Really really odd the opposite of us

Am I the only one who gets "page not found" when I try to view this supposedly humorous forum?
That reminds me, you forgot to PM me your picture ;)

Yeah, I know, Phate. The pic is coming. My evil twin sister looks better than I do, though ;)

I just can't figure out how to work my camera, and what guy wants to spend 30 minutes figuring it out? I don't even know the difference between the battery and whatever else needs to be charged up. Don't laugh. I'm completely electronically challenged.

Therefore, I think I'll use a cell phone :) I know how to do that :D
Did you guys really do this?

Yes. My moniker is i_love_fat.

EDIT: But I can't post anything yet. Here's the message I keep getting: "Your account is awaiting manual moderation by the administrator of Please be patient during this process".

What do they I'm trying to do? Hijack them? Mwahahahahahahaha :D
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Man. I can't resist reading that forum.

They make it seem like gaining is some sort of thing that requires an intense amount of persistence, effort and knowledge.

"I found a new way to bloat, I go in the shower, unscrew the shower head and drink until I am very bloated."


LMAO!!! I'm going to join over there as well seeing as I'm a chubby chaser and all.

This could be fun.:SaiyanSmilie_anim:

edit = dammit! They've banned yahoo email addy's from registering.
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Man. I can't resist reading that forum.

They make it seem like gaining is some sort of thing that requires an intense amount of persistence, effort and knowledge.

"I found a new way to bloat, I go in the shower, unscrew the shower head and drink until I am very bloated."



The more I read this forum, the more I believe it's a "secret" society. The reason I believe this is because of the fact that mods have account deletion as way to remove traces of a member from the site. Sort of like the opposite of an anx site or whatever they call it. I know there are active sites out there where they have the exact same thing as this big guts forum except it's for anorexic who share secrets of hiding their behavior from parents and tips on denying when confronted and tips on how to go through the day with 0 calories. It's quite sad that one would do this. I believe typically male would have this sort of behavior while women would tend to have the anorexic behavior.

I don't think it would be funny to post on this forum for the purpose that these people seem to be ill in some way. Sort of like mocking children with special needs... I think posting on that site would put you in the category of "definitely going to hell."
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You know, a bunch of guys from t-nation did the same thing to a knitting forum. It was really awesome. They'd say stuff like "20 rep stitching and milk!!!"

Is this the gang-mentality of the 21st century? E-thugs gang-trolling other forums to take over their turf and brainwash their members...funny stuff!

I agree that the forum there is pretty really doesn't feel real to me...I do think there's more to this story.
Ok somethings wrong with this site you're all talking about, I can't see it on any of my computers, it says page not found. Even if I try to get to it through google. I guess I miss out on this one :(

It sounds a lot like those pro-anorexia and bulimia sites though... where the disorders are called Ana and Mia so their moms think their talking about friends and they share tips on how to hide it from parents, how to get in the starving mind set, etc. Or those forums that are pro-suicide. Its a gathering of people with an unhealthy mind set encouraging eachother and finding acceptance from others with the same problems, instead of getting help. I think its kind of sad.
You know what's funny about that site? Look at where almost ALL the members are located. Good ol' US of A.....only in America is it socially acceptable to be fat where it isn't inherent to your job, i.e. Sumo wrestler.

And America wonders why we're laughed at by the rest of the world for being "fat and out of shape".
You know what's funny about that site? Look at where almost ALL the members are located. Good ol' US of A.....only in America is it socially acceptable to be fat where it isn't inherent to your job, i.e. Sumo wrestler.

And America wonders why we're laughed at by the rest of the world for being "fat and out of shape".
