Push press on wrong side of bosu...I assume this is one of those things you did mostly for the challenge/enjoyment, rather than for musculoskeletal benefits. I like the guys' response, and all the things that could go wrong seem like a good reason to watch.
I always watch my arse -- it's the sexiest one I've got.
A little extra info here: Late last week the owner of my studio insisted on putting up records for peoples' snatches, C+J's, front squats, strict presses, push presses and push jerks, alongside our squat/bench/dead records. Now I feel like I actually need to live up to my records in some capacity. That, spurred on by watching another trainer coach some of the fugliest cleans and push presses I've seen (he had her using the hex bar for crying out loud, which is suboptimal at the best of times, but she couldn't do a decent clean or press with a regular bar), prompted me to pass on regular upper body training last night and show them how it ought to be done (even though I haven't trained cleans or jerks since 2012 and wasn't good at it back then). This morning I figured that doing cleans will have a pretty similar affect to doing way-too-high-frequency deadlifts like I started on last week, so I did that instead of 3x10 deadies.