In other news, I've been pondering lately how powerlifters are all a bunch of girly girls. Evidence:
- We obsess over shoes, in particular heels.
- We wear belts around our midsection that are most certainly not there to hold our pants up, which every fashion diva knows is a great way to make your clothing taper in at the midsection, accentuating your feminine curves.
- We wear leotards.
- We're obsessed with glute drive, which of course we know is the key to a nice, round, sexy butt.
- We think that squats cure cancer, which every fitness girl must also believe based on all the squat challenges targeted at 18-25 year old females.
- We obsess over shoes, in particular heels.
- We wear belts around our midsection that are most certainly not there to hold our pants up, which every fashion diva knows is a great way to make your clothing taper in at the midsection, accentuating your feminine curves.
- We wear leotards.
- We're obsessed with glute drive, which of course we know is the key to a nice, round, sexy butt.
- We think that squats cure cancer, which every fitness girl must also believe based on all the squat challenges targeted at 18-25 year old females.