Fri 19/10/12
I was sick on Wednesday, so training then wasn't a brilliant idea, but it turned out alright. I was sicker today, and it had a dramatic influence on my ability to train. Should've stayed home, as far as health is concerned, however I did hit a rep/volume PR on squats, and did so without a belt (since I'm waiting on the new gym's medium size belts to arrive), so right now I'm going to say it was worth it.
Pull Ups
3x10x90kg -- Rep PR, no belt, sick. I managed to get through all these sets without feeling any ill effects.
Bench Press And then suddenly my body crapped out on me.
2x5x20kg -- with at least a 5min rest between each set, because I felt like I was going to pass out.
3x40kg -- Still felt like passing out, so I decided give up on benching today, and went and sat down in the corner watching everyone else lift for probably 45min before deciding I was well enough to get in the car and drive home.