Ryan's Journal

Thanks for the tips, Tony. I managed to figure out with about 97% certainty what's going on while I was squatting this morning (it's my shoulders, doing something they hadn't done to me in quite a while, and have traditionally been a bit more blatant about it, mostly because they usually get like this from doing power cleans, which have a rather abrupt affect), before having gotten to my computer to check your post, but I went through the movements anyway to see if anything stood out. One thing stood out -- it feels nice to do all of the above without any weight in my hands.
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Following the theme I put forward R.E.M. performing It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)

If the link is removed fair enough but I thought it coud be good.

Doesn't look like you are getting the desired results from Juniors session, though I may be reading this wrong. Good to have given it a go though. Not everything works for everyone and we can only know after trying.
^ I've constantly had that song floating around in my head for the last couple days. You know what they say about great minds.

Yeah, my body basically crapped out on me by the end of week 2. My upper body hasn't forgiven me yet (although it's not hurting anymore), my deadlifts feel neglected (maybe I should treat them to the parameters of the squat nemesis workout, since doing singles with them has worked alright in the past), but my squats are coming back up alright.
There is nothing worse than being stuck under a bench press bar with those lacking in gorm simply staring at you as if they have no idea what to do.
No the person stuck will not be mad at you if you ask about helping them then lift it off their chest, so please support your local bench press society by giving just a few moments of your time.

Fortunately I have a nice safety rack which I set just below the level the bar would get to and use arched back so not an issue for me now. Getting soft in my old age I know.
Have used bands occasionally. Personal opinion, don't like them, too neat, clean, and predictable.
One thing that helped me improve power a lot was training on unstable surfaces. The movements were basically the same, and to those watching it would just appear that I was doing the same thing with lower weights. However when I came to do the exercise planted, the slight imperfections in movement were compensated for so easily the weights went up.
I make no guarantees and be aware a lot of what I do is dangerous for those of us you didn't do time in ballet tights, but you may consider giving it a go, next time round.
^ Not something I'm overly keen on, but even if I did feel like trying it, unstable surfaces are none too present in my gym. I could maybe do bench press lying on a foam roller (which I have actually done once upon a time during Pilates), but that's about it.
Good session there. I take it you're prefering this to smolov.
Unstable work is somthing you either take to or don't if in doubt don't do it. I have seen people approaching it worried end up hurt by being over cautious. By contrast I have done a form of snatch on the wrong side of a bosu with no issue, even when failing. That was pre-epilepsy diagnosis, now I have to be sensible, that sucks.
I'm definitely preferring this over Smolov. My body's working again, and it looks like I'll be thoroughly able to secure myself a squat PB when competition comes in April, just based on these first two weeks alone. I'm drawing this conclusion from the fact that my 140kg squat came from a 10x100kg squat, followed by a couple weeks of acclimatising to heavier loads (but not a proper max strength or peaking phase). I think it's safe to say that I'll be doing 10x100kg and then some over the next few weeks, and then I've still got a few months worth of work with 8's and 5's to really build up. I've found that squats help my deadlifts and deadlifts help my squats, so the carry-over there looks promising as well. My last bench PB was with technique that hadn't been properly developed yet, so improved technique alone could give me a PB on my bench in 3 months time, but the fact that I'll be pausing in competition to make it legal might balance out the numbers.
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