Really really odd the opposite of us

I hate to do this but come the **** on!

first time for a story hope u enjoy!

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"I'm going now! bye mom, love you!"
I walked out the door to my car to drive to school for the day. I drive just a few minutes to stop at a supermarket. For the past month or so I have been too hungry and needing 2 breakfasts. one at my house and one on my way to school. I have noticed my weight steadily increase, from 180 from the beginning to now 200 with only one month left of school.

While buying a dozen doughnuts, for my second breakfast the man who worked behind the bakery counter commented on my appetite.
"Hungry huh?"
The man seemed familiar perhaps he has seen me come in EVERY day for the past month. i bought my doughnuts, and walked out of the supermarket while driving to my school and munching on the delicious treats glazed with chocolate, i found my self with an empty box by the time i got to school.

I walked into my school...It was an average monday morning. All the students walking around majority of the girls with either some sort of starbucks or a gas station slushie. I walk into my first period class, Speech. I barely make it to class in time. Out of breath by just fast walking into class i slam down on my chair with the floor shaking underneath and the desk screeching underneath my weight.
"Getting your morning doughnuts huh, Dan?" my teacher taunted
What was he talking bout? Did he see me at the super market? The class starts laughing i can feel my face getting red from embarrassment.

The girl next to me leans to my ear and says "look at you shirt."
I look down and i have a giant chocolate stain from the doughnuts. CRAP! i thought. I quickly take off my shirt, thankfully with an undershirt underneath. But in my haste, i lift up my undershirt along with it. the class and teacher gets a good look at my soft jiggly belly resting on my lap with my man boobs sagging on top of them. I quickly pull down the undershirt and try to imagine myself somewhere else to get me out of this hole, that i dug myself in.

to be continued?....

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FFS. There is a thread called "Lord of the pies".



Edit: I apologize for the distasteful remarks I originally wrote. Thank god for admins.
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I've gotta say I have only good things to say about being fat myself. I simply love the pleasurable physical sensations of my fatness and even though I am not all that huge, I enjoy watching other people checking out my big beach ball. And I enjoy the fact that my belly arrives everywhere before the rest of me does!


Well, I never did actually put it together or formulate it in my own mind. I can only state that:
1st It is more dangerous to be underweight than to be overweight.
2nd, look at the physiques of those "power-lifters" who lift astronomical amounts of weight over their heads. THEY ALL HAVE BIG BELLIES. You see, a mans midsection is his centre of gravity whereby if he had a slim waist-line the midsection would EXPLODE under all of that pressure. Our bigguts member, "bellywish" is a fine example.
3rd, picture yourself stranded in a hot desert. Your fat would provide you with the hydration for extended survival whereas the skinny dude would perish.
4th, I read an article in the news about a man who had suffered a gun-shot wound in his mid-section. The bullet sank and was lodged in a 4-inch thick layer of fat! If he had been skinny the bullet would have continued on and his condition would have been fatal.

All of this gives me a reason to smile.

I don't think I have any "unfavourite" reasons for being fat. When the climate is hot I drink citrus beverages, and AVOID any sugar or any other simple carbohydrate, which will heat us up!.


Best regards,

Yes, I fear of getting shot as well. Perhaps instead of growing a gut... I should... I don't know, buy a bullet proof vest instead?

As for the hydration, I don't think that's true for lots of reason. One being that if you're out of shape, you'll sweat more thereby lose hydration faster than a person of normal shape.

I don't know anyone who can eat a dozen donuts in less than a drive to school. I mean holy smokes must have shoved them down. I mean if I had to eat like that, I would have smashed it all over my shirt as well. Although I remember as a child, I was not to be given ice cream at preschool as I would smash them all over myself.
"Gaining weight is more than over eating Food, you have to be mentally
into it too. Relaxing your nerves and removing as much stress as possible.
Then the weight has a better chance to materialize! Then your gut will grow."

I like how there is a mental aspect to it too. And how they capitalize food as if it's a god, lol..

Yeah I saw that too.

I guess I'll take back my previous statement. I thought this was a site to maintain healthy status even at larger weight. I mean there are plenty of large people who are fairly athletic. I mean at 5k's, I see several people of the larger set running and swimming, so there is nothing written that says you can't be large and healthy.
Large and healthy? Large= unnecessary stress to joints and heart. Every oz of useless flesh on your body strains your heart and displacement therefore being large is not (IMO) equal to being healthy. More heart beats = shortened lifespan. Strained displacement = inefficient waste of your own time.

Being healthy is to have a strong, lean and efficient heart/body and to be able to live without having yourself impeding your own damn abilities.

Useless flesh adds momentum and imbalance in your strides too which is also bad for joints, structure and increases risk of injury.

Thing is I bust my ass to try to attain healthiness while these people mindlessly destroy themselves. It's frustrating and saddening at the same time.

gluttony :[
i dont have anything against fat people but when you are trying to get fat...for apparently no reason....i cannot see anything pure in that.
Also, reading the forum again, I think it's a secret club of some type.

Like one topic is:

For those of us still living with our parents:
Who here has been caught enaging in gaining related activities?
I am VERY VERY careful and have not been caught thus far but I am sure that I could easily get caught.

Which makes me believe these people are hiding the fact that they're gaining.
What a fing joke that site is.

Who in their right mind would want to wake up everyday and kill themselves slowly by gaining weight, feeling like shyt, and looking HORRIBLE?
Yo, we should all register on that website and start posting how to lose weight tips, weight lifting stuff, and general fitness advice and pretend its our forums LOL
You know, a bunch of guys from t-nation did the same thing to a knitting forum. It was really awesome. They'd say stuff like "20 rep stitching and milk!!!"
Let's do it! ;)

While we're at it, we should all post pictures of ourselves complaining about the fact that we're really tired of having such beautiful hard, muscular bodies, and how difficult it is to gain weight because we are all allergic to refined foods.

Boo hoo :(
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Let's do it! ;)

While we're at it, we should all post pictures of ourselves complaining about the fact that we're really tired of having such beautiful hard, muscular bodies, and how difficult it is to gain weight because we are all allergic to refined foods.

Boo hoo :(

I love you sooooo mucheeee. :hug2:
I'm totally serious, too.

We should start a thread titled "What to do if you are allergic to refined foods" and bombard them with healthy eating habits.

And then we can post our pics. Maybe I should show them what one pound of fat looks like ...

and what 152 pounds of muscle looks like ;)

My evil twin sister has hijacked my mind and body ...
I'm totally serious, too.

We should start a thread titled "What to do if you are allergic to refined foods" and bombard them with healthy eating habits.

And then we can post our pics. Maybe I should show them what one pound of fat looks like ...

and what 152 pounds of muscle looks like ;)

My evil twin sister has hijacked my mind and body ...

That reminds me, you forgot to PM me your picture ;)
That reminds me, you forgot to PM me your picture ;)

As I remember it, the people were promised a public viewing.

I_love, please refer to the BabyGotBack thread wherein you may observe something re: the size of my cojones in comparison to yours.