Fri 28/09/12
Today was a very full day. I met up with one of my pastors at 10am at a cafe, and broke my fast about 2-4 hours before I normally do. No biggy, although being cafe food I'm sure it was big calories. I like to think that I burnt off a reasonable portion of any excessive calories from that meal by spending a little over 2 hours walking around the city today, going the long way to run some personal errands (picking up an assignment and visiting the ATO to deal with both this year and last year's taxes). In the late afternoon I went to get my driver's licence upgraded, and then finally got to the gym in the evening, where I entered beast mode.
2x5 BW squat
2x15 drills
2x3/3/3/3x20kg hp/hang sn/p sn/sn bal
3/3/3/3x25kg hp/hang sn/p sn/sn bal
5x1x35kg -- not the best snatch session by a long shot, but this would soon be redeemed...
1+1x50kg -- At this point, I'd finished all the cleaning and jerking that I'd planned for today, but there were squat-rack curlers preventing me from doing my planned back squats, so I decided to keep doing cleans and see what happens.
1x55kg -- I thought I'd just do a bunch of singles at this weight, but then I did a single, and realised....I had at 5kg more in me, for sure. This meant it was time to throw away the boxes holding up the bar, and put on the big boy weights, something I've been wanting to do for a very, very, very long time.
1x60kg -- PR!!! I rested at least 3min after the set at 55kg, and if I were any more psyched up preparing for this lift (because cracking that 1-plate mark had a huge mental barrier for me, and I needed to get very psyched), I would have gotten kicked out of the gym for screaming at everyone. I had to thoroughly resist the temptation to psyche myself out. But, belted up, chalked up, I stepped up to the bar, I squatted down, wrapped my fingers around it, took a deep breath and exploded up....and when I caught the weight and stood up with it, I realised something truly ****ing awesome. I still had 5kg more me.
1x65kg -- I know that to most strength athletes this isn't a big deal. But to me it is, okay? By this time, I was feeling like a legend, like a boss, like a mother****er. Did I mention I was hanging out with a pastor from church this morning? Because, like a mother****er!
Bench Press -- I didn't bother trying to get into the squat rack. After those clean PR's I really didn't care if I squatted or not, so I let the curl-bros keep broing up the place, and did some broing of my own.
Pull Ups
5x8xBW throughout the session