Ryan's Journal

You lost the sexy sideburns! Have you gone totally crazy?

There is something strangely rewarding about doing one exercise really well then being totally wasted after it. You know you must have done well at the start but still hate not doing well later.
Yeah, sideburns became more than sideburns for Movember, and since Movember I've basically just just all my facial hair evenly once a fortnight, so that it averages out to manly stubble all over for 11 out of 14 days.

Here's one for the newest member of our little clan of actives in here:

I have no idea if the pride is just sympathy for the elderly or agreement that rap had it coming but I'll take compliments where I get them.
If you've never seen the Olympic lifts before, this probably looks quite fancy. If you know them fairly well, this looks grotesque, especially when you go frame by frame and see everything that's out of whack.

My wife says they are a lot better than most done at the gym she's at.
I spotted the errors, then read you blog post and realised so did you. One in particular looked far better than the others, almost continuous movement, sooth and stable.
And now for the totally irrelevant comment (because I was surely overdue!)...

Seems your cheeks get a killer workout everytime you do!
When a fit lady is admiring, do you care which?
I do remember being told a few times I looked better as a rear view, it's nice to be 'complimented' I think.
Get yer coat Ryan you've pulled.

Feeble attempt to link a Yorkshire chat up line and reference deadlifts, while demonstrating why comedy isn't my profession.
Well just to alleviate any concerns that I am some sort of dangerous, twice your age cougar, I was referring to the cheeks on your face... :eek:
Well I'm glad that's all been sorted out. In a completed unrelated tangent, there's some lower-body cheek related stuff in yesterday's workout:

I spent today in a 2-day PT business building workshop, and as a pleasant surprise one of the guys I met at uni this time last year was in the course. I got to help him work on a USP, so then I was all like "Yay, I'm helping!" which is what we all say while we're busy causing more harm than good.
It's the most romantic day of the year, so I thought I'd share some beautiful poetry.


Roses are red
Violets are blue
Sugar is sweet
And so are you---BUT:
Roses are dying
Violets are dead
Sugar bowl's empty
And so is your head


Roses are red
Violets are red
Sugar is red
I killed your dog


Roses are wow
Violets are wow
Sugar is wow
Such poetry


Happy Singles Awareness Day
Keeping this on the fitness vein, this would of course be totally suitable if talking to a female cyclist about her new bike.

Rubies are red
Emeralds are green
I love your legs
And what's in between