It was not a good game last night, I was horrified by a tackle made by my team leaving the opposition player unconscious before he hit the ground and lying there twitching for quite some time before regaining consciousness. all of the Australian football codes do not use padding and helmets and brutal tackles are expected, this was beyond acceptable and our player deserved the send off, leaving the team short a player for almost the whole game.
Sounds good! Do you have a good mead recipe? I would like to make some, tried it once years ago and it turned out bad. Have not attempted since. Here in Utah we can get good raw honey from beekeepers, so I think about it.
We usually make our batches in a 5 litre demijohn, the last batch was made in a 20 litre.
in a 5 litre we use 1-1.5 kg of local honey, 1/2 packet mead yeast and whatever we are using as added flavour, I really liked the lime mead we made and without going and looking at our notes from the batch from memory we used about a cup of fresh squeezed local limes (son is the brewer at a local lime farm and brewery). the 20 litres of passionfruit mead used the pulp from a full packing box of fruit we got free from a local farm.
Using 1 kg of blood plums produces a lovely blood mead.
I also prefer a sparkling mead to a dry but that outcome depends on how much honey you use and how long you let if ferment for. The short fermentation time of a sparkling session mead has around 6-8% alcohol so not much more alcoholic than a beer.
To speed up clearing we use bentonite and cold crash to stop fermentation so we are not adding sulphites or fish so it can be shared with friends with allergies.
Bentonite is a type of clay.
I was drinking the dry passionfruit mead last night and at 19% alcohol it has quite a kick to it.
We don't back sweeten because we don't chemically stop the fermentation, we either cold crash and keep refrigerated for the sparkling or have a dry mead we don't need to keep cold.