Sparrows Experiment

****ty. You know the prescription for that one, though. Are you training for another event, or are you just too stubborn to rest? ;)

Well...both :rolleyes: I have the whole next season lined up with events. I had planned on the half marathon in March but thats just not going to happen. I'm pretty disappointed. The tri season is still far enough away but I never like to be "very far" from really good shape so I keep the intensity up. I've been reading on what to do and it sounds like in addition to some significant rest from running I will need to find some good strengthening exercises for the surrounding muscles. What I've read DOES offer hope that within even a month of rest you can come back as strong, or stronger as a runner. Its just being disciplined enough to back off :( I still can swim and bike, thats something to be grateful for.
Hey do you use the ready to drink gatorade or the powdered stuff and mix it up yourself? I was doign some reading that said the carbs in the powdered stuff are better for recovery and was thinking of getting some.

I read that not too long ago as well. I've been using the ready to drink kind so I'll finish that off before probably buying the powdered.
yeah i haven't bought either yet but was planning on it this weekend. i really need to start working the kinks out of my workout nutrition because what's been happening is i'm coming home starving and not able to keep to my diet very well

ohhh I know that very well. Yes it will help BUT you will probably also notice that you still come home starving from the sugar. That actually surprised me the first day I did it :) Now I've been planting fruit in my car for right after my workout (like an orange, banana or grapefruit) just for that very reason. I'm still munching on it while I get home and make my shake and don't have time to browse the cupboards
You can do eet. Cut your freaking running off! --Now why would Rob Schneider's dumb-ass line pop into my head at a time like this? Anyway...

Yeah. It's not really that bad. As I understand it, though..screwing around now would be a very bad idea for your goals and your health. You know this. You've got the discipline, even if you are a bit of a performance junkie. Be nice to your legs. You'd miss them if they fell off. :D

..nag, nag, nag. Etc. ;)

Hope your weekend's treating you well. ^_^
hmm that must be the key as to why its superior to the ready to drink stuff. Cheaper too :) bonus.
I have vanilla whey so its been pretty nasty with the blue kind of gatorade (I can't remember what its called) but all for the good of the cause, right? :)

I am so not posting what I've eaten this weekend. Its been a weekend of entertaining, meetings and other things that have been hard to get out of food-wise. I finally at one point of trying to fight the good fight just said "screw it" and started eating like the rest. I'm really going to pay for it in my workout for the next few days, I already know that. Put it this way, if we want to use the wagon analogy-I didn't fall, I willingly JUMPED off the wagon and right when I was about to get back on, I got RUN OVER with another one. :D
course I'm hormonal for the next week too, so that really doesn't help :(
I hope to post a positive update tomorrow.
Yeah but with how hard you work and how little you do cheat I'd say you were about due.

Ah thanks for justifying that for me Stingo! I feel much less guilty when I have "permission" :D
haha. Well I actually didn't feel that worse for the wear waking up, although my rings are tight, thats always a "sign" with me that I overdid it but I did wake up very hungry. I had a TERRIBLE night of sleep. Dh is sick, the kids took turns waking up repeatedly and I woke up on the ground of my son's room :confused: haha. I really don't remember doing that.
The crazy that I am I went to spin anyway. The instructor was like :confused: "man you look TERRIBLE!" and I thanked her very much for that comment :( Some people only see me like this ---->:D ALLLL the time so when I look like this------->:mad: or this :( they're concerned. lol. Especially at the gym, I guess, I'm pretty upbeat, talkative and encouraging. NOT today.
I didn't have time to eat more than a couple bites of egg for breakfast, OR get my gatorade this morning but I did go through 2 bottles of water and I'm working on my 3rd about to go drink my shake. Mondays SUCK big sometimes.
So anyway gym was 1 hr spin, bis, tris and delts. whoopee. I know today's diet isn't the greatest. I had no plan or preparation for it.
B- egg (I know I know, no lecture please)
L-2 scoops whey, 1t glucosamine, 1 scoop fiber, 1/2c strawberries, 1 large banana
S-egg, orange
D-chicken n steak fajitas in lc tortillas (bell pep/onion in olive oil, chicken/lean steak, 2 lc tortillas w lettuce, tomato, olives and salsa) mmmmm yum
I'm trying not to eat so late at night. it messes with my next day and I think its keeping me from progress.
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hmm that must be the key as to why its superior to the ready to drink stuff. Cheaper too :) bonus.
I have vanilla whey so its been pretty nasty with the blue kind of gatorade (I can't remember what its called) but all for the good of the cause, right? :)

I am so not posting what I've eaten this weekend. Its been a weekend of entertaining, meetings and other things that have been hard to get out of food-wise. I finally at one point of trying to fight the good fight just said "screw it" and started eating like the rest. I'm really going to pay for it in my workout for the next few days, I already know that. Put it this way, if we want to use the wagon analogy-I didn't fall, I willingly JUMPED off the wagon and right when I was about to get back on, I got RUN OVER with another one. :D
course I'm hormonal for the next week too, so that really doesn't help :(
I hope to post a positive update tomorrow.

I had the same kind of weekend! Spent the time with friends I haven't seen in forever... it included LOTS of food and desserts, but I think our bodies need a treat once in awhile... also so it doesn't get stuck in a rut! At least that's what I like to tell myself:D
B-1scoop whey & 1 scoop fiber in water
L-large fajita salad (leftovers): 3c red leaf lettuce, 1 chipotle chicken breast, 1 small tomato, 1/2 c sauteed onions/bell pep in small amt olive oil
S-1 scoop whey/2T flax seeds blended
D-6oz can tuna/4c red leaf lettuce/1T olive oil/balsamic/tomato/red onion/olives
Our Tri instructor is finally on maternity leave. I'm not excited about that, shes awesome. SO we have another die hard instructor for 2 months who I've watched morph from average to hard body around the weights. I know she knows her stuff.
15 min 2 min base pace (6.5)/1 min sprint (9.0) alternating
15 min moving stairs 2 min base (level10), 1 min sprint (level 15)
30 min moving circuit all core exercises + jump rope and step up stations
10 min sprints (suicides)/pushups
15 min moderate swim
I'm looking at this going "this doesn't look like it should have been that hard" but it was pretty challenging. I got some more input on shin splints and some things to try before I totally ditch running altogether. I didn't do my special drinks today. I'm just not organized lately. Not getting much sleep these days so my motivation for the specific diet is going out the window
And a larger/better breakfast might help too. Sorry to hear you're so out of sorts :( - hopefully things will look up soon. :)
Hope you get through this kink very soon :/
Looking at how you plow through your workout, I'm sure you will iron it out soon enough :) Ganbatte~
I thought for snacks that you couldn't just eat fruit or is because that is your post workout food?

naw, the orange was part of my breakfast right before I worked out. I only have fruits usually before or after my workout. sometimes I do them for snack in the afternoon too but its a rarity
And a larger/better breakfast might help too. Sorry to hear you're so out of sorts :( - hopefully things will look up soon. :)

I normally try hard to do that. The issue is that my nights are not good sleep due to kids so as hard as I try to get up early, its like suicide to try to do my day with such little sleep. SO I get up when the kids do-7am. I go to the gym at 8am. That gives one whole hour to devour and digest breakfast (which ends up being actually eaten more like 7:30) before the intensity of a workout. Most probably know when you are working out like 85% or greater of your max for most of your workout you don't really want much in your belly. More often than not itthreatens to come up if I try to get down too much before the gym plus I'm ultra uncomfortable in my breathing. so I really feel like I don't have a lot of breakfast options as far as making breakfast bigger. That was why I was trying the gatorade, mostly cause it added some more calories to an already meager start of the day.:( If by some miracle everyone started sleeping NORMALLY like they SHOULD be for goodness sake, then I can start getting up earlier, making breakfast and even geting some time to myself to start my day well. Sorry, I'm in a pissy mood. PMS big time :mad: Thanks for your brainstorming for me.
what do the kids' sleep schedual look like?

Well they are normally in bed ready for books about 8:30 and my older dtr reads on her own till 9 and I or my husband read to the other 2 till 9. Then its lights out. Lately because the little one has given up most nap days everyone is out for the count within 15 min. Dh and I stay up later. Usually watch a movie or play a board game (lol aren't we so fun :rolleyes: )so we are in bed 11ish. I will NOT give that time up. Its my only sanity and relaxation in the whole entire day. the 3 yr old wakes up first, around midnight. She often has night terrors so those can either be an isolated episode, or last all night, every few hours :( Theres really no pattern to that. Sometime at around 3am my 5 yr old will wake up with some sort of confusion. Either hes had a bad dream, has to go to the bathroom (and is confused about where it is or something!) or is scared. SO if the 3 yr old isn't already in our bed because we're tired of getting up a billion times a night with her nightmares, then he may plop in there. If kids come to our bed I often trade beds with them or go on the couch. I'm just too tired to fight that good fight and do the "child development" appropriate thing, by putting them back into bed. Its just not worth it to me. If the 3 yr old wakes up in our bed and I'm not there, she will seek me out, we'll trade beds again and thats that. But (hang with me) if she wakes up in my bed, comes to me in her bed, we trade and my son is in my bed...I'll then go to his bed. I have had nights where I've been in like 4 different beds before morning :( YES its crazy but its kind of life now. I've tried different ways to have a more practical night and nothing that doesn't take a ton of effort, works. For now, this does, for the most part. I just can't expect to get up early, is all. I can, for the most part exist on little sleep for a long time. I can get 5-6 hrs for many months just fine but it will catch up eventually (like is happening right now) when I need some solid zzzz's for a few days before resuming that kind of sleeplessness.
I know its all temporary, the more kids, the more variables and I've adapted. believe it or not, what we have now is GOOD compared to what it was like when they were all smaller. I'm not sure how we survived that at all!
Yeah I think the plain hard facts are that if I want to get all my cals in, and I want a successful workout I have to get up earlier to get it done and digested. I just do.
Yeah I think the plain hard facts are that if I want to get all my cals in, and I want a successful workout I have to get up earlier to get it done and digested. I just do.

What about that smoothie we talked about before? Would that be an option?
yeah. its all good, I'll figure it out.

I got the kids their Valentines for school a while back and we pulled them out tonight because they go off track this week and do Valentines early. The Valentines are packets of that "fun dip" stuff-the kind with a candy stick you dip into the flavored sugar powder. Anyway, there was a lull in their job and my oldest daughter was looking at the packet and said 'hey mom what is this stuff: mal-to-dex-trin and dex-trose?" I said "ohh save a few of those for me, thats some good post exercise food!"
hahaha studies ahve shown as well that a combo of malto and dextrose is better than one or the other

alright! even better. Fun dip for everyone!