Ryan's Journal

Something like that. I'm working on max(ish) strength on deadlifts at the moment, which, like my squats were a couple months ago, are totally sapped of strength and need heaps of rebuilding. I'm keeping most other stuff at higher reps to prolong how long it takes me to burn out doing so many heavy deadlift sessions per week. Yesterday (below) I also went lower reps on OHP, just because my OHP looks at endurance and says "lol, no."
"In the uni gym. I like to imagine what other members might have been thinking seeing me load up the bar, followed by their thoughts seeing the reps performed."

In the cookie cutter gym I was in a couple years ago(It was all machines with one cage, one barbell and no bench) I was loading up a 335lb dead lift and the owner was walking by and said something along the lines of "No way are you going to be able to pull that one, bro!". Thanks for the vote of confidence. There was also the time that I was squatting 315 there and had a group of about 5 or 6 guys that had to stop what they were doing to watch me. I compare all of this to the guys at the old "prison" gym I worked out at a good amount of times when you would come up from a 315lb squat and some guy you didn't know would yell "ADD 10 MORE POUNDS!", then come over and spot you if you actually did it. I miss that atmosphere. Feeding off of others guys energy helped me make a lot of gains. That extra push and help from a total stranger was great.
Yeah, atmosphere makes a big difference, and can have a real impact on progress. I look forward to the sorts of reactions I'll get from people at this gym when I'm back into peak form.
When I got introduced to powerlifting the group doing so were ace. They only visited the area but the training style was something else.
You never loaded your own bar, the others training with you did it based on how you were doing that day. The first time I trained in with them on squats I looked at the 2 rep weight and balked declaring I couldn't do it. The guy who was going to be spotting me pointed out he could lift more than me plus that so I knew I was safe, then did the 2 with confidence.
They were only there a couple of weeks but that was the start to true functional training for me and I loved seeing how much more I could do than I thought. Training alone is great for many things but there is a definite loss of progress when you know there is no-one available to push and spot you.
Nice vid amigo,

Are you able to fully hold onto the bar with all fingers wrapped after the clean? I usually release pinky grip myself for lack of wrist flexibility ...especially my right.
So long as the bar is in my palms with all fingers wrapped around when it comes time to jerk, I'm not concerned about the pinky coming out in the 3rd pull/front squat portion. I can front squat with all fingers on the bar. I certainly don't keep them wrapped around the bar, though, and wouldn't want them wrapped around the bar during that part of the clean. Rigid hands after the 2nd pull = rigid arms = muscle cleans at best.
Having things working is pretty neat. There'll be a video coming later tonight, once I've remembered to bring in the cable for my new camera.
What's with all the breaks mid set? He says as if he would be able to do 100kg for 20 without these.
Brilliant stuff.

I did less than 43 minutes organised cardio today. I am put totally to shame!
What's with all the breaks mid set? He says as if he would be able to do 100kg for 20 without these.
Brilliant stuff.

I did less than 43 minutes organised cardio today. I am put totally to shame!
Locking out, breathing and replenishing some ATP between reps is standard practice in a widowmaker. Purists would say that because I'm not taking more, longer breaks, that I'm not going heavy enough.
Despite filming my work sets of squats, I didn't feel like uploading them just now. I might have a change of heart later. In the meantime, here's my first work set of bench press along with an indication that I probably should have kept the weight down on the rows.

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