Weight-Loss Road Trip Challenge: FAT to SLIM

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*AHEM* Douche is a bit of a harsh word - lol...

Ummm fine.... a douche-alina? hahaaa 6 miles for me today.

New Total= 655.25 Miles

I did one hour worth of upper and lower body exercises which is 2 miles for me. plus 1.75 mile walk so a total of 3.75 miles

New Total: 659 Miles

Keep up the great work everyone.

Note to myself: Gotta kick the workouts up a notch everyones kicking butt here. LOL :jump:
I missed my post yesterday, so I did a lower body on tuesday and Wednesday I ran 2 miles so the new total is:

Howdy GRIFF,
Dropping by to wish ya gr8 weekend keep on rocking,have
fun swimming with the lil ones.Tammy
hello all

I'm going to add my workout from last night into the total I played 30 minutes of ddr making sure my heart rate is at least 65-75 % of my maximum for 20 minutes of that time. (burned 366 cals according to my hrm) and 1.5 mile walk.

2.5 miles in total for yesterday. Still not sure what all today includes since my sis is in town today and we usually go to the mall or the park or something with my son depending on how busy we all are.

New Total:699 miles

Will add today's totals in tonight after the day is done. Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Keep on adding those miles.
Hey guys, I just had a quick question. How long does it take on average for someone to walk a mile. I hear its around 15 minutes or so? Im asking because I only end up doing about 2 miles on treadmill walking at medium speed for 50 minutes (burning around 350 calories)..which doesn't seem right. Maybe my units are different for treadmill or something? Anyways thanks!
I am sorry I have not been contributing to the road trip!! I have been helping a friend rip up carpet and repaint walls and such, which is consuming a lot of time I would have spent exercising. I will try to get back on track as soon as we are done at her house!

I walked 2.28 miles today but will round it down to 2 miles.

New Total: 734 miles

Keep up the good work everyone. Hope you all have a good monday.
This past week I worked out for about 26 hours doing extreme dancing for a performance so that equals 52 miles! [ just wasn't on here to add it unfortunately :( but here we go ]

NEW TOTAL : 786 Miles
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