🏋️‍♀️Science of Diet and Exercise Journal👩‍🎓

fire is out but others in the state are not so fortunate. Steaming hot today, temp is lower but the shower of rain at 3 am has pushed the humidity right up and even with the aircon I am covered in a sheen of sweat.

I am sooooo tired from lack of sleep due to the heat, just surviving on caffeine

super cell storms predicted this arvo, just a wait and see what happens kind of day

was going to video some more exercises today but it is just too fucking hot and humid.
Have not been in a good headspace, but chugging ahead anyway, I have been getting some videos recorded but today left my pulling my hair out trying to work out why Facebook was rejecting the one for today. Seems they did not like the words Body, Saw or Bodysaw in any combination included in the video. Oh well it is up, certainly not a beginner exercise but it takes a plank to a new level of "my core is screaming" but it was nice to be able to see Ds serratus working hard in the movement even if the exercise gives the impression he is humping the gym floor.

I am not a big fan of planks mainly because they are done sooo wrong sooo often but if you can maintain form during a Bodysaw plank for 15 seconds then well done. D is super fit and strong but did not last much longer than the 6 second video with full range of motion.
I'm guessing it was automatically flagged for possible horror content due to the combination of words. Agreed 100% on static planks: thise who need them do them wrong and those who are able to do them right don't need them.
I guess it is horror in a way :svengo: it is a tough exercise, lots of lat involvement which is usually quite a weak muscle for those who typically demo plank workouts, but I wanted to post up something that was a little more than just beginner stuff and exercises not commonly shared as video, nobody is interested in just another static plank video, regardless of form.

Tomorrow I have 2 more videos to edit, Stir the pot and TRX fallout then make a decision as to which gets posted first. starting to build up a reasonable library of core exercises, still need to decide which area to focus on next.
feeling a bit better today after eating a couple of thing over the past few days that left me with a seriously bad case of the runs and cramps. it gets so frustrating not being able to eat the same as everybody else in the house.
nothing out of the ordinary today, probably ate too little but not badly. Little miss has some of the Woolworths Lego give away packets to open in the morning (she was already asleep when D got home). At least these will be used and are not just another bit of crap they hand out at the checkout as their usual shopping reward. She is building up an interesting little collection of "farm" bits and extra mini figs are always a bonus.
Now there's a marketing trick I'd fall for hook, line, and sinker. Here nothing's free and the one time you could save up for LEGO sets they were overpriced even with maximum saved points.
yes, fully compatible with all of the other various official LEGO sets she has. she opened a packet with a drone in it this morning and will open the rest this arvo. So far in the promotion she has some Solar panels, a number of different plants, a chicken coop with eggs, a dog (I think, scale is a bit off on this one) a minifig wearing a high vis vest. Woolies has done LEGO promotions before, last time all the bits went together to make a supermarket.
Tomorrow I will be at hockey with little miss for her first time, she is signed up for a 6 week program aimed a 4-8 year olds. The hardest part will be getting in and out without getting cornered into a volunteer role.
it has been a mixed, week, just got home from the hospital, not sure if little miss will be up to playing hockey tomorrow, she has to take antibiotics after a bad reaction to a wasp sting yesterday morning, her calf is twice the size it should be after the sting.
Swelling has marginally improved today for little miss, and the leg is not as hot or hard as is was yesterday. The nurse practitioner at the hospital could not tell if it was an infection or localised allergic reaction, possibly both but the antibiotics are helping and she may be able to go to hockey tonight.

Lots of cramping for me today but still need to study and get some training done later.
I am a bit hot and sweaty but I think I am making progress with helping her to hold her hockey stick correctly. She seems to be a natural lefty when it comes to most activities except writing. The trouble with this is that hockey is a right handed game, left handed sticks are not legal. I have just spent a whole heap of time with little miss designing obstacle courses which we had to take turns dribbling the ball through which is a tough ask when you use a stick sized for a small 5 year old lol then the course had "power ups" (hitting the ball through a hollow foam roller and "bonus points" added by little miss. Bonus points was trying to get the ball into the centre of a 20kg plate lying flat on the gym floor.

so long as it is fun almost anything can be an effective training session. The little kids are the opening entertainment before tonight's competitive ladies game. The rules have changed a lot since I last played so I will probably be completely lost watching a competitive game lol.

Normally hubby would be at her hockey as well but he just got called out to a fire.

little miss did not believe me when I told here that when I was little I had to learn how to dribble the ball on lumpy grass and not the nice flat artificial grass field she gets to play on at the hockey club. when we get the grip on the stick fully sorted out I will get her into a mown paddock to practice, If she can dribble a ball across a paddock a nice smooth field should be no problem later.

I don't know anybody at the club so nobody caught on that I am a qualified sports coach.

I will report in again later tonight.
I have been working on uni stuff today, the first assessment Quiz was mostly stuff I have covered in other subjects and questions on an academic article (required reading) looking at the research problems in the field of exercise science and what needs to be done to correct them. I hope all my quizzes are this easy.