Nae82 - Trying to stay on track

So yesterday I had to finish my "fitness testing" for this stupid lifting class..

The first number is from the start of the class (August 28th) and the second is from this week.

Weight: 132 - 129 (supposed to be bulking here lol)
BF%: 22.1% - 19.4%
sit and reach: 23in - 25in
chin up: 2 (lol) - 9 (yay!)
push up: 12 - 18
sit ups (as many in 60 seconds): 45 - 51
12 min walk/run: 1.06mi (i hate running) - 1.58mi (still sucks)
stupid balance test.. wont even bother to put that here lol

Impressive! Especially the chin ups! And it looks like you are running your mile in under 8 mins, which is probably better than most.
Thanks Stingo and Bookworm! :)
Weight: 132 - 129 (supposed to be bulking here lol)
BF%: 22.1% - 19.4%
sit and reach: 23in - 25in
chin up: 2 (lol) - 9 (yay!)
push up: 12 - 18
sit ups (as many in 60 seconds): 45 - 51
12 min walk/run: 1.06mi (i hate running) - 1.58mi (still sucks)
stupid balance test.. wont even bother to put that here lol
Thats some awesome progress! Dropping weight and BF while upping everything else. Nice job =]
Thanks Merc!

Tony.. you'll have to wait until it warms up a bit.. I just got back from Indianapolis.. and it's just too damn cold anywhere north of Texas.

So, I haven't been back on track since I went to Iowa, and this trip just threw me off even more. I did a lot of networking with people which meant a lot of dinners and drinking.. and no gym. I swear I feel like I gained 20lbs.. and I have finals this week. Once I get through thursday.. I'll be back on track. (i hope)
Nope.. the whole time I was out there.. it was straight from the office to dinner to the bar.. and by the time I got back to my room.. i could just picture myself trying to do a push up.

this little break was nice, but ill just hit it even harder now.. I'm not too worried.
awe.. well darn.. I guess I could have come and thrown some tires last week :(
oh well, we are working on a huge project and I'll probably be going back up there in the near future.
ok, I promise i'll get back to this thread actually being a workout journal; however, I just wanted to share a bit of info for those who care (or actually read this thing):

umm.. as much as I hate labels, my boyfriend popped the question!!!
congratz on the engagement. I've been with my honey for over 20 years and i am still totally out of control in love, wild, jealous and having a passionate time of life!!

good for you.

and it's about time-- i was beginning to think he was just a dummy or something. hahahaha
Thanks guys! :D