Ryan's Journal

I actually am cutting at the moment. I've gone down 3 belt notches since about October (September and December meant a lot of high calorie food for social reasons, so all my cutting efforts those months really just resulted in maintenance) and am starting to see a faint outline of my abs in the mirror. The fat on my stomach is still about 2-3x thicker than I want to get down to before I consider my next (hopefully very long and slow) bulking period. The fact that I'm cutting has very little to do with my high rep bench press, though -- that's just a function of me benching 3 days a week and practicing daily undulating periodisation so that I can handle that frequency.
I remember one situation with a great training partner. I have always been a weight chaser, wanting to lift more weight and happy to do virtually no reps, he was a rep chaser, constantly after tone and cut.
The result should have been moderation, it was anything but, almost 2 years of predominantly drop sets to keep us both happy. Good times where not having a training partner would have resulted in gooey death a number of times.
But it's the pelvic thrust.
They really drive you insane.

Not quite the same as it requires you to bring your knees in tight but it was almost relevant.
Definitely got to be a video worth watching.
Drop sets are the one thing that can wear me down quick. I used to do them and they drove me straight into the ground. Good stuff.
I seldom do drop sets, but I occasionally do them for calves or cable rows (because it's easy with pin-loaded machines) and they can be pretty potent.
But it's the pelvic thrust.
They really drive you insane.

Not quite the same as it requires you to bring your knees in tight but it was almost relevant.
Definitely got to be a video worth watching.
Why do I get the feeling a business at ryanxdotcom (which I'm now worried could be a real pawn site) is being pushed here?
Also I did am hour or so of swordfighting on Friday, learning a new style compared to the fencing I did a decade ago. That was fun.
I found that slashing attacks didn't really work very well for targeting the actual person; they were mostly good for getting their sword out of the way. From there, you've just cleared a path to their vital organs, and the easiest way to take advantage of that always intuitively felt like a thrust rather than a swing. I wouldn't mind making swordfighting a regular thing (not likely to happen in the foreseeable future), and learn whether my intuition is right or wrong in this regard.

In news not closely related to fitness, spending the uni break focusing on business activities has allowed me to put off thinking in any serious regard about uni and what's to come of it. But now I'm running out of things that need to be done for my business (having actual clients would be a good step, though; business doesn't really exist without them) and preparation for the next semester is imminent....and honestly it's sending me into anxiety mode. I was already losing motivation in this degree last semester, and now a year of studying education has given me good reason to dread actually being a teacher (cut the number of classes I'd teach in half and it sounds more doable). Seriously considering jumping ship down another path. Most people are telling me to stick around for another semester, as this coming semester has our first prac, so that I'll have practical experience to make a decision with, but it's not the act of teaching students that I'm concerned about. Give me a job as a tutor and I'd be fine.
I didn't realize you were going for a teaching degree... Yikes, brave man! I work on the tech side of education and we end up working with teachers, of course. I admire what they do, could never do it myself, and we find them to be the worst workshop and support participants ever. Now with common core curriculum and testing the crap out of kids, not sure how much creativity is left to teachers.

Swordsman, that seems an interesting career.

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Don't know what it's like down there but I did adult ed for a while and stopped because our delightful government decided to get heavily involved. It only lasted a few years and I would likely be OK there again now, but I do rather than teach these days and prefer it in fairness.
Juvenile ed in the UK is very much volume based, cover this much topic for x students and make sure they meet t least y level in the exam. Actually making the students understand the topics, enjoy them or appreciate what they can give them in later life apart from a job totally devoid.
In order to do this they aim for the in 7 who learn from didactic absorption of facts spouted by a teacher and books, of which I am one. This fact makes others surprised that I feel juvenile education is failing, after all it worked for me, why would I care. Reality is it is why I hate it, the grief you get for being the swot shows how few are getting full benefit of education.
Adult ed could be tailored to the student when I did it and years after but this was being removed due to it taking longer than the government wanted. Juvenile failed them and they were determined adult would do the same. A few years of failures taught them to leave alone, unfortunately juvenile is still about apply pressure in all directions and blame the teachers when it goes wrong, then the teachers blame the government for the constantly mobile goalposts.
Teaching is great, the political pressures etc. are why I would never want to do it.
I didn't do any training today. Instead I spent a bunch of time throughout the day with someone I've been very blessed to get to know over the last year, who's like a big brother to me, and after that my anxiety has been chopped to bits, which is making me much more comfortable with continuing with the current degree, at least until I've done my first lot of prac, and see how I feel after that. It helps a lot that he has his own struggles with anxiety and sees a councilor about it, so he was able to empathise and talk through the rational and irrational components of the problem with me, rather than just telling me what to do.
Before heading to the gym this morning, one of the last things I did was declare in Claire's journal that I do a lot of improv. Today was a very overt example of that.