Sparrows Experiment

Thanks for the comments Sparrow! I read through alot of your journal... VERY motivational! is really nice to see someone that does weights like I do! look forward to reading more!
lol whooo hhooo :) nice legs!
:D lol. like those? Posting body parts is so humiliating :rolleyes: But it keeps me honest :eek:
Break: 1 homemade protein bar 200
Lunch: Wrap: 1 ww low carb tortilla, 1 can tuna, 2c mixed spring lettuce, 2T fat free sour cream, 1T red onion chopped, 2T celery chopped
1/2 homemade protein bar 400
Snack: scoop vanilla whey and scoop fiber in water (forgot to do that this morning-blah) 150
Dinner: grilled chicken and veggies/salad-what else :rolleyes: 400
snack: tea, carrot sticks 50

GYM: 25 min run (3 miles) at 7.5 speed
2000 yds (80 laps) swim full of build ups, tempo, sprint and other conditioning
I felt great running today. I easily could have either gone faster or run longer but I was with a group so we had to stop and get in the pool. Swimming was hard today because my arms/back are sore from something. After everything was over I didn't even really feel like I did a hard workout, but I know it was.
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Break: 1 homemade protein bar 200
Lunch: Wrap: 1 ww low carb tortilla, 1 can tuna, 2c mixed spring lettuce, 2T fat free sour cream, 1T red onion chopped, 2T celery chopped
1/2 homemade protein bar 400
Snack: scoop vanilla whey and scoop fiber in water (forgot to do that this morning-blah) 150
Dinner: grilled chicken and veggies/salad-what else :rolleyes: 400
snack: tea, carrot sticks 50

GYM: 25 min run (3 miles) at 7.5 speed
2000 yds (80 laps) swim full of build ups, tempo, sprint and other conditioning
I felt great running today. I easily could have either gone faster or run longer but I was with a group so we had to stop and get in the pool. Swimming was hard today because my arms/back are sore from something. After everything was over I didn't even really feel like I did a hard workout, but I know it was.

WOW! 7.5 mph?? I sprint at 7! I'm pretty short though! That is awesome! I just this year started running too... Last year I couldn't even run a half mile, and I just did the local turkey trot which was 5! I did it in 1 hour and 11 seconds! just over an hour... I was little bummed I didn't beat an hour but so happy I finished! I blame it on the fact that it POURED the first 2 miles and I had to run holding up my pants the whole time! And your workout was definitly tough! I love those kinds... where you work hard, but don't feel like it!
3 miles 6.5 pace
3 miles alternating by 1 minutes 6.5/8.5
total 6.3 miles

Running felt good today. Small issues with shin splints today. Felt like I could go even faster than 8.5 but didn't want to fall off
bulgarian splits 3x15
SLDL #70 2x15
DB press #15 3x12
lateral raise #10 3x12
assisted chins and dips 2x12
pause bench 2x12 #60 2x10
wide grip row #35 3x15
DB row #20 2x12

break: 1 scoop whey, 1 scoop fiber, 1 piece ww toast
lunch: 5oz chicken, 2 pieces flax bread, 1/4 large avocado
snack: 3oz chicken, 1c shreaded lettuce, slice tomato, sliver low fat brownie
dinner: egg white omelet (8 whites, 1oz moz cheese), salad w/ dark greens
snack: no sugar added ice cream (today is my 'cheat' )
tea of course
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1/2 homemade protein bar, 1 bite bagel
orange, 6 almonds, 4 walnuts
3oz tuna, 2T egg salad, lettuce w/light ranch, 4 nacho chips
10 teddy grahams
cobb salad w/ bacon, grilled chicken, tomato, lettuce (no dressing, 3 french fries, 1 sip chocolate milk, 1c coffee w/ 1t creamer, 1 piece cake w/custard filling
1.5T natty butter
ha I'm lauging as I'm reading this. It was a totally random eating day. weird things here and there. its cause we went out of town to my parents house for the day to celebrate a birthday. I actually didn't feel gross or anything by eating badly so that was a bonus and not normal
coffee w/ 1 creamer
L-blackened chicken salad (1t ranch) w/1oz french bread, 2 glasses tea w/ splenda
D-scrambled eggs w/ mozz cheese-I didn't measure this but I bet i had like 3-4 eggs and 1-2 oz cheese :eek:
1 low fat brownie

Nice crappy eating weekend. I honestly don't "feel bad" like I normally do when I eat junk. My body feels like its been gobbling it up without too much leftover.
Monday, do over day :)
Teddy Grahams. Niice. :D

haha ...uh...yeah :eek:

Today has gone much better than my weekend. I'm refocused and have started something new that has taken some faith to try, but I think its going to work well for me. See if you notice the change. :rolleyes:

B (1hr till workout)-1c applesauce, 1 scoop whey powder mixed in, 1 capsule fish oil, multi vitamin, 8oz water

During workout: 12 oz gatorade, 1T whey protein mixed, 8oz water

After workout: 12oz OJ, 1c frozen strawberries, 3T whey protein, 1t glutamine, fish oil capsule

L-5c dark greens, 1T olive oil, 1T red wine vinegar, 6oz can tuna

S-orange, HB egg, carrot

D-3oz grilled chicken, 3oz white fish, 1c steamed cauliflower and broccoli, salad, (dressing: 2T flax seeds blended w/ balsamic vinegar and garlic), 5 olives

This is over 1500 and I feel great. I felt hungry for everything I ate today and my system seemed to function very well with the increase.
My workout was crazy hard so I'm sure part of the issue is I just burned more cals than normal today:
1 hour hills spin class
40 minutes speed interval and hill interval run
I ran out of time for weights today but I'll double up tomorrow
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Well the difference is the cals, and the quality of the calories is intentional. I have up to this point been very low carb and the carbs I eat are mostly veggie carbs. I typically consume 60g of carbs or lower per day. I know thats flirting with fire with all the exercise I do. I have researched enough in the past few weeks to realize I've been pretty stupid and doing what I do requires significant carbs sandwiched around my workouts. While I could preach this to everyone else, I never followed it. Today wasn't about just some random carbs either, what I did today followed a ratio that has shown to be the most effective in endurance athletes before, during and after workouts to get the most "bang" for their "buck", so I'm trying it and not stressing too much about the fact that I'm almost trippling my carb intake per day. I still need to increase my breakfast cals and add some glucose to my post workout shake, but today was a significant breakthrough, at least for me since I've been so "carb phobic". I have theory about what I think will happen with my workouts and body doing this, but I'm not ready to share it yet.
You should find yourself having more energy to train harder and less soreness/recovery time overall. Though, the way you've been going on what I'd consider starvation calories I'll be surprised if you notice, you beast :D; you seem to have some seriously powerful mind-over-matter going.

Weight fluctuations often occur as your body adjusts to the change in macronutrient balance (by stocking up terminally depleted glycogen reserves). Don't's just your body going "oooh..ooh. carbs...glycogen. yuhhsss. ohh, that's good."

Good stuff. :)

P.S. I wasn't being sarcastic on the Teddy Grahams lol..I was just impressed at seeing something relatively interesting for a cheat. It always seems to be something boring. You gave me some ideas..I wrote a list of stuff from the schoolyard I haven't had ages. Nothing like primary school snacks as an adult. :D
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P.S. I wasn't being sarcastic on the Teddy Grahams lol..I was just impressed at seeing something relatively interesting for a cheat. It always seems to be something boring. You gave me some ideas..I wrote a list of stuff from the schoolyard I haven't had ages. Nothing like primary school snacks as an adult. :D

haha I know what you mean. PB & J (only skippy brand!) on wonder white bread is something I long for every now and then with a good tall glass of chocolate milk :) My kids get 100% whole wheat bread and natural PB and "fruit preserves" for their PB & J. lol. after I swore up and down as a kid I would NEVER make my kids eat what my mom made me eat. ah well.
Actually speaking of cheats enjoyed in youth - there used to be an arcade which sold 39 cent chili dogs - which were absolute crap for you, but tasted oh so good. lol - Ironically enough, the place it used to be at is now a really good Japanese restaurant - you'd never be able to tell it was an arcade.
One of the things I used to eat was power's hamburgers, same thing as white castles, but just a different name. OMG, talk about grease city...:D
Today is going great:
B:2 poached eggs, 1/2 large grapefruit, 1 medium orange, fish oil capsule and multi vitamin (265 cals, 30 carbs)

during workout: 12 oz gatorade, 1T protein (185 cals 20 carbs)

Post Workout: 12 oz oj, 1c frozen blueberries, 2 servings whey, 1 scoop fiber, 2t glutamine (550 cals, 80 carbs)

lunch: 1 egg, 2 tomatoes, 1/2T olive oil, balsamic vinegar (1150ish at this point)

Dinner: out with a friend-mongolian bbq (still on plan :))

Workout: 45 min spin class (INTENSE), 20 min core exercises, 1000yd (40 lap) swim, (later) bi/tri/delt

I definitly had superhuman energy today in spin. I felt like I had no limit and that was weird. Even though I could feel the intensity I could really push the max and still have some left over. I had a really hard workout yesterday and neither felt tired or sore, at ALL today. Thursday we're doing a triathlon at the gym: 1/2 mile swim, 45 min bike and 5K run. I can't wait
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Good luck with the triathlon. Kick butt!!