Some Accountability....

LOL! It's a log....:action2: That's what its here for! chat! :D

Can you imagine how boring it would be if all there was was *my* pathetic workout! LMAO!!!!!

thanks diane!!
don't be's not pathetic at all! :)
i was interested in reading your workout routine.
i'm thinking of getting a stability ball to sit on for home when on my computer and possibly getting one for hubby too. how do i choose one and can anyone recommend one? or does it not matter?


btw....i just did 50 jumping jacks. LOL! now i'm sittin again. :)
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NoLove... I am sorry for hijacking your thread too ...

thanks neonlady! after thinking about it, i doubt the boss would go for the ball. but that might be something i could get for home on my computer. but i wish!

Like this:

This link:
give some very good reasons why to use one.

As far as stretches & exercises go-- i have fun with mine..

- if you have a filing drawer or cabinet, you lean towards it or just stand up and walk to it (you burn just from standing up).
- bounce on it
- do hip circles
- try to cross your legs and use 1 foot to balance but alternate legs so you work them both
- roll it from side to side (you'll work your obliques)
- keep an extra set of small hand weights (5 or 10lbs) and do bicep/shoulder presses while sitting

Trust me... once you get it... you will find so many more ways of incorporating fitness.

Hope this helps some..
Hello Ladies :)

NoLove... most excellent to see the routines you're doing. I will admit to jealousy (a lil bit) as I am sooo itching to get back into the full swing of mine

Just one more week.. one more week.. one more week

lol, I can't tell you how much I understand that! LOL Hang in there woman, it will come!

Lillian ... a suggestion regarding your chair & work. Find out if they'll allow you to bring in an exercise ball to sit on instead.

I have a sedentary job too, but if I'm on my ball, i can work in core stability, stretching and balance. Plus - as an added bonus for me at least - since i am so short, the ball is actually better for me as it's "ergonomically" just the right size. I don't have to worry about adjusting the seat height or desk height.. LOL

I was thinking about that too, but wasn't sure if her work would be ok with it. They have them at my kids school. Ever time I go in for a meeting, I'm sitting on one!
i'm thinking of getting a stability ball to sit on for home when on my computer and possibly getting one for hubby too. how do i choose one and can anyone recommend one? or does it not matter?


btw....i just did 50 jumping jacks. LOL! now i'm sittin again. :)

I have a few at home :) FInding the right size that fits your computer desk is what you need to make sure of. This is the one I use:

There are 4 different sizes, so you need to measure for clearance under your desk.
thanks neonlady and diane!! i'm getting one for sure, but it will be for home only. at least that will help for home while on my computer. for work, i will manage squeezing in some stretching and quick exercises while the boss isn't here...LOL! i'm up to 75 jumping jacks so far for today at work. soon i will find more to do. i'm starting off simple for now. and soon i get to go outside for my walk! :)
Todays workout:

Leg lifts
front 3 x 12 (15lbs)
side 3 x 12 (15lbs)
kickbacks 3 x 12 (15lbs)

1 legged dips 3 x 12 (15lbs)
Side sweeps 3 x 12

Seated curls 3 x 12 (15lbs)
Tricep Kickbacks 3 x 12 (15lbs)
Hammer curls 3 x 12 ( 15lbs)

Dips 3 x 12 (body weight)

Overhead press 3 x 12 (17.5 lbs)

Lat pulldowns 3 x 12 (40 lbs)
1 x 12 (50 lbs)

Treadmill Incline (30 minutes)
I have a few at home :) FInding the right size that fits your computer desk is what you need to make sure of. This is the one I use:

There are 4 different sizes, so you need to measure for clearance under your desk.

did you order online from that store??
did you order online from that store??


I honestly can't remember who I originally got the ball from. I did pick up my last ones from a Big 5, not sure of the brand. I have ordered from Target before, the GoFit brand. (GoFit also has resistance bands).

We got so many of those Think there were like 6 floating around here at one time.....:D
Time to fix this routine!

Well don't like my routine and sat down today to fix it :)

This will be my new routine. Mind you I'm not going to be doing all the exercises of each group every time. I will pick a few out.

I'll be doing a 3 day split with 30 min of cardio, and on the 4th day just 1 hour of cardio.

Chest and Triceps


Bench press: Incline/ decline bench press
Fly: seated/ decline
Push ups


Push downs
Reverse pull downs
Rope push downs

30 min cardio*

Back and Biceps


Rows: bent over/ lying
Pull up / chin ups
Lat: pull downs/ reverse grip
Seated rows / reverse grip
Dead lifts
Reverse flys
Hyper extentions


Hammer curls
Bicep curls
Seated curls
Concentration curls
Cable curls

30 Min cardio*

Shoulder and Legs


Shrugs front/ side
Lateral raise: front/side
Upright row
Military press
Dumbbell row


Squats: split / pile squats/ Bulgarian split squat (bench squat)
Lunges: front/ side/ back
Calf raises
Step ups
Standing kickbacks/ “cat” kickbacks
Leg lifts

30 min cardio *

Right now I can't work abs, so I have left it out completely. I will eventually work that into it and change the split.

* cardio will consist of one of the following:

Running, boxing, sprints, incline, or aerobics

and I will probably throw in some Yoga once in a while :)
took yesterday off. Todays workout:

Back and Biceps

Reverse grip pulldowns:
1 x 15 40lbs
1 x 12 60lbs
1 x 12 80lbs
2 x 10 90lbs

2 x 12 25 lbs
3 x 10 27.5 lbs

upright rows
2 x 12 30 lbs
3 x 10 35 lbs

bicep curls
2 x 12 17.5 lbs
2 x 10 20 lbs
1 x 8 25 lbs

concentration curls
1 x 10 20 lbs
2 x 10 25 lbs

Cardio got the brush today :( Ran out of time before hubby had to leave for work, and can't workout with kids home....
Todays workout:

Shoulders and legs

Military press
2 x 15 20 lbs
3 x 10 20 lbs

Lateral raise
2 x 10 20 lbs
1 x 9 20 lbs

3 x 10 40 lbs

Bulgarian squats
2 x 12
1 x 9

Leg press
1 x 15 100 lbs
1 x 15 180 lbs
3 x 15 260 lbs

Calf raise
1 x 15 100 lbs
1 x 15 180 lbs
3 x 15 260 lbs
Todays workout

Chest and triceps:

Bench press
2 x 15 20 lbs
3 x 10 25lbs

3 x 10 25 lbs

Incline bench press
3 x 10 25 lbs

Dips ( body weight)
1 x 9
1 x 7

Tricep pushdowns
1 x 12 40 lbs
3 x 10 60 lbs

1 x 10 20 lbs
3 x 10 17.5 lbs
Todays workout

Back and biceps

DB Dead lifts
1 x 12 40 lbs
3 x 10 40 lbs

Seated rows
2 x 12 60 lbs
3 x 10 80 lbs

Reverse lat pulldowns
1 x 15 60 lbs
1 x 12 80 lbs
1 x 12 100 lbs
1 x 12 120 lbs

Push downs
1 x 15 40 lbs
3 x 10 50 lbs

1 Arm Preacher curls
1 x 15 20 lbs
2 x 12 20 lbs

Close grip bicep curls
1 x 15 20 lbs
1 x 12 40 lbs
1 x 12 50 lbs
1 x 10 80 lbs

1 set 17.5 lbs
1 set 25 lbs

Naturally Life-Like mental beauty, with built-in Self-Maintenance:

No Excuses.

No pampering procrastination.

Only Reasons, I can get it done.

My kind of woman.

Get er' done. :)

Best wishes,


Naturally Life-Like mental beauty, with built-in Self-Maintenance:

No Excuses.

No pampering procrastination.

Only Reasons, I can get it done.

My kind of woman.

Get er' done. :)

Best wishes,


Thanks Chillen :D

My mental drill sergeant :costumed6: kicked in...No Excuses!!!! :violent: