance...") - which was green (lemon lime I think) and good. Took a while to get used to it after having plain water, but I made the adjustment.
Yeah, that was the kicker for me, Stingo. I'm really not big on sweet drinks at all. I likes my water. It took me a few weeks just to adjust to sipping a workout it's like brushing my teeth..tastes funny, but I do it anyway. :p But it helps so much with recovery time and energy levels..and more importantly, avoiding a catabolic state. Not just for endurance training.

Sparrow, I still can't get over the fact that you hit the weights after doing your intense cardio. Seriously. For us mere mortals, that'd mean no energy to move the weights. ;)
Sparrow, I still can't get over the fact that you hit the weights after doing your intense cardio. Seriously. For us mere mortals, that'd mean no energy to move the weights. ;)

It IS hard to adjust to the sweet stuff when working hard. I really just wanted water today but I did bring both bottles with me so after the gatorade was done I started on the water. Both were gone, and then some by the time I was completely done. I did all upper body for weights today, so don't give me too much credit ;)
On the positive side..all that sweet workout drinks tend to make ya really load up on water..which is good, cause I sweat like a fish, lol. I have trouble getting the 2 litres I need in and around my workout otherwise.
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Thanks. Its no biggie, really. Just for fun. but I know I'll make it serious enough to go 100% the whole time. I'm just that way.
I've had a hard hard time getting in the cals today. I was constantly starving and eating every 2 hours today up till about my snack which was 2pm and then 5 rolled around and I just had to force feed myself dinner :( I would have waited for another hour or so, but I actually was craving bad stuff and didn't want to eat crap and then wish I would have just eaten my dinner. Now I feel super overloaded. I had to modify dinner and my total is just under 1300 for the day. thats pathetic :( Its so weird too cause I just feel like I'm eating all dang day and then the number ends up so far from where I need to be. I just feel like I have a big ol rock in my belly. ugh. My ratios were off today. I ended up with 43% protein, 40% carbs and 14% fat. I think thats the lowest fat I've been in MONTHS.
Don't sweat it. You know where you messed up (not eating your dinner soon enough) and what to do about it. Big picture: you're still doing great. Everything will be okay. :)

I can definitely sympathize on the whole "feeling like you're constantly eating and yet barely managing to get your calories high enough" thing. It's so much easier to get those calories up when you're eating sausages, waffles and ice cream. :rolleyes:
Don't sweat it. You know where you messed up (not eating your dinner soon enough) and what to do about it. Big picture: you're still doing great. Everything will be okay. :)

I can definitely sympathize on the whole "feeling like you're constantly eating and yet barely managing to get your calories high enough" thing. It's so much easier to get those calories up when you're eating sausages, waffles and ice cream. :rolleyes:

Well I did eat dinner soon enough. I mean my meal times today were 7:30, 10:00, 12:30, 2:30 and then 5:00. I ate on track 100%. I only couldn't get in the salad with dinner that had the flax and olive oil that would have bumped up my fat cals to where they should have been, and my overall cals to 1500. I remember this feeling of eating when you're so NOT hungry. It seems so abnormal and of course messes with your head like you must be gaining a thousand pounds if you feel so stuffed
Hum. I guess you could've tacked on a small 6th meal of said salad with a bit of lean meat. Anyway, I stand by what I said, except for the part where I was confused. :p

You may want to look at your meal spacing. Mine goes 5:00, 8:00, 11:00, 2:00, 5:00, 8:00. Larger intervals, and/or averaging out the calories to accomodate a 6th meal would help with the feeling stuffed.
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Hum. I guess you could've tacked on a small 6th meal of said salad with a bit of lean meat. Anyway, I stand by what I said, except for the part where I was confused. :p

:) yeah and I echo the part about it being easier when you eat all the crap. Man I could hit 1500 in one meal if I just wandered down to McDonalds for Breakfast ;)
Hum. I guess you could've tacked on a small 6th meal of said salad with a bit of lean meat. Anyway, I stand by what I said, except for the part where I was confused. :p

:) yeah and I echo the part about it being easier when you eat all the crap. Man I could hit 1500 in one meal if I just wandered down to McDonalds for Breakfast ;) I still may do the side salad. If I'm determined enough.:cool:
So that WAS the forums lagging, proven by your double-post. I updated my above post..and I think you *should* eat that salad now..with a wee bit of lean meat or some sort of protein. :)