Front Squats
1x55kg -- Jokes were had about being able to count to schfiffty-five.
3x8x65kg -- I'm pretty sure this is a rep PB.
3x10x110kg -- Surprisingly, these felt less impossibru than last week's deadlifts. I don't want to give the wrong impression and have people thinking this was easy, but it was less insanely hard. I like it when this happens, especially since, as I mentioned on Monday, I only have to be doing 3x8 at the moment.
Farmer's Walk/GHR
50mx37.5kg/10xGreen -- Little PB's indahouse. This is normally where I do shrugs, but the space I normally use for it was taken up, and this gave me a good excuse to turn to the guy I was training alongside and say: "I'm gonna go for a little walk, but don't worry, I'll be right back." About halfway through the second set of farmer's, I remembered that I'm trying not to choke the handles if I don't have to.
Calf Raise
20x300lb -- Another little PB.
>> 6x200lb
>>6x100lb -- Drop sets. Couldn't be bothered waiting around to do another full set, so I figured I'll drop set it instead.
Last week I mentioned bringing in one of my friends and coaching him on the squat, bench press, deadlift and seated row. This week I got him back in, this time at the same time as me. While I was doing front squats, he was doing chin ups and high bar back squats. While I was doing deadlifts, so was he. He finished his deadlifts by the time I'd done my first work set, so then I had him doing overhead presses. Lastly, while I was doing FW's and GHR's, I had him doing a circuit of decline sit ups, curls and standing triceps extensions.
We were both really pleased with his deadlifts today. Made me proud. Last week, he was struggling with 25kg. This week we got him up to a couple sets of 5x40kg with good form, and he tried a set of 50kg and got 8 reps, although form wasn't so pretty (still legal, though, and I could tell that the intensity of the lift was low enough that he wasn't likely to hurt himself this time around). I think next week we'll have him going for 3x5x45kg. I didn't have to give him my whory cues to get him into the right position on most of his sets, either. I used my brain and stuck a belt around him instead

A lot of coaches, PT's and lifters are against people using belts until they've reached some arbitrary heavy loads, but the fact of the matter is belts give you proprioceptive feedback, which makes it easier to cue yourself. He'd also had a week to mentally review technique tips, which I imagine had some benefit.