Ryan's Journal

In other news, I've been pondering lately how powerlifters are all a bunch of girly girls. Evidence:

- We obsess over shoes, in particular heels.
- We wear belts around our midsection that are most certainly not there to hold our pants up, which every fashion diva knows is a great way to make your clothing taper in at the midsection, accentuating your feminine curves.
- We wear leotards.
- We're obsessed with glute drive, which of course we know is the key to a nice, round, sexy butt.
- We think that squats cure cancer, which every fitness girl must also believe based on all the squat challenges targeted at 18-25 year old females.
Like the progress on pull ups. One of the things an old training partner and I used to do was overall rep chase. Idea was to do 50 or 100 in as few sets as possible, no overall rest, just one on bar, then the other so we rested while the other worked. Amazing how a good start can mean ending with scrappy singles.

Most power lifters also have at least one powder bag. I chalk that one up to experience.
^ Nice play on words there.

Back in the day, I had some friends who used to try and get me to do that with them RE: pull ups. It never got far, though. Those singles are brutal.
Especially fun when you are either trying to run your way up, or grab the bar pull and nothing happens. Being a naturally skinny so and so has it's advantages and in fairness I usually find bodyweight work easy, which just meant I found ways of making it harder and going past fatigue was definitely a favourite.
Probably won't be training for a couple days. I've got a bad spot in my upper back right now (not too serious, but I'd like to keep it that way). Not sure what caused it. I guess the most rational explanation would have to be aliens.
Happy Birthday, Ryan!

I've been away too much. If my birthday is coming up, it means you and Tony have had or are about to have yours... Given you are still years away from 30, I think any discussion of "old" is premature! That would be better save for me, and maaaaybe Tony.
I have recently celebrated not being 40 anymore. In fairness it is going to be good not to have people groaning at the idea of my age as if I should care.

I have seen people getting upset about turning 26, 30 and 35 in the last year. The 26 year old did cop some serious grief for that, well deserved as he was refusing to declare his age at first. I told him we'd use how decrepit he was as a sign so we'd go out for a run and we could judge his age against mine, he declared that he would be in a ball crying by the end of the road, wuss!

We're all too far off retirement no doubt. We'll get there.

Happy birthday
I feel old, because I'm constantly surrounded by people who are either 18 or 40+, and I know I'm not 18 anymore, so I must be 40. Even though I'm apparently of the age to go for a run with Tony. I look forward to turning 27, so that I can constantly remind people of my mortality; and then turning 28, so that I can basically declare that I've conquered life and death itself.
An Australian questioning if they are culturally sensitive, or understand culture. Tough one that!

Good way to tell is if you had the sausages with bacon. If so, it's not good news.

Just checking, is this an Empire slam at the colonials?