Ryan's Journal

I'll regain my confidence one of these days. I think I'm a little too confident on squats, because I keep expecting that the weight I'm using isn't that heavy. Kinda good, but I need to expect that a load's going to be a certain level of heavy to properly push the load. Based on yesterday's workout, I think I should be good to repeat my old record of 150kg when I do a novice comp in 2 weeks. If I can turn that into 152.5kg, even better.
Novice comp because you have only competed a few times? Certainly you are not a novice at lifting. Hope you can keep the knees happy as you get there.
Any competition intended for unregistered lifters is a novice comp. This is with a different federation to my last competitions, and I haven't been registered all year. A dozen people from the gym I work at are competing in this one, including the owner who has squatted 220kg in my presence. Novice competitions are basically a means to get a taste of a federation, without the commitment of membership.
Not ideal on the squats and deads, hopefully comp will get you psyched.
Have I got this right that you are planning to train right up to comp? I took a couple of days clear rest before mine, which I think helped.
Enjoy it anyway. You're a veteran compared to me on this, I only took part in one comp this will be your 3rd. I had planned to go back to doing more boxing after that comp but that never happened.
Nah, I'm doing as much training as possible now because I won't be able to for most of the week leading up to comp. I'm contemplating whether I should do a session on the Friday before comp (when I get back from camp) or not. Gotta weigh up the pros and cons of fatigue from training 2 days before comp vs having not practiced the lifts in over a week. The fatigue is looking pretty appealing, knowing how quickly my squat and deadlift strength goes out the window.
I've decided to bail on tomorrow's competition. It's more important that I rest now and reflect, while preparing to get right back into the trenches of uni on Monday, than to fumble my way through maybe getting some PB's (and maybe not).
Life is all about priorities. There will always be competitions, and you're still training so could do better at the next one. Uni is a bit more complex to do a second time around so definitely more important.
Yep. I generally aim to align my priorities as follows:

1. Jesus (totally shocking plot twist there)
2. Jesus's kingdom (more totally shocking facts)
3. Friends, family, enemies
4. Work, study
5. Leisure, interests, hobbies, lifestyle

So, competition is at the bottom of my priorities list, rather than the top. Same reason (other than money) that I rarely go to the movies, seldom buy clothing (unless my clothes are falling apart, and even then...), rarely play games (despite being a thorough D&D nerd) and haven't bought new music in years.
I'm liking the feeling of benching on my toes. I don't feel as stable doing it as benching on my heels, but do I feel a bit like a human pretzel, and that novelty is fun. I'm also finding that it's easier to keep my hips down while using leg drive this way, whereas when my heels are down, my butt wants to come up.
Good workout today. Hopefully I won't spend all week thinking "I immediately regret this decision" every time I go from sitting to standing, standing to sitting, or move up/down an incline of any variety. That made last week a little too "fun."