Ryan's Journal

I haven't done curls in so many years, apart from a few for demonstration purposes. I surprised myself a years or so ago when someone asked me to show them supine curls, I took hold of what I assumed where their weights just to demo, they were shocked too, as they hadn't started, someone had just left them there. I think they were 17.5, maybe 20 but felt comfortable to demo during deadlift session.
Means the model whose weights you nabbed has arms looking more impressive than mine, like most people.
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I used to do curls all the time when I was a teenager, cus, you know...teen. Once I got to about 20 years old, I pretty much stopped all isolation exercises unless they had a rehab/prehab purpose in my training. I've only started doing isolation exercises again since moving to my current gym, at the coach's recommendation. I was doing just fine on building up strength on curls and triceps extensions when they were an add-on to my own programming, but now that I'm on this split, my arms -- especially triceps -- are getting slaughtered before I get to the isolation work. I noticed that I definitely haven't lost arm strength in my years off from doing isolation work. I don't think I'll be curling 20kg DBs in the near future, so I must salute your random shocking curls.
Irony being the only reason I used them was being too lazy to go get a set of 1kg or similar as I normally would. There is of course no guarantee that I did them well, but the people asking seemed to do so after so I guess so. I had only done a few sets of deadlift.
The joy of following compound with isolation. Looking at the most pathetic weight you could imagine and knowing there is no way you are going to move it because you've already destroyed every part of your body.
I suffered similar on squats. Pistols are somthing I can normally do in my sleep and I wanted to do them with a kettle making it goblet style. I tried the movement without any weight, got half way down and realised it was not going to happen. I wasn't unhappy as it meant the rest of the session had been up to scratch for me to be that shattered.
I often try finishing on something I should find easy to assess the rest of the workout, not this time, knowing that is should feel insultingly hard.
One comforting thing. I won't lose my mind when I am older, it's already gone.
Hmm, that's a good perspective. I'll keep that in mind as I continue to use barbie weights at the end of each session over the coming weeks.

You're only born with a so much madness, you mustn't lose it!
Hyperextension benches. Device that one gender has to be more carefull getting onto than the other. Safer than good mornings in theory, but you can add weight to remove the safety barrier and improve lower back strength.
Most stupid thing I have ever seen done on one, someone holding the weight behind their head rather than in front of their chest. Before you ask it wasn't me in the mirror.
In other news, I just remembered that I flipped a 140kg tyre for fun yesterday, just to see if I could. Why? Because one of the women at the gym was doing it, and I remembered the last time I tried flipping a tyre back in 2008 or 2009 and was so weak I needed a spotter to help me. So, when I did it yesterday and it felt like no big deal, I was pretty happy.

Nothing like a woman doing what you can't (or at least what you remember not being able to do) to make you bat your chest.

Reminds of back around the same time I couldn't flip a tyre, I was doing RDLs for 60kg, and one of the young women came along, set up a barbell for 80kg right next to me, and starting doing RDLs. Well, I couldn't let this go on, now, could I?
One of the people I have trained with was a female powerlifter who'd been back a short while after a break. Well under my weight, and started off lifting a third of my weights to start with, six months later and despite having increased my weights she was soon lifting over a half mine,
It gets better still, virtually no build up and able to give full beans and still look totally recovered a few moments after an impressive 1RM. There is no substitute for genetics and training together pushed us both really hard. She hated being outdone and totally ignore my gender and higher bodyweight, and I was detirmined to stop her catching me up. Good combination.
I look forward to the day I can add weight on those...or at least not need assistance for them.

You will get there and then see why maybe you shouldn't have. There is little funnier than watching someone walking who is aching from hypers. Looks like the Donald Duck appreciation society.
One of the people I have trained with was a female powerlifter who'd been back a short while after a break. Well under my weight, and started off lifting a third of my weights to start with, six months later and despite having increased my weights she was soon lifting over a half mine,
It gets better still, virtually no build up and able to give full beans and still look totally recovered a few moments after an impressive 1RM. There is no substitute for genetics and training together pushed us both really hard. She hated being outdone and totally ignore my gender and higher bodyweight, and I was detirmined to stop her catching me up. Good combination.
That is a pretty good combination of attitudes.
I generally train on my own. It's been aeons since I had a regular training partner. I'll work in with people on occasion, though, and that'll generally mean helping each other out.
That tyre flip looks like a real technique exercise. Lift with momentum snatch style, get legs under it then front squat and push press.
Not done it so likely missed out massess.
There probably is a technique to it. Maybe I should get some instruction one of these days, instead of just grabbing it and hoping to get lucky.
This has prompted me to look up some instructional videos on tyre flipping. I've just watched 3 videos from seperate reliable sources that all say not to deadlift the tyre. That's one lesson I probably could have used earlier today.
I was guessing, as spectators do, that this was more like the short explosive lift you do for a power clean. I tend to be reliant on legs so lift to around hip height then duck down under the bar for power clean.
I think the tyre flip would be similar lift without ducking down as much as shoving the body against the tyre with at least one leg bent.
How far off am I?
Well, I'm still 99% uneducated, but that sounds about right. It's probably more comparable to a muscle clean than a power clean or squat clean from what I can tell, but the concept seems to be fairly similar.