Sparrows Experiment

You may want to look at your meal spacing. Mine goes 5:00, 8:00, 11:00, 2:00, 5:00, 8:00. Larger intervals, and/or averaging out the calories to accomodate a 6th meal would help with the feeling stuffed.

Yes normally I do every 3 hours but my stomach was growling wildly up until my afternoon meal (2pm). Nothing i was eating was filling me up till then. I usually go 7, 10,1,4,7. The early dinner was SOLEY to NOT cave into a craving (even tho I was still stuffed) lol. I know that makes no sense :) ah well. its not a big deal. I just don't like how I feel right now :rolleyes:
I wonder if it's a side effect of the drinks around your workouts. Maybe your body's going "mmm, liquid, ****, not back to low carbs :("

Or it could just be a weird day and an excessive amount of discussion. :D
... I only couldn't get in the salad with dinner that had the flax and olive oil that would have bumped up my fat cals to where they should have been, and my overall cals to 1500. I remember this feeling of eating when you're so NOT hungry. It seems so abnormal and of course messes with your head like you must be gaining a thousand pounds if you feel so stuffed

:eek: That is exactly how I feel tonight! I was not hungry anymore after dinner, but somehow or other my carbs intake is high (again) and I still behind on my proteins at 80s. So I cram some late night snack to boost up protein (inevitable a bit of carb too .. shucks).

Glad I am not the only one feeling like that :D
I wonder if it's a side effect of the drinks around your workouts. Maybe your body's going "mmm, liquid, ****, not back to low carbs :("

Or it could just be a weird day and an excessive amount of discussion. :D

you mean its liking the liquid drink part cause its much higher carb and then the rest of my day is lower carb?
Well dh and I just got into a big blowout before he left. Now I'm supposed to go do that triathlon. Guess thats some good "fuel for fire" so to speak :mad:
B-1 banana, 2 eggs, 2 egg whites
during workout 32 oz water, 1 "gu" (sports gel)
After workout: iced tea, 360 Chicken salad (chicken, summer squash, spinach, bell peppers, tomato mmmm yum) 1 ww tortilla, 3 tortilla chips (oops)
Snack: ?
Dinner: chicken n veggies of course

The triathlon was totally fun. there were 25 of us who participated. My 36 laps (1/2 mi swim) took 15 minutes, I had 2 other girls in my lane who were very similar in speed to me so I really pushed it. I was the first one out of the water, but not by much. I had minimal transition and then 45 min on the bike, that was standard, everyone did 45 minutes of a spin class but we just all came and left at different times. After the bike I opted to go upstairs to the tread for my 5K since I had kids in childcare. I kept my speed between 7:30 min miles and 8min miles and was done in about 23 minutes. Some guy in the tri class got on the tread shortly after me and was trying to make up time with his speed, but I was really competitive and kept upping my speed so he wouldn't "pass" me :) so I won! I felt really great about it all. My time was 1:23 which is great. Still I can see the areas I need to become stronger in. I'm wiped out!
Sounds like you live for this kind of stuff :) Good job :)

You know, I do, and I'm not sure thats really that great of a thing. I can take things way too seriously. I love competition and I love working hard to reach new "limits". I thrive on that in any area of my life, not just exercise. I'm extremely driven so I have to watch it cause it can turn to total obsession.
I told my husband the other day it would be great to have a part time job. I love staying home but working a little has always brought greater balance to my life. We'll see
Yup moderation in all things - you don't want to be "That girl" - you know the one that's always working out and obsessing about calories and such. There's more to life than that. Listen to some music (while NOT working out), or read a book or something. :)
Yup moderation in all things - you don't want to be "That girl" - you know the one that's always working out and obsessing about calories and such. There's more to life than that. Listen to some music (while NOT working out), or read a book or something. :)

its true, I do need to "stop and smell the roses" more often, thats for sure
'grats on the win. You make it sound like a lot of fun..:D

I'm gonna have to say that I don't think obsessiveness in and of itself is wrong, though the definition of the word itself implies it. So long as it's not coupled with compulsion, I think caring more than most people do about what you do is a good thing overall.

Balance, on the other hand, definitely. Health and Fitness are only one aspect of good living. If you're focusing almost exclusively on H&F you may want to reflect on the law of diminishing returns and consider trying to invest more of your consciousness in the emotional, spiritual and financial aspects of your life if they're not as close to approaching the superlative as the area you "obsess" over. :)
Balance, on the other hand, definitely. Health and Fitness are only one aspect of good living. If you're focusing almost exclusively on H&F you may want to reflect on the law of diminishing returns and consider trying to invest more of your consciousness in the emotional, spiritual and financial aspects of your life if they're not as close to approaching the superlative as the area you "obsess" over. :)

yes, and I do. Pondering this today, realizing what I'm plugged into, I realize that I really do have a pretty healthy overall approach to life. Fitness and health, yes, are a passion but I have some others too completely unrelated. This is just a fitness forum so thats what we talk almost exclusively about here :) it can make anyone sound obsessive (or compulisve!).
yes, and I do. Pondering this today, realizing what I'm plugged into, I realize that I really do have a pretty healthy overall approach to life. Fitness and health, yes, are a passion but I have some others too completely unrelated. This is just a fitness forum so thats what we talk almost exclusively about here :) it can make anyone sound obsessive (or compulisve!).

From what little I've seen from you so far (assuming you're not some crazy pathological liar, hehe :p), that's about the same view I have. You seem reasonably balanced, but intense. That's not something I'm in any position to judge, as intensity is a significant part of my idiom as well. ;) (That's my way of saying I like it and think it's a good thing.)

Good post. :)
Wiped out today. Its my fault too. I don't even blame my activity yesterday because up till now I've been able to recover each and every day regardless of the intensity. Yesterday though I didn't have a recovery shake after the tri, I had a big ol chicken salad (granted it was one of my favorite salads from one of my favorite places). Interesting the difference. I'm completely depleated. I did try to go do some "active rest" stuff and some weights. I only managed 30 min on the eliptical (low intensity) and a few leg weights.

L-8egg whites, 1 serving hot oat bran cereal, 1/2 large white grapefruit
S-1T natural PB, bite of my kid's turkey sandwich :rolleyes:
S-1whole egg chopped, celery chopped, onion chopped, 1 lc sprouted tortilla
D-chicken n veggie stir fry, maybe some brown rice if I'm still feeling totally wiped out
S- 3/4c low fat frozen yogurt

So its obviously a "cheat" meal day and instead of getting the ice cream I'd really love, I'm going a little more low key. Nonetheless, a cheat is a cheat.
Low key day, after the cheat I've been a little looser today as well. Felt disgusting waking up. had that fro yo at like 11pm :(

B-1 scoop whey in water blended w/ banana, (bite kids cereal)
During: 12 oz gatorade, 1T whey
Post: 8oz oj, 1 scoop whey, 1c frozen strawberries (bite pb & j sandwich)
L-1 ww lc tortilla, 1 egg, 2 whites, chopped celery (bite fro yo)
D-grilled chicken, mixed greens, 1T olive oil/balsamic

I have GOT to get rid of my shin splints, its really not good :(
3 miles 6.5 pace on tread
1700 yd (68 laps) swim
30 min swim with kids
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I have GOT to get rid of my shin splints, its really not good :(

****ty. You know the prescription for that one, though. Are you training for another event, or are you just too stubborn to rest? ;)